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2� 15�739� <br /> nat pr�or �o acce�erat�on under S��tion 1� un��ss ApplYcabXe I.��� prov�d�s otherw�se). The <br /> noti�e shall s�e�rf�o �a) th� d.efault; ��} the �.ctxon r�qu�r�d t� ct�re the def�i�lt; (c� a date, no1; <br /> l�ss than 3� c�a�s fx°o�n the d�te the no��ce is ���en to Eorrovver, b� wh.�c�a the defauXt mus� <br /> be cured; a�ac� (d� that f�.ilure ta cure the c��fauXt an or befor� the date spec�f�ed. �n th� vat�c� <br /> m�y result Y� a�c��eratio�a of th� surr�s s�cu�red �y th�s S�curYty Instrument an�i sale af the <br /> Property. Th� nat��e sha�l further xnforxx�. Far�ower af the r�gbt ta re��.te aft�r acce�erati�n <br /> and the ri.ght to 1�rx�g a caurt a�t�on tc� �ssert the non-ex�stence of �. d�f�.uXt or �.my ather <br /> defemse of Earro�w�r to �ccexeration and sal�o If the default Y� not ci�r�d. on vr before the d.�.te <br /> s�ecif�ed in the �o���e, I��nder at its apti��. rr��.y� rec�u�r� �mmedx�.t� pay�n�nt in full of all surxis <br /> se�ured by t�.�s ���urxty I�strument �va�t�iout furth�r deman�. and m�.y �uvak� th� po�ver° af <br /> sa�e and. any �thex ren�ed�es permi.tted. by App�i��.ble Law. Le�der Sh�.�� be ��tit�ed to cal�ect. <br /> a�l expenses xnc�r�°�d. i.� pursuing the r�m�d.xes provided Yn thxs Sectaion 2�, �.n.cXud�ng, but not <br /> X�rr�itecl t�, r��.�on�.��e at�ornQy�� f�eS �o�ts �f titxe e�iden�eo <br /> If the povver of s�.l� xs in�vokedg �rust�e �ha�X r°�cor°d a natxce af c�e��.�lt i� �ac� county i� <br /> any p�r� vf t�� Prop�rty �s Xo�ate� �.�d s�axl. rna�x copie� of such �ati�e Yn the manner <br /> p�rescrxbed. by .A�.p�ali.c�.��e Lavt� to Borrow�r ��.d to the ather pexSons prescr�bed �by Ap�u�a�l.e <br /> I.t�.w. Aft�r th� t�m� requxred by Applic�ble Law, Trustee sh�.11 g�ve publ�c notice of sa�e t� <br /> the perSonS and. ��. the mann�r prescr��bed �y Appl�cable LR�. T�ustee, without d�mnnd ��. <br /> �orraw�r, sh�X� s�ll th� Pr�p�rty at pubXic �.uction to t�e h�gh�st bic��er �.t the time and pl�.ce <br /> �.n� un�er �b� �:erx�s d�s�g�ated in the ��t��e �f sale in one ar more pa�°�e�s Rnd �n any ard�r <br /> T�ruste� det�rrn�n��. T�°ustee r��y pastpo�.e s�.i� of aZl. or �.ny p�.rc�i of th� Property by pi�blic <br /> �.nnaun�ernent �.t the tlxx�e and pXace of �.�y prevraus�y s�heduled s�.�ee Le�der �r 1t� designee <br /> rnay purch�se ��►e P�°ap�x-ty at any salea <br /> TJpon rece�pt of ���m��t af the prxce b�cl, Tr��te� sha�X de�iv�r ta the puxchaser Trustee's _ <br /> deed c�nveyi�ng th� l�rvperty. T�e recit�.ls Y�n th� 'T�ust��t s d�e� shall be pr�rna fac�e e�xden�� <br /> of th� truth af �:h� st��:ements m�.de the�r�ir�p 'I�r°ustee sha�l a�ply the pro��ed� of the saXe xn <br /> th� faXlawin.g ord.��°: �a� to �.11 costs and e��e�.s�s �f exer��s�n.g the povv�r of sa�e, and the s�.�e, <br /> incxuding t�e pay�ne�at �f the Truste�°5 fees actu��.Xy �ncurred and �easonab�e attorneys' fees <br /> a� pernr�.�ttec� �by .A.�p�i��ble L�.w; ��� t❑ a�� suxri� s��ured b� th�s Security Ir�strument; a�� �c� <br /> a�ny excess to th� p�r.sarn or persons lega�ly �ntxtl�d to Yt. <br /> �3. R��o n��eya n c��Upon p aymen�o f�.11 sums s ecured by�his S�cur�ty Ins�rument, Lender sha�� <br /> rec�uest Trustee�o.r.��o�.vey the Pra�e�ty�.nd s��.��surren�.er this Secur�ty Ins�r�xment and a��.na�es <br /> �v�denci�g deb�s e��xrec�by�h�s S�cur�ty Ir�s�r°u.m�nt to Truste�, T�rus�ee sha��.r�convey the Proper�y <br /> withot�t v�arrar��y�o the p�rsor�or pers�ns Iegall�e�.t���ed to it. Such pers�n or�ersons sha��pay��.� <br /> re�arda�ion cas�s, I.�ender rnay char�e st�ch person or persons a fee for r�co�.vey�ng�he Praper�y,but <br /> �ri�y if the�ee is p�.�d t� a��iird�ar�y�such as�h�Trustee} for servxces rende�°ed�.�.d�he chargxng af the <br /> fee is��rmi��ed und�r.Applic�.ble Law. <br /> 24. S�bstit ute T'ru�t��. Lencier, a�its apt�or�,m�.y from�ixx�.e 1:n tim�remov�Trus�ee ar��.�.��oir���. <br /> successor trustee�:o�.ny Trus��e app�intec�h�re�.�nc��r by an instr�.i�nen�re�ord�d in the cour�ty ir�which <br /> this Security Inst�en��s recorded. �ith�ut�anvey�:r�ce of the Froper�y,�h�su�cessor trus-�ee sh�.11 <br /> � s�.icceed to a11 the ti�:�:�,pov�er anc�du�ies cox�f.erred upor�Truste�herexr�a�.d�y�.pplxcabl.e L�.w. <br /> HCFG-�D3�9 <br /> NE6RA5KA-Single Family�Fannie Maelf�r�ddie Mac UNlFDRM INSTRUMENT Form 3fl?_8 1JQ� <br /> VMPa 031�5 <br /> Vlloi#ers K�uwer 1=inancial Services 2��5���2�5,2,2.3�98-J20�5Q506Y Pag�15�f 97 <br /> *365935 8�5220* <br />