2� 15�739�
<br /> (�} "1V�ote g'm�ans the proxni�sory no��s�gz��d by Borro�er ar�d da�ed�c�ober 23,2�1 S. Th�I�o�e
<br /> s�a.���th��#:�arro����wes Lex�der or��hundr�d seventy n�ne�hous�.nd an�.��1���I�o��ars �II.S.
<br /> $17�,���.���plus ir��eres�.Sorro�er�as�ram�s�d to p�y th�s d�b��r�regul�.r Period�c Payments and
<br /> to pay�he debt in f�.�ll not l�.ter��.��.li�ovember 1., �4��.
<br /> (F} "�'�a�c�ty"�neans�he prap�r�y that�s d�scribed�e�o�vv under�;he head�ng "Transfer of R�gh�s ir�
<br /> �he 1'rop�r�y,"
<br /> (�� "Lac��"mear�s�he deb� evidenG�d by the No�e,plt�s�nteres�, �r�y prep�.yment ch�:rges a��.�ate
<br /> chaxges du��.�nci�r�he I�I-ote, and a1� s�.rm.s du�ur�dcr this S ecur�ty Ins�rument,p�us�nteres�.
<br /> (H) "�2tc�e�°s"rn.e�.ns a��Ri�.ers�a�his S�c�.r�ty Instrument�hat are e�ecut��by Bo�ro�ve�.The fo�low�.ag
<br /> Rid�rs ar�t�b��xecu.ted by Borro�r�r ��h�G�box as app��ca��e�e
<br /> ❑ Ad�us�abl:e Ra�e Ri�.er ❑ ���a.dom�n�um Rider C�5 ec��d Ha�ne Rider
<br /> ❑ BalZ�ar�Rider ❑ �'�ara.x�ed Un��Dev�lopmen�Rider ❑�-4 Family R�der
<br /> ❑ V�A.l�id��- C� Biwe�k�y Payment Rider C�ther�s} �s��c�fY�
<br /> (I} "�ipplzcc��l�Lc�w"means a��c�nt�al�ing�.pplicab�e fed�ral, s��.te�.nd loca�s�a�utes,regu�a��ons,
<br /> orc�in�nc�s �.r�d adminis�rative rul�s and o�°d�rs��h�.t have the effe��o�1�.w� as well �.s all�.p��icab�e
<br /> fin�1,non.�appea�ab�e judici�.1 op�n�ons.
<br /> �J� "Ca�munit,�14sso�iation Dues, .F��es, c�r�c�.�4ssessm�n�s"m�ans a���.L�es, fees, �.ssessmen�s and
<br /> a�her charges t��.�a.re imposed on Bo�ra�er or the Froper�y by�:condom�i.n�uxx�.ass�ci�.tio�,�on�ea�t7vners
<br /> �.ss���at�on or sirni�ar organizat�ox�.
<br /> �I�} "�1���,�onzc Func�s T�c�nsf���'rri��.ns ax�y��ansfer of fun�.s, o�her tha�.a tra�.sac�ion or�gs.n�:���.by
<br /> chec�,dxaf�,o�s�mYlar paper�nstrun�.en���t�v�ich�s ixai�xa�ed thro�ugh an���ctro�.�.c ter.xr�ina�,te�ephanic
<br /> �ns�r�xrn.er�tg �arr�puter, ar mag�.eti�t�.�a�sa �.5 ta order,�ns�ruct, or�.uthar�7e a f��.�.r�c�a�inst�tu�ion to
<br /> deb�t or�r�d�t�.r��:ccount, Suc�.�err�.�r�.�lud�s,�ut is not��mited.�o,�oint�af-sa�.e tra�sf�rs,a�.i�oma�ed
<br /> �ell�r rn.��h�n�tr°�.r�s�.ct�ons,transfers�iri.i�i���d�y�elephone,wire transf�rs,a.xa.d au�oma�ed c�e�.r��ghause
<br /> �ransf�xs.
<br /> [L} "�'sc�o�tr I��m�s"means�hose��e�s�hat are descri.�ed�n S ec�ion�.
<br /> (M} "1Vlz,sce�l�xn��us P�aceeds"m��.ns�.ny c�m�ens�.�ion,s�tt��men�,a�a�d of d�:mages,or proceeds
<br /> p�.�d�y�.ny��:h�r�.�arty�other�h�.r�.�ns�.i��n.ce p�oceeds p�.�d under the caverages descr�bed�a,Sec�iorl.
<br /> 5� far: �x} d�.x�age to, or�.estruc��on�f,�h�proper�y; �x�}candem.��.tian or other�ak�ng of a�l or any
<br /> p�.r�of the Proper�y; �iii}conveyar�c�in�i��:of condemn�.�ion;or�iv�misreprese�.�a��o�.s of, or
<br /> omiss��ns���o,�he va�ue andl�r con�.i��on af the Pr�p�rty.
<br /> (N} "1Vla��ga�e Insu�ance"m.eans 1x�surax�.��pro�ec��ng Lender�.g�:inst�he nanpayment of,or de��.ul�
<br /> on,�th�Lo�.n. �
<br /> (Cl� "P��zac�zc I'c�ymen�"me�ns�h.���g�.��.rly scheduled am�un�due f�r�i�principal and in�:�rest
<br /> und�r�h�Note,�lus ��x� any amour��s�.nder Sec�ian 3 of this Securaty Instrument.
<br /> HCFG�00359
<br /> NE�3RASKA-�ingle Family�Far�nie Ma�IFreddia Nlac IJNIF�f�M�NSTR�MENT Form 3a�8 1J�1
<br /> VMP�J 431�5
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices �015��22�5,2,2,3298-J2a�5�5�6Y Pag�2 of�7
<br /> * $ 22 �`
<br />