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2� 15�739� <br /> If�he Laa�.is subj ect 1;0�.�a,t�v v�rhi�h s��s m�:xixnum I�an charges, and tha�law�s fi-�.a��y���erpretec�so <br /> that the int�rest or othex lo�n c�.arges�ollec�e�.ar to b�col�ec�ed�n Gan-nec�xo�v��th the Loan exceed�he <br /> p�rxni���d l�mits,then: �a} �ny such���.�charge sha���e redu�ced by�he amount necessary to reduce�he <br /> ch�.�ge�o���permi�ted Iimi�,ax�d�b}any sums a�ready Gollec�ed f�ram B�rrowe�wh�c�.��cee�ed peramz��ed <br /> �imits wil��e r�fu�ded�o Bo�r�w�r. Len�er may choose�a make this r�fu�.d by red�xc�ng�he p�inc�pa� <br /> owed u.�der the Nat�ar�y rr����ng�.direct p�.ym�r�t t��arrov�er. If a refund reduces�rincipa�,the <br /> r��.u.�ta.�n w�I.l be treated�.s�:part�al prepayment v�lth�ut a�.y prepayment charge��he�her ar�at a <br /> pr�pa�m��.�ch�rge is�rovi.ded f�r under the Nfl�e}.B�rrower's accep��.nce�f any suc�i r�lz�nc.�.mac�e by <br /> d�rec����ment t�Sorrov�er�i11�onsti�u�e a waiver af any r�gh��f action Barro�ver might h�.ve a�ising <br /> �ut af avercharge. <br /> 'I�. IV�ti�es.A11 n�tices g�ven�y Barrov�er or Lender in connec��on v�i�h.this S ecurity:Instxuxner�t must <br /> be�n v�r�ti�g.Any n.a��c��a Barrov�er�n connect�on�vxth�h�s Se�ur�ty I�.strumen�shall�e de�me�.t� <br /> h.ave b�en given ta Barrower v5rhen m�.��ed by firs�cl�.ss ma�l or v�hen actu�.I1y d�livere�.ta Borrav�rer's <br /> na�ic��d�.�re�s if sent by��her rn.eanse Not�.ce��any o�.e B�rro�ver sha��cons�itu���.o�ic�t�a�l Borr�wers <br /> unl�ss.A����ca��e Law expressly rec�u�res athervvx�e. The no�ice�.ddress s��.11 b��he Froper�y.�ddress <br /> unless Borrawer has designa�ed�.s��s�i�u�e no��ce address by no��ce�fl Lender.Bor�ower sha��pramp��y <br /> r�otify Len.der of Borrflwer's change of addre�s.If Lender s�aec�f�es a procedure f�r repor�ing��rxower's <br /> ch.ange af addxess,then Borro�rex s�a�l anly repar�a ch�r�g�of address�hrough�hat specifi�d procedure. <br /> There may b e o��y ane des�gn.�.�ed n�tice ad�.ress�.r��.er this S�c�r�ty Instrument a��.x�y one time. �ny <br /> not�ce �o Le�.d�r sh�.�1 be g�ver��y de�iverir�g�t ar by ma���ng�t by�'�rst c�ass mail to .Lender's address <br /> s��.ted herein un�ess Lend�r has design�.�ec�another ac��.ress by�o��ce�a Borr�wer.Any no�ice�n cnnneetion <br /> w��h�h�s S ecurz�y Ir�strume�.t sh�.11�.ot be deemed to have been g�ven t�Lender ur�.ti�actua�ly rece�ved <br /> by�Le�.der. If any n��ice reqt��red by this Secur�ty Instrumer�t�s also requ�red under A�pl�cable Lav�,�he <br /> A��p��cab�e La�v req�:ire�nen�;����sat�sfy�he corresp�nding r�c�uirement under�h�s Securi�;y Ir�.s��. <br /> "��� Car��rnin� L�vvy Sev�rabi�ity; �ules of C�ns�ruct��nr Thxs S�cL�ri�y Ir�s�r�.ment sha��be <br /> governed by feder�.��aw a��.the 1�:�r af'th.e�ur�sd.�ct��n�r�vv�ich�he Proper�y is loca�ed.All righ�s and <br /> obl.�ga�:ions c�n�ained��.�h�s S ecurity Instrument a�e subj ect t� ar�y requir�ments and 1imt�a��ons of <br /> Appli�ab�e La.v�. Appl�ca�l�Lavv�m.�ght explicit�y or�mpl.ic�tly�.�low�he par�ies to agree�y contrac�or <br /> ��;�be silent,�u�such s�le�ce sha11 r�o�be cons�rued as a prohil�i��on against�.greement��r contr�.c�. <br /> I�.th��ve�t that�ny prov�s��n or�l�.use af�his Securi�y Instrume��or�he No�te conflic�s v�i�h Applica�le <br /> L�.�r, su�h conf'l�ct sha��na��.ff�ct o�her pr�v�szons of�his Security Ins�rurne��or the N�te tivhYch ca�be <br /> g�v�n.effec�,withau�th�canf�ic�i�g prav�s�on. <br /> As used 1�.�his S ecuri�y Inst��: �a� v�ards of th�m.asculine gender shal�mean a�d includ.� <br /> �orr�spox�d�ng�euter�r�rc�s �r v��r�.s�f�he femin�ne g�nder; �b}word��n the singu�ar shall me�.r�and <br />�ud��he p1ur�.I and vice v�rsa; �.nd�c}the v�ord"may" gives sole d�scre���n�ithout�.n�abliga�ion�o <br /> ��.����.ny�c�ior�. <br /> 'I 7. ��rrc�we r's �o py. B o�o�v�r sha11 b e gxven one copy of the Nate�r�d of th�s S ecuri�y Instrumen�. <br /> '�8. Transf�r of the F�rvp�rty �r� �eneficial �n�eres� �n �orr�wer. As us�d in th�s Sec��an �8, <br /> "In�eres�in�he Proper�y"me�.r�s�.ny Iega�or ber�ef�c�a1 i�terest�r��he Prope�ty,�nclud�ng,bu��.o���mi�e�1 <br /> �o,�hose b��ef��ia��nteres�s transfer�rec��n a bor�d for deed, contrac�for deed, ir�s�a��m�n�s�.�es con�rac�c <br /> � ox�scrow agreement,the zra.tent of�rhi�h i��he�r�.nsfer of title by Borrovver�.�a fu�ure d�:�e�o�pur�h�.ser. <br /> r�cFG-oo3�� <br /> NEE3RA5KA-Single Family-Fannie MaelF�eddie Mac UNIFURM INSTRUMENT Form 3028�10�. <br /> VMP� ����� <br /> UVolters Kluwer�inancial 5er�ices 2015�022�5,�,2.�298-J2D15�6�6Y Pag�12 af�7 <br /> * 55 3 8 5220* <br />