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2� 15�7398 <br /> r � <br /> DEED �F TF�U�T <br /> ��an�inu�d� P��� Z <br /> acknowledged by Lender in writing, {a� any breach 4r vialativn a# any Enwironmental L�ws, �b} an� use, <br /> g�neratian, manufacture, st�rage, treatment, dispasalr refease or threat�ned releas� af any H�zard4us �ubstan�e <br /> on, under, a�baut or fram the Prop�rty by any priar av�rners or accupants af the Prvperty, �r �c} any actual or <br /> thr�aten�tl li#igation ar Glaims of �ny kind hy any person re��ting ta su�h matters; and ��} Except �s pre�iousl�l <br /> discl�s�c�ta and acknowlsdged by Len�ler in writing, �af neither TrUstar nor any tenant, contrs�t�r,agent ar other <br /> autharized user o�th� Praperty shall use� +�enerate, manufacturs, stare, treat� dispose Qf ar r��ease�ny H�zar�aus <br /> Sub�tance�n, und�r,�hout�r fram the Prop�rty; and �b} any such activity sFr�ll be c4nducted in compliance with <br /> all applicable federal, sta�e, an� Iocal laws, re�ulati�ns and vrdinanceS� includ�ng withau� lim�t�tian �II <br /> En►►ironmenta� Laws. Trustor �u#harizes Lender and its agents to enter upan the F�rop�rty to mak� such <br /> inspectians an� tests, �t Trust�r's e�cpense. as L�nder may deem apprvpriate ta determine �Qmpfianc� of the <br /> Property with this �ection 4f the Deed of Trust. Any inspectians or test$ made by Lender shall be for Lender's <br /> purposes only ar�d shal�nvt be canstrued tQ create any respansibility or liability an the part af Len�ler t�Tru�tor or <br /> ta any v#hsr person. The repr�ssntations ancl warranties�ontain�d herein are I�ased vn Trustvr's du�diligence in <br /> investi�ating th� �roperty tor Hazardous �Ubstances. TrUs#ar hereby {1} �el�ase� and wai�es ar�y futUre �laims <br /> agains# Lende�'far indemnity �f �ontributian in the event Trusta� hecomes liabfe for ��eanup or�ther �osts under <br /> any su�h i�ws; and �2} agrees tv indemnify, de�endf and hold harmless Lend�r ag�inst any and all Ci�ims, I�sses, <br /> liabilities,�lam��es, psn�l#ie�, and expenses whi�h Lend�r may directly or indire�tly sustain ar suffer resulting fram <br /> a bre��h �f this �ectian a�the �eed of Trust ar as a consequence af any use. generatian, manufa�tur�. stara�er <br /> disposal� rel�ase or#hre�tened releas�o��Urring prio�to Trustor's awnership ar intsres#in the Praper#y. whether�r <br /> nat the same was or sh�u�d haWe b��n known to Trustar. Th� pr�visians o� this sectian Qf the Deed a# Trust, <br /> including the obligation to indemnify and�efend, shall sUr►►i�re the payment of th�Irrdebtedness�nd the satisf�ction <br /> and�ec�nv�yance�f th� lien af thi�Qee�l�f Trust�nd shall nQt t�e s�#fected ay Lencfer's acquisiti�n af any in�er�st <br /> irr tk�e Property� whether by#ore�iosur�or otherwise. <br /> Nuisanc�. Waste. Trustar shail not caus�, canduct or permit any nuisan�e nar cammit, perm�t, ar suffer ar�y <br /> stripping �f or was#e on or tu the Prop�rty t�r anY partian �f#he PrQpert�y. Withvu# limiting the gsner�ii#y of�he <br /> foregoing, Tr�st�r wili nQt r�mave, o��rant t� any oth�r party the right to remor►�, �ny t�mber, min�rals �including <br /> oi1�nd gas},caal. clay� SC4�I�� soil,gr�vel or roCk pr�ducts without Lend�r's prior written�onsent. <br /> R�moval af Imp��v�ments. Trustar shall no#demolish vr remo�e any IrnprQ�ements from the Rsal�roperty without <br /> L�nder's prior writt�n cons�nt. As a canditiQn ta the rem�val�f�ny Impr�vements. L�nder may require Tru�tar t� <br /> m�ke �rrangements SBtI�fBCt��y ta Lender ta replace su�h �mpro�em�nts with Impro�ements �f at least equal <br /> V��LI@, <br /> Lender's Right t� Enter. Lsnder and Lender's agents and repressnta�i�es may $nter upon th� Real Pr�perty �# ��! <br /> reasnn�hls times to at#end to Lender'� in#�r�sts and �o insp��t the Ra�l Praperty for purposes of Trustor's <br /> cvmplisnce witF�the tscm$arrd�anditions�f thi$�eed of Trust. <br /> Campliance �ith �v�emm�nts� Re�uirem�nts. Trustor sh�ll pramptly comply wi#h al1 laws, ardinances� and <br /> regulations� now or hereafter in �f#ect, of all ga�srnmental authorities applicable t� tt�� u�� Qr Qccupan�y o�the <br /> Proaerty� incEuding wtthout iimitatiQn, �he Americans �Ilith Disebiliti�s Ac�. Tru$��r m�y �ontest in�oo�i fai#h any <br /> such I�w, ordinarr��, or re�uiation anti withhold �ompliance dur�ng �ny proGe�din�, in�lu�ing appropriate appe���, <br /> sv Iong as Trust�r has natifie� L�n�er in writing pri�r tQ�aing�a and so I�ng as, �n Lender's sol�Qpinion, Lender's <br /> interests in the Property �rQ no# jeopardiz�d. Lend�r m�y requ�re Trust�� t� pos# adequate se�urity qr a �urety <br /> bond, r�a�vnsbly sa#is�e�t�ry t�Lender,t�pr�tect Lendsr's intsrest. <br /> Duty tQ Pratect. Trustar agr�es nei�her t4 aband�n ar lea�e unsttended the Praperty. TrustQr ahall da al! other <br /> acts. in�ddit�an to�hose acts set farth�bo�s in this section, which fram the�haracter and use af the Property a�� <br /> re�s�naal�n��ess�ry to pro#e�#�rrd preser��the Praperty. <br /> DUE�N�14LE-C�NSENT BY LENDER. Lender m�y, at Lendsr's option,�eclar�immediately due and payable a�l sum� <br /> secured �y this De�� af Trus#uparr the�afe�r trans�er, with�u#Lender's pri�r written cons�nt� af�II or an}�part�f the <br /> R��I prvperty, �r any int�c��.Real.Proper�y. A "sals or tr�nsfer" means the can�eyanc�af Fte�l Praperty�r any <br /> right, titl� ar int�r�st in•the f��al•Pr�perty;•wheth�r legai, b�ne�i�ia� or equitable; wh�ther �oiuntary �r in��lurttsry; <br /> whether by �utright sale, deed, installme�nt sale c�ntract. land c�nt��ct, cantr�ct for deed, Is�sel�lc� intere�t with a <br /> term grea�er than three {�� y�srs, I�ase-aptian cantrac#. or by sale� assignm�nt, �r transfer of any benefi�i�l in#er�st in <br /> ar to �ny land trust halding titl�ta the Reai Praperty, or by �ny Qther method vf c�n�rey�nce af an int�re�t in th� Real <br /> Rraper#y. If any Trustar is a corp�rati�n. partnership or limited liability comp�ny, trans�ar �Is� includes �ny Chan+ge in <br /> �wnership o#mare than twenty-fi�e per�ent ��5°�'0}of the�ating st�ck, partnership interests a�limited liabili#y c�rnp�ny <br /> interests, as the �ase may t��, af such Trustar. Hawever. this �ption shell nat be exsrcised by Lender if such exercise <br /> is�r�hibttsc�by fed�ral iaw or�y IV�bra�ka��w. <br /> TA�CES AND LIEN�. Th� following pro�isions relating to the #axes an� lierrs �n the Property are part o#th�s �d of <br /> Trust; <br /> Payment. Trustar sh�li pey wkr�n due �and in all�uents pri8r ta d�linquerrGy� all taxes, �pecial tsxes, �sses�mentsR <br /> �harges Rin�luciin� uvat�r and sewsr}, #ines Snd im�asiti�ns le�ie�l against�r on ac��unt of the P�operty, �nd sh�l� <br /> pay when due a!1 claims for work dQne on or for services rendered or material furnish�d to the �r�perty. Trustar <br /> shall main#ain the Property fr�e af all liens hs�ing priori�y auer ar��ual to the interest of Lender under this �eed af <br /> Trust, �xcept far xhe lien Qf taxes and �ss�ssmsnts n�t due �nd e�ccept as atherwiss pr��id�d in this �eed of <br /> Trust. <br /> Right to�antest. Trustar may withhold payment af sny tax, �ss��sment, or Clairrr in connecti�n with�g��d fai#h <br /> dispute o�rer the obligation�a p�y► sa 14n�as Lender's�nteres�in#he Prop�rty is not jeopardized. If a li�n arises or <br /> i� fil�d �s s result af nanpayment, Trustor sh��l within fiftegn �15} d�y� �fter th� lien �ri�es or, if a li�n is fil�d, <br /> within f��xeen �15y days after Tru$tor hs� notice o�f#he fil�ng� s�cure the �i�ch�rge af the lisn� or if r�quest�d �y <br /> Lender.deposit with Lender c�$h or a suffici�nt corparate surety I�nd or v#her securi�y�a#is��c#ary t�Lender in�n <br /> amaunt suf#icient to di$charge the lien plus any���ts and�ttorneys' f�es, or other ck�arges tt�at cauld accrue as a <br /> re�ult of a foreclosure or s�le under the li�n. In any cants�t, Trustar shall dsfsnd its�lfi�nd Lender�nd shall satisfy <br /> �ny adve�se judgrnent b�far�enf�rcement a��inst the P�4perry. TrU�#ar shall name Lendsr as arr sdditianel obligee <br /> under any sure#y bond furnishsd in the cont�st praceedings. <br /> Evidenc�of P�yment. Trust�r shall Upon dem�nd furni�h to Lender s�tisfac#ory e�►iden�e of p�yment af the taxes <br /> or assessments�n�! shall authoriie the appropriate�a�ernmental a#ficial t�deEi�e►t� Lender at any time a written <br /> statem�nt af the tax�s and assessments against the Pr�perty. <br /> NvtiGe�f��nstructian. Trustor shall notify Lsndsr at lesst fif#een �15� days �efore an� vrrark is commenced� any <br /> services are furnish�d� �r any msterials are supplisd to the Property. i#�ny mechan�c's lien, materialmen's lien� or <br /> other lien cauld be asserted an account of xhs work� 8BrV1C8S� ar m�t�ri�l�. Trustor will upon request of Lender <br /> �urnish to L�nder a��anG� assur�nces satisfactory to Lender that Trus��r can and w�ll pay #he �ast of su�h <br /> imprauements. <br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE�NSURANGE. The#�Iiowing provisians re�stin�ta insuring the Property ere a part a�this Deed�f <br /> Trust. <br /> Maintenancs of Inauranc�. Trustor sh�l1 pracure and maintain p4licies of �ire �nsurance wi�h� sts�dard ext�ntled <br /> G��erag� endorserx�ents an a replacement hasi� for the �u�l insur�bi� �alue c�ver�n� al1 Improrr�ments on th� Real <br />