2� 15�7421
<br /> Lvan No: 'I D'[�9�'i 4'i �Cont�tlued� Page 2
<br /> below and so long as there is na de�ault under�his Assignmen�, Granfivr may remain in passession and cvntrvl ofi and
<br /> apera�e and manage fihe Property and collecfi th� Rents, pro�ided that�he granting vf�he right tv coi�ec��he Ren�s shali
<br /> not cons�i�kute Lender`s consent to the use of cash cvllateraf in a hankrup�cy proceeding.
<br /> Dwnership. Gran�or is entitled �❑ recei�e the Rents free and clear o-� a!I rights, Ioans, liens, encumbrances, and
<br /> c�aims except as disclvsed fiv and accepted by Lende�-in writing.
<br /> Right tv Assign. Gran�ar has the �ull right, power and authority ta enter in�o this Ass�gnment and to assign and
<br /> c�n�ey the Rents�a Lender.
<br /> No Prior Assignment. Grantor has nvt p�e�iously assigned or con�eyed the Rents �o any ather person by any
<br /> ins�rumen�now in,for�e.
<br /> N❑ Fu�he�Trans�er. Grantar wili not sell, assign, en�umher, ❑r otherwise dispose of any vf Grantor's rights in the
<br /> Ren�s except as pr��ided in this Assignment.
<br /> LENDER'S RIGHT T❑ REGEIVE AN❑ CQLLECT RENTS, Lender shall ha�e �he right at any �ime, and e�en though no
<br /> de�ault shall ha�e occurr�d under this Assignment, t❑ �ollect and recei�e th� Rents. For this purpose, Lender is hereby
<br /> gi�en and granted the follvwing rights, powers and au�hority:
<br /> No�ice ta Tenants. Lender may send no�ices t❑ any and all tenants of the Property ad�is�ng �hem of this
<br /> Assignmenfi and dire��ing all Rents to be paid direc�ly to Lender or Lender`s agent.
<br /> Enter the Property. Lender may enter upon and take possessian vt fihe Praperfiy; demand, c�llect and rece��e�rvm
<br /> the�enants or�rvm any o�her persons liable�he�e�or, all ❑f the Rents; tnstitute and carry on a[I I�ga1 proceedings
<br /> necessary for the protection vf the Property, �nc�uding such praceedings as may be necessary ta reco�er
<br /> possession of�he Prvperty; �a�lec��he Ren�s and rema�e any tenan��r tenan�s ❑r vther persvns from the Property.
<br /> IUlaintain the Property. Lender may enter upan the Praperty tv maintain the Praperty and keep the same in repair;
<br /> ta pay the cvsts�herev�and ❑f all ser�ices ❑f all emplvyees. including their equipment, and v�ali can�inuing costs
<br /> and expenses of maintaining the Property in proper repair and condifiion, and also fia pay all taxes, assessments and
<br /> water u�ili�ies, and�he premiums on fiire and v�her insurance e�ffected by Lend�r an the Praper�ty.
<br /> Compliance with Laws. Lender may d❑ any and all things to execute and�comply with the laws af�he State af
<br /> Nebraska and also all o�her laws� ruies, ❑rders, vrdEnances and requirements o� all other gv�ernmentat agencies
<br /> a��ec�ing fihe Prvper�y.
<br /> Lease�he Prvper�y. Lender may r�nt or lease�he who�e or any part o�th� Praperty fvr such�erm or terms and ❑n
<br /> such cvndifiions as Lender may deem appropria�e.
<br /> Emplvy Agen�s. Lender may engage such agent or agen�s as Lender may deem appraprtate, either in Lender's
<br /> name or in Grantor's name,�❑ rent and manage�he Pr�pe�ty, including�he coilection and application of Rents.
<br /> �ther Acts. Lender may do a!I such ❑�her things and acts with respect �❑ the Proper'ty as Lender may deem
<br /> apprapriate and may act exclusive[y and so[ely in the place and stead o� Grantor and ta ha�e all ❑f the pvwers vf
<br /> G ran�a�-�vr�he purpases stated aho�e.
<br /> Na R�quirement#o Act. Lender shall na�t �e required to d❑ any af the �vregaing acts ❑r things, and the fact�hat
<br /> Lender shai! ha�e perfvrmed one or more of the foregoing acts or things shal[ not require Lender t❑ do any other
<br /> specific ac�or thing.
<br /> APPLICATl�N �F RENTS. All costs and expenses incurred by Lender in cannection with �he Property shafl be -For
<br /> Grantvr's account and Lender may pay such cosfis and expenses from the Ren�s. Lender, in its sole discretion, shal[
<br /> de�ermine the app��cation ❑f any and all Rents receiWed by ifi; hvwe�er, any su�h Ren�s receiWed 1�y L�nder which are
<br /> nat applied to such cvsts and expenses shall be applied to �he lndebtedness. All expendi�ures made by Lender under
<br /> this Assignment and not reimhursed frvm the Rents shall become a park of �he lndebtedness secured by �h�s
<br /> Ass�gnrnen�t, and shall be payab�e on demand, wi�h interest at the Note rate from date of expendi�ure un�il paid.
<br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. �f G�-antor pays all o� �he lndel��edness when due and ❑therwise per�orms all �he obliga�ions
<br /> imposed upon Gran�or under this Assignment,�he Nv�e, and the Related aacuments, Lender shall execu�e and deli�er fio
<br /> Grantvr a suitahle safiis�actian o�this Assignmen�and sui�a��e sta�emen�s o€terminati�n of any-�inancing s�atement❑n
<br /> �i�e e�idencing Lender's security Enterest in �he Rents and the P�-aperty. Any termination fee required by law shali be
<br /> paid i�y Grantor, if permitted by applical�le law.
<br /> LENDER'S EXPENaITURES. !f any ac�tian or proceedEng is commenced that wvuld mate�-ially affiecfi Lender's interes�t in
<br /> the Properky or i�Grantor fails to compfy with any pro�isian of this Assignment or any Related ❑o�uments, including bu#
<br /> nofi iimited�❑ Grantor's failure to discharge or pay when due any amounts Grantor is required to dis�harge or pay und�r
<br /> �his Assignmen� or any Related Documents, Lender on Grantar's behalf may �}�u� shall no� be obl�ga�ed �o� �kake any
<br /> action �hafi Lender deems app�ropriate, including but nvt limited tv discharging ❑r paying all �axes, liens, security
<br /> in�eres�s, encumbrances and other�laims, a�any time le�ied ar�[aced an the Ren�s ar the Property and �aying a�! �os�s
<br /> �vr insuring, maintaining and preser��ng the Prvperty. All such expenditures incurred ❑r paid by Lender for such
<br /> purposes will then bear interes�at�he rate charged under the Nv�e frnm the date incurred or paid hy Lender to the da�e
<br /> ❑� repayment by Gran�tor. A!I su�h expenses wilC becvme a part af the indebtedness and, at Lender's vption, wil[ {A}
<br />