2� 15�7458
<br /> this Security�nstrument and performs other mortgage�oan servicing abliga�ions un�er the Note,this Security�nstrumen�,
<br /> and�ppl�cable La�w.Th�re a�sv rn�ght�e one ar rnore�hang���f th����n 5��vt��t�unr�l��ed t����t����h�N���,�f
<br /> �he�e is a change of the Lflan Serv�cer,Borrvwer wi11 be giv�n writ�eri notice of�h�chang�which wxll s�a�e�he narn�and
<br /> addr�ss of���ne�v Loan Se�vicer,the address#�o which pa�rm�nts shau�ld be made and any other information RESPA
<br /> r�qui�es in c�nn���i4n wifh a noti�e of�rax�.sfer o�sezviGin�,If the Na�e i�soid ar�d thereaft�r�he Loaen i�s�r�i�ed by a
<br /> Loan Serv�cer ath��r than�he pur�haser af�h.e Note,�he mor�gag�loan ser�iGing obliga�i�ns ta Bor�av�rer will rem�in wi�a
<br /> th�Loan S�r��cer�r b�transfer�red to a su�cessor LQa� Ser�icer a,n.d ar�not assumed b�the No�e purehaser unless
<br /> a�h�rwise pro�ided by the No�e�urchaser.
<br /> Ne�ther�orrower n�r Lender may cammence�join,or�e ja�ned to an��udicia�l a�tiori�as ei�her an indi�idua�litigant
<br /> or the rra.ember of a�1ass}that arises from th�ath�r party's ac��ons pursuan��o�his Securii�y�nstrumen�or�ha�alleges�ha�
<br /> th� a�h�r par�y has breached any pro�is��n of, or any duty owed L�y r�ason of, �his Securi�y Ir�sfrumen�, until su�h
<br /> Borrovver ar Lender has nfltified the�th�r party�w�th such no�ice gi�en in compliance wi�h th�requirements of Sec�ion
<br /> 15�af such a�le�ed breach and afford�d the other party hereta a reas�nabie period after�he gi�vin��f su�h�atice to�cake
<br /> cor�ree�ive action.If Ap�l�cable Law prov�d�s a time�eriod wh��h rnus�e�apse befQre certazn ac�ian can b�taken,�hat
<br /> time pe�iod vviii be deemed�o be reasonab��for purpose�of�h��paxagraph.The natice flf a�celera�xon and oppar�unity�o
<br /> cure gi�en ta Borrov��r pursuant�v 5ec�ian��and the nv��G�of accelera�i�n gi�en���3orr��rer pursuant�a Section�S
<br /> sha�l be deem�d�o satisfy�he nnt��e an�.�ppar�un.ity�o�ake c�r�ec�i�e ac�ion�ro�visions of�his Sect�on 2�.
<br /> �1.�Iazardous Su�s�an�es.As used ix�this 5e��ion 2�:�a�"Ha.�ardous Substances"a.�re thase sub�tances defined as
<br /> tax�c or hazardaus subs�ances,pol�u�ants,or v�astes�b�En�ironm�ntal Lavrr a�nd�he foliovving substances: gasolxne,
<br /> kerosene, o�her fl�mma�b�� or taxic petrol�um products,taxic pes�icid�� and h�rb�cides, �o�atile s�lven�s,ma�eriax�
<br /> containin�a�b�stos ar formaldeh�de,and radioaGtive ma�erials;�b�"Environmental Law"m�ans feder�laws and laws
<br /> of �he jurxsdictiori where the Propert� is laGated �ha� rela�e �� �ea��h, saf�ty or en�ironmenta� pro�ectivn;
<br /> �c�"En�ir�nmen�a� Clcax�up" in�ludes any respon�e a��i�n, r�medial action, �r rema�ral ac��on, as def�ned in
<br /> Environmen�al Law�and�d}an"Er���ronm�ntal�ondi�iQn"means a c�ndition that�an cause,eon#�ib�x�e taa or o�h.er�vise
<br /> �rigger�n Env��onmen�al Glea.nup.
<br /> Borrovver shall�ot cause or permi�the�resence,us�7 d�sposal,storag���r re�ease�f ar�y Ha.�ardous Subs�ances,or
<br /> threa�en to r�Iease any Ha�ard�us Subs��nces,on or xn�he PrQ�ex-t�y.For�rower shall n��d�,nor allflw anyane e�se�a do,
<br /> a.nything affectirig the Proper�y�a�tha�is in��o�atian of any Env��r�nmentai Law,(b�which creates an Env�ronm�n�a�
<br /> C�ndi�zon,or�c}vvhich,due�o the presenG�,use,or rel�ase o�a Hazardous Substanc�,create�a cond�tion�t�iat adverse�y
<br /> aff�c�s the�alue o�the P�op�r�.The prec�din��wa sentenc�s sha�X no�appiy���he pres��.ce,us�,or stara�e on the
<br /> Prap�rfi�of sma�l quantx�ies of Ha�.rdous Substances�hat are generall�r�cogn�zed to be ap�rapria�e�o nor�x�ai resident�a�
<br /> �.ses aa�d�o mainteriance of�he Property�including,but not lirnited to,hazaxd�us subs�ara.�es in cansum�r produc�s}.
<br /> Borro�vtirer sha�l promp�ly�i�e L�nder wrxtten notice of�a)an�r investigatian,claim,demand,lav�v�uit or other ac�ioxa
<br /> b�an� governmental or re�u�a�or� ag�ncy or pr��at�pa,r�y involving�he Property and a�a.y I-�a.�ardou�s S�ubstan�e or
<br /> �nvironmen�a.l Law�f which Borrower has actual �nov�rle�ge, �b) any Environmen�al�ondi��on, including but no�
<br /> iimxted ta,any spilling,leaking,dis�har�e,r�lease ar thr�a�af release af a�ay Ha�ardous Substance,and�c}any condi�i�n
<br /> caused b���.e presence,use or release af a�Hazarrdous Substance vvhich ad�ersely affec�s the va.Iue of the Praperty.If
<br /> �orrower learns,or is n��ifed b�any governmental ar reguia�ory au�h�rity,or any pri�ate par�y,�ha�an�rerno�val�r
<br /> o�her remedia�ion af any Ha,�ardous 5ubs�anc�affecti�ng the Property�s necessary,Borr�wer shall pr�mptiy ta,ke aI�
<br /> necess�ary remediai actions�n acGardance with Environmen�al Law.Na�thina here�n shail�r�at�any�b�i�ation on Lender
<br /> f�r an Environment�l�Ieanup.
<br /> NC�N-UNxF�RN�G(�VENANTS.Bo�ower and Lend��r fuz-���r�o�enanx and agree as foilows:
<br /> 2�.Accel�ra���n;R�medies.Lender s�all gi�e notice�o Barrawer pr��r ta aceeleratYon foX�ow�ng Sarrawer"5
<br /> breach of any co�enan�ar agreement in th�s Security Ins�rume�a��hut not prior�o accelerafx4n under Secti�n 1 S
<br /> unless Appli�ahl�L�w prQv�de�ofherwise�.The n�tice shall�pec�fy:�a��he d�fau�t;�b}the a�tion requ�r�d�u�ure
<br /> �he defauit;�c}a c�a�e,no�le�s than 34 days frorn the date the no��ce�s gi�ven�o Borrower,by wh�ch the default
<br /> must�e�ured;and�d}�hat faiiur�to cur�the defauit on or hefore th�da�e spec�fied fn�he notice may resul�in
<br /> a��elera�ro�of th�sunr�.s secured hy�h�s Se�ur�ty Instrument anc�sale of�h�Pr�per�y.The notrc�sha��fu�r�h�er
<br /> NEBRAS�CA-Sing�e Family-Fannie�aelFreddi�Mac UNIF�RM�NSTRLIMENT with MERS F 3 28 �l��
<br /> Page��af�3 �,
<br /> �as,�nc. Sor�ower�s}lnitials
<br /> ;.�
<br />