2� 15�7421
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<br />, Lvan N�: 'I�'I Z3��47 ��ont�rlU�d} Page �
<br /> unenforceai�le as t� any circumstance, that finding shaf[ not make th� ❑��ending pr��ision illega�, in�a�id, or
<br /> unenfvrceable as to any a�her circumstance. If fieasib�e, the offending pra�ision shall �e cvnsid�red modi�ied so
<br /> tha� it becomes Iegal, �alid and enfiorceable. Ef the offending prv�isivn cannot be so modified, it shall be
<br /> considered deleted fram this Assignment. Un�ess otherwise required by law, the illegaiity, in�alidity, or
<br /> unenfarceability ❑f any proWisian of this Assignment sha�� nat affe�� �he legali�y, �alidity or en��rcea�ility ❑f any
<br /> vther pra�ision o�this Assignment. r ,
<br /> 5uccessors and Assigns. Subject ta any limitations stated in#his Assignment on transfer o�Grari�or's interest,this
<br />, Assignment shaif be bindEng upon and inure ta the �aenefit of the parties, th�ir suc�essors and assigns. Ef
<br /> ❑wnership of the Prvperty becomes �ested in a person ❑ther than Gran�vr, Lender, withou�nnti�e to Gran�or, may
<br /> deal wi�h Granfior's successvrs wi�h reference �o thts Assignmenfi and �he Indel�fedness by way of fvrbearance ❑r
<br /> exfiension without re�easing Grantnr from the ohfiga�ians of this Assignmen�or liability under the lndebtedness.
<br /> Time�s vf the Essen�e. Time is a�the essence in�he perfiormance vf�his Assignment.
<br /> Waiver af Hvmestead ExemptEon, Grantor hereby releases and wai�es all �ights and benefits ❑f the homes�ead
<br /> exemp�ion�aws v�the Sta�e❑f Nebraska as to all Indebtedness secured by this Assignment.
<br /> DEFINITIDNS» The following �apita�ized wo�-ds and �erms sha�l ha�e the following meanings when used in �his
<br /> Assignmen�. Unless speci�fically stat�d to the contrary, all �-e�e�ences to do[�ar amvunfis sha�� mean amounts in lawful
<br /> money ❑f the United S�a�es of America. Vllords and �erms used in the singu�ar shal� in�lude the plural, and fihe plural
<br /> shall include the singular, as the con�ex�may require. VIlords and terms nv�o�herw�se defined in this Assignmen�shall
<br /> ha�e the meanings a��ributed to such t�rms in the Uniform C�mmet-��af Code:
<br /> Assignment. The v►rvrd "Assignmen�" means�this ASS�GNMENT�F RENTS, as�his ASSI�NMENT�F RENTS may
<br /> be amended ar modified-�rom time to time, together wi�h a!1 exhibi�s and schedules attached ta this ASSIGNMENT
<br /> � �F RENTS from time t❑time.
<br /> Barrower. The wvrd "Bvrrvwer" means TAMMY PHAM.
<br /> Dsfault. The word "De�aul�" means the Defaulfi se�forth in this Assignment.,�n�,tY�e��se�ctEvn�itled "Defaul�".
<br />. i~r'i��r��5r Y��if�*L�j ►i-1',..4 f '��,�""y`.a'+^SeR!eµ'�ry'v`.sZe7�+r
<br />� ri �r "' ' C,��r�'L.'.° ��,�, r�r.�r r�•; �
<br /> E�ent vf❑efault. The v►rards Event❑f ae�auit mean any ❑f the:e��n��i of default s�t:forth�:in this�Assignment in
<br /> {�s�r ��..�'�..r r;w-.�i�.�"'���i.',.�'.�r=���-.;,�r; ` �
<br /> �he default secti�n of this Assignment. ���rj,,���-.,,,;��,.n.,, r} ;� �
<br /> ��_a.�+,�.- � t' ��t: �_.'•_...� '.:'�
<br /> Gran�ar. The ward "Grantor" m�ans TA1V1NiY PHAM. '�����'"�`"""."""�'�"�_�'��"--��-�R= �
<br /> Guaranty. The word "Guaranty" means�the guaranty firvm �uarantar, end�rser, surety, ❑r acc�mmodat�on par�y to
<br /> Lender, including wi�thout limitation a guaran�y vf all o�-part a�the N�te.
<br /> lndeh�edness. The word "lndeb�edness" means afl prin�ipal, interest, and ofiher amounts, cos�s and expens�s
<br /> payable under- the Nate or Refa�ed Documen�s, tagether with all renewals ❑�, extensEons ��f, modifiica�ivns ❑�,
<br /> cansolidati�ns o�f and substi�utions for the Note ❑r Related Da�uments and any amounts expended or ad�anced by
<br /> Lender ta discharge Gran�or`s abligations or expenses incurred by L�nder to en�orce Grantar's ❑bligafiions under
<br />. this Assignment, toge�her wi�h interest on such amounts as provided in this Assignmen�. Spe�ifically, without
<br /> IEmita�ion, lndeb�tedness includes ail amaunts that may f�e Endirectly secured by the Cross-Cvllaterafiza�ion pro�isi�n
<br /> ❑�fihis Assignment.
<br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Fi�e Points 6ank, its successors and assigns.
<br /> Note. The word "Note" means th� promissvey nvte dated �ct�b�r �3, �D15, �n the arigtnal prin�ipal
<br />, amount af $2�D,'I 75.�� �rom Grantvr ta Lender, �agether with ali renewa�s ❑�, extensions o�, mvdificativns
<br /> of, refinancings of, cansolidations of, and suhstitufiivns for�he promissory note or agreemen�.
<br /> Proper#y. The word "Property" means al! ❑f Granfivr's righfi, titEe and in�eres� in and tv all �he Prvper�y as
<br /> descr�bed En fihe "Assignment" sectian v�this Assignmen�k.
<br /> Related L�vcuments. The words "Related ❑v�umen�s" mean alI promissary notes, credit agreements, Ioan
<br /> ag�-eements, en�iranmental agreements, guaranties, secur�ty agreements, mor�gages, deeds v� trust, se�uri�y �
<br />: deeds, collateral mortgages, and af� ofiher ins�rumen�s, agreemen�ks and documents, whether now or hereafter
<br />� existing, execu�ed in connection with th� lndeb�edness.
<br /> Rents. The wvrd "Rents" means aCl ❑f Grantvr's present and fiu�ure righ�s, tit�e and interes�t in, tv and under any
<br /> and aEi present and future leases, in�luding, without iimitation, all rents, revenue, income, issu�s,• royalties,
<br /> bvnuses, accounts recei�able, cash ar secu�ity depasits, ad�ance r�ntals, pro�Ets and prviceeds �rom the Property,
<br /> and other payments and �ene�its deri�ed or to he derE�ed from such leases ❑�e�ery kind and nature, whether due
<br /> now or later, includin�wi�hvufi limi�ation Grant�r's righ�ta enfarce such ieas�s and to recei�e and collect payment
<br /> and praceeds�he�-eunder.
<br />� D�CUIIrIENT IS EXECUTE❑�N �CT�BER �3, ��'15.
<br />�
<br />