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2� 15�7371 <br /> TranSfer Qf the Property flr a Benef�c�a�In�eres��n B��rower. �f aI�or an;y par�of�he Property or any interest <br /> in it is sold or transferre� �or �f a benef cxal interes� in Borrower �s sold o�- �ransferred and �orrower is �€�� a <br /> natural person} vvithout Lender's pr�or�vrit�en consent, L�nder may, at i�s ��ft�on, requ�re xmmed�a�e payment �n <br /> fu�� �f all sums secured by �.iis 5ecurity �nstru.ment. �-Ia�vever, �his op�ion ;shal� not be �xercised by Lenc�er if <br /> exercis�is proh�bited by federal ia�t7v as of�he date of this Security Ins�rument. <br /> �f Lender exer�ises th�s ap�ifln, Lender sha11 give B orra�rer n�tice of a�c�];eratian. The notice shall provide a <br /> period of not �ess than the mu.nzmum number of days estahlished b�Applicab�e Lav� fram the date the not�ce �s <br /> deli�ered or ma�led w�.�zn v�rhi�h Barravver mus� pay aIl sums secured by ���is 5ecuri�y Instrument. rf�3orrower <br /> fails �o pay these sums priar to the expira�ion of�his peri�d, Lender may in�roke any r�medies permitted b� �his <br /> 5ecu.rit��nstrument wi�htiut fur�her notiice ar demand on Ban�wer. <br /> Borrower'� Right to Re�nstate. �f Borrawer mee�s certain cQnditians, B�:rrower shall have the righ� �o have <br /> enf�rcement of this Securi�y�nstrumen� disc�nt�nued a� any t�me pr�or to �he ear��er Qf �a� 5 days (Qr such o�her <br /> peri�d as App�icable Law m.ay specify for reinsta�emen�}befare�sale of�h��raperty pursuan�to any pa�rer af sale <br /> con�ained in this Se�urity Instrument; or ��} en�ry af a judgment enfar��,ng �his Securi�y Instrument. Those <br /> conditions ar� tha�Borro�ver: �a} pays Lender a�I sums v�ich �ien vvou.ld b�� due und�r�his Se�ur�ty Inst�� <br /> and�he Cantract as if no acce�era��on had accurred; �b�cures any default of any ather cavenan�s or agreemen�s; �c� <br /> pay�all expenses incurred in enforc�ng th�s Secur�ty�nstru.ment,including,bu� to,reasona�le a��orn�ys' <br /> fees�a th� exten�pernr��ted b�Ia�; and �d}�akes su�h ac�zan as Lender may r�asonably require to assure tha�the <br /> Iien of this Security Instrument, Lender's r���s in�he Pr�per�y and Barravve�'�3 obl�ga�ian�o pay�he sums sec�ured <br /> b}� xhis Secur�ty�ns�rumen�sha11 con�inu� u.r�cha�.ged. Up�n re�nstatemen�by�Barrflvver, �his Securi�y �nstrumen� <br /> and the �bligations secured hereby shall remain fu��y effe��ive as �f no acce��vrat�on had occurred, Ho�ever, �his <br /> righ�to re�.ns�a�e sha��nat app��in the case of acceleratiar�under the sectian�it�ed Tran�fer of the Pro�erty or a <br /> Ben�f�c�aX Interest in Borrower. <br /> Hazardous Substar�ces.Borrvwer sha��not cause ar permi�the presen�e,use, disposal, storage, or release of any <br /> Ha�axdaus 5ubs�ances on or in the Properfiy.Borro�t7ver shall nat do,nar all�w,anyo�.e e�se�o da,anything affec�ing <br /> the Proper�y that is in violat�on of any Environmenta� Law. The preceding �wo sen�ences shall not apply �r� �he <br /> pres�nce,use,or st�rage on the Property of small�ua.ntit�es af Ha�ardaus 5ub,��a.nces that are genera�ly recog�zized <br /> to�ae appropriate ta n�rmal res�d�n�ial uses an�t�main�enance❑f th�Proper�.}�. <br /> Borr�wer shal�promp��y give Lender writ�en notice af any investiga���n,clai�r�, demand,la�rsui�or ather action by <br /> any go�ernmen�al ar regulatary agency or priva�e party invalving the Prapexty an�. any Hazaxdaus Substan�e flr <br /> Environmentai La�v �f v�rhich Borro�ver has ac�ual knvwledg�. �f Barr��wer learns, or is nat�f ed by any <br /> governmen�al or regu�atar�authority, �hat any remo�ra�ar a�her remediation�:f any Hazardous 5ubstance affect�ng <br /> the PrQperty zs necessary, Borrovtrer sha�I promptly �ake all necessary r�:medxa� actions in accardance vvi�h <br /> Environmenta.l La�v. <br /> As used�n thxs paragraph, "�-Iazardous Substances" are th�se subs�ances de�r.�ed as tox�c or ha�ard�us substances <br /> by Environmentax Law and the fo�lavving subs�ances: gasoline, kerosene, c}�her f�ammab�e or tiax�c petroleum <br /> products, taxic pes��czdes and herbicides, volatile sn�v�nts, materials contai��ing asbe�tas or forma�dehyde, and <br /> ra�ioac�i�re materials. As used in thrs paragraph, "Environrnental Lavv" means federa�law�and lavvs of the s�ate of <br /> Nebraska tha�re�ate�o hea�th,safety or environmental pr��ection. <br /> Acceleration; Remedies. Lender sha�i give n���ce ta �vrr�vver prior to ����e�eration follow�ng Barrow�r's <br /> bre��h Qf any eovenant or agre�ment xn this Se�urity Instrument or the C�ontract under wh�.ch ac�e�era�ion <br /> �s permit�ed�but not prior ta acce�eration under the section t�tl�d Tran�fer of the Property ar a B�nei�ciai <br /> In�erest in �3vrrovver, unle�5 Appli�able Lavv pra�v�ides �fherwise�. The ntatice sha�� spec�fy: �a� the default; <br /> �b� the a�t�on required to �ure the defau�t; ��� a da��, nv� less th�r� the minimum numbe� of �days <br /> established by Appi.xcable Law fr�m the date the notice xs gi�en t�Borro���r,by whxch the default mu�t be <br /> cured; and �d� that fa��ure to cure th� defauit on or befare the date s��:cif�ed in �he not�ce may r�sult �n <br /> acce�eration of the sums secur�d by th�s Security In�trument and sa��� af the Property. To the e�tent <br /> perar�.tted by law, �h� no�ice ShaII further inform B�rrower af the right#:o r��nstate af��r accelQrat�on and <br /> �he r�ght to bring a c�urt a��ion to assert the non�existence of a defaul�or an�other defense of Borr�wer to <br /> acce�era��nn and sale.If the defau�t is nvt eured an �r�efore the date 5��e�ified in �he not�ce,Ler�der at its <br /> �p�xon ma� rec�uaire xmmedia�� payment in full of a�� sums secured �y �his 5ecurity Instrument �v�thou� <br /> further demand and may invvke the pnyver �f sa�e an� any o�her remed�es perm�tted by Applicab�e LaYv. <br /> To the ex�en� perm�tted by �aw, Le�der shal� be ent�t�ed t� co��ect aIl expens�s incurred �n pursu�n� th� <br /> remedies pro��d�d in th�s Section,including,buf not limited�o,reasanablle attorneysi fees and c��ts of t��Ie <br /> evid�nce. <br /> If the power of sa�e�s�nvoked, Trust�e shall record a notice �f default in each caunty�n which any part af <br /> �he Property i5 laca��d and sha��mail capYes of such na��ee�n the mann�r presCr�b�d by AppliCable Law to <br /> Borrower and to th� other persons pre5cribed by Applicable Lav�. After� the tYme required by Appli�abie <br /> Law, Trustee shall gi�e public n�ticQ of saxe �o the persons and in the rnanner prescr�bed by Applicable <br /> Law.Trustee,�vvithau� demand on Borro�ver, shal� se��the Proper�y at pub�zc aucti�n to the highest bidder <br /> a�the t�me and place and under the terms designat�d in the notice of sale in ane or more par�ei5 and in any <br /> vrder Trustee determines. Trustee may pflstpone 5a�� of all ar any parcel of the Property by pu�lic <br /> ann�uncement a�the time and p�ace�f any pre,vjiously schedu�ed Sale.LerEder ar�ts designee may purc]hase <br /> �he Frvperty at any sale. <br /> Upo� re�expt of payment of the pr�ce bid, Trustee 5ha�1 deliver to the pu:rchaser Trustee'S deed c�n�ey�ng <br /> the Proper�y. The rec��als in the Trustee's deed shall b�:pr�ma facie evidenc�Qf the tru�h of the state�rnents <br /> C�20�4-2�15 Compiiance Systems,Ir�c.AdBC-4534-2015.3.5.l fl54 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrf.ament DL2435 Page 4 of 5 www.campIiancesystems.�om <br />