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2� 15�7423 <br /> E�I3I�IT"A" <br /> Lot Une(1),Jeanett�Subdivision,�n the City of�rand Isiaad,Hal�Caunt�,Nebrask�and part of the Soutbeas# <br /> �Quarter of the North�ast Quarter[SE11�NE114)�f Se�tion TvYenty-thr�e�23),Township Ele�en�11�North, <br /> R��a�e Tea�14�,Wes�of the 5th P.M.,Hall Cauntys Nelat�Sk�,m�re par�i�ularly d�sGribed as fa�lows: Beg�inning <br /> at the Southeast cara�r of the Southeast�uarter af the l�vrtheast Quar#er[SE114 NE1�4}of Sectian T�venty� <br /> three(23],Township Eleven�11)North,Range Ten{1�3�Vest af the Cth P.M.;tbence running Nartheriy on the <br /> �asterly l�ne¢f tbe Southeast�u�rter of the Northeast�uarter tSE114 NE114}a distance of Fi�e Hundred <br /> Twenty�eight[5�8� feet;thence runniu�g Wester�y and paral�el to the Souther�y line of said Sflutheast�uarter of <br /> the N�rtheast�uarter�SE114 NE114}a distan�e of�ne Thousand Three Hundred Seventeen and Fi�e <br /> Hundredths�1,317.U5)feet tn a point on the Wester�y line af s�aid�outheast�uar#er of the Nurtheast Quarter <br /> [SE114 NE1�4);then�e running S�uther��along aad upon the,'We�ter�y line of s�id Southeast�uarter of th� <br /> Northeast�uarter{SE1�4 NE114}a distan�e af Five Hundred Twenty-eight�528�feet;thenCe running Easteriy <br /> along and upan the �outherxy liae af said Southe�st�uart�r of the Northeast Quarter�SE114 NE114)a distance <br /> of 4ne Thousand Three Hundred Se��nteen and Twa Tenths�1,31'7.�U)feet to the point of b�gina�ag;EXCEPT <br /> � <br /> those portions in Deed recarded as Instrument No.�G1052f 4 descr�bed as follows: A tract of land campr�s�ng a <br /> part of the Southeas��uarter�f the Nflrtheast Quarter�SE114 NE11�}of�e�tion Twenty-three��3),Township <br /> Eleven�11]North,ltange Ten�1�)�'4jest vf the�th P.M.,and a part a�Lot tlne�1�,Je�nette�ubdivision,all�eing <br /> �in the City of�r�nd Is�and,Ha�l�ounty,Nebraska,and more particularly described as fo�lorpvs; Beginn�ng at <br /> the Southeast corner of sa�d Southeast Q�ar�er of the Nvrth�ast�uarter�SE114 NE114�;thenCe North$9°32'12" <br /> VL�est,alang and upan the Soufh line of said�outheast�uar#er af the Northeast�uarter[SE114 NE11�},a <br /> distance of Une Th�usand Thre�Hundred Se�ent�en and Two Tenths�1,317.��]feet ta tb�Southwest cora�r of <br /> s�i�Southeast[luarter of the�'ortheast Quar#er[SE114 NE114);th�nce North�4°4�'06}'East,along and upon <br /> �he West I�ne of said�outheast Quarter of the Nvrthe�st�luarter�SE1141�E114],a dist�nce of Five Hundred <br /> Twenty-eigh����8)fQet to the Southwest carner of Gosda SubdiEvision;then�e South S9°3�`49"East,a�ong and <br /> upon the South�ine of said Gosd�Subdi�is�.on,aad also being a�ong and upon the proloagat�on of the North line <br /> of Lnt Une tl),Jeanette Subdi�ision,a�istance of Eight Hundred Ninety-two and S�venty-�ne Hundredths <br /> (892.71)fe�t ta� �oint which is Eighty-fve[$5.��f�et yVest of�he Northwes��Qrner of said Lot�ne�1),Jeanett� <br /> Subdivision;thence South U4°�U'U�"�Vest,parax�el with the�Vest�ine of said Lot�ne�1�,Jeanette Subdi��sion,a <br /> clistan�e of�ae Hundred Se�r�nty-�four(174.Q)�eet;thence�auth 59�34'49"East,parallex�ith and�'�fty(S4.U} <br /> feet North of the Sauth line of sa�d L�t�ne�1�,Jeanett�Subdivision and�ts prolongation,a distanc�of Three <br /> Hundred Eigbt�-faur�384.4}feet t�a p�int on#he East Iin�of said Lat Un�(1),Jeanett�Subdi�i�ion;tbence <br /> SQl1t�1��°U�'D�"�Vest,a�ong and up�n th�East�ine of said Lat�ae�1),Jeanette SubdiWision,a di�stance of Fifty <br /> �5�.�}feet ta the Southeast�orner of said Lot�ne�1},Jean�tte Subdiv�ision;thence South 89°34'49"East�along <br /> and upon tbe South liae of Jean�tte Subdrvisian,a d�stance of FBrty[4�.U�feet to the Soutbeast carner of�aid <br /> Jeanette Subdi�ision and also being a poin�on the East line af said Southeas�C,�uarter of the Northeast�u�rter <br /> �SE114 NE114);thence Sauth�U°aU'4Q"yVest,along and upvn the Eas�l�ne of said Sautheast f�uar�er af the <br /> Na�rtheast Quarter�SE114 NE114},�distance of Three Hundred Four and Sigty-se�en Fiundr�dths�3a4.57}fee�to <br /> the p�int af beginning. <br />