2� 15�7371
<br /> Payment of Prxncxpal and Interest; �ther Charges,B�rrawer shall promptly pay tivhen�ue the princ�pa�of and
<br /> in�erest on the debt awed under the�on�ract and 1a�e charges or any��her fees and charges due und�r the Con�ra�t.
<br /> AppliCab�.� Law. As used in �his Secur�ty Ins�rument, �he term "Appl�ca�:le Law" sha�� mean all can�ral�ing
<br /> applicable federa�, s�a�e and Ioca� s�a�utes, regu�a�ions, ardinances and admir�is�rative ru�es and orders (tha�have
<br /> the effect�f�aw}as�vel1 as all appl�cable final,non-app�alable judicial apin�a�as.
<br /> Charges; I1i.ens. Borrov5rer sha�� pay a�I taxes, assessments, charges, fines and �mpos�tions attributab�e �o the
<br /> Praper�y which may attain prior��y over this Securxty�nstr�.i�m�nt, and leaseh�:ld payments or gr�und r�n�s, zf any.
<br /> At�he reques�of Lender,Barra�rer shail pramptly furnish to L�nder receip�s��videncing the payments.
<br /> Borrovver sha�l prflmptly discharge any�ien vvhic�has pr�ori�y over�his Sect��i�y Instrum�nt unless BorroWe�-: �a}
<br /> agrees in writing �t� �he payment of the ob�iga�i�n secured by �he lien in a. rnanner accep�able t� Lender; �b�
<br /> cantests in govd faith the lien by, or defends agains� enfarce�nent of the �i��� in, lega� proc�edings which in �he
<br /> Lender's apinion tipera�e to preven� the enforcemen� of the lien; or �c} se�l�res fr�m �he halder of th.� �i�n an
<br /> agreement satisfac��ry ta Lender subordinating�he lien to this Secur��y Instru.men�. Yf Lender determ�nes that any
<br /> par� af�h� Praperty is subj ect to a lien vvhich rnay a�tain priori�y over this �E�curity�ns�rumen�, Lender may g�ve
<br /> Borrov�er a not�ce �den�ifying the �ien. Borrovver sha�� satisfy the lien or�ake one �r more of�he ac��ons s�t far�h
<br /> above Within 1 D days of the g�ving af n�tice.
<br /> Hazard or Praperty Insurance. Bflrr�vver shall keep the improvemen�s n��,�v exis��ng ar hereafter ere��ed o:r�the
<br /> Proper�ty insure�against loss by f re,hazards�nc�uded vvithin the term"ex�end�Ld coverage" and any ather ha�ards, �
<br /> inc�uding fl�ods or flooding, for which Lender requires �nsuranc�. This insuran�e sha1l be main�ained in �he
<br /> amaunts and far the periods�hat Lender requ�res, The insurance carrier pr�viding the insurance shall be ch�s�n by
<br /> �3arrovver �ubjec� �o Lender's appr�val which sha1l nat b� unr�as�nably wi�:�:�held. 7f Borrower faiis to �ai��ain
<br /> caverage described abQve, Lender may, at Lender's option, obtain cover�g,e �o prntec� Lender's rightis �n �he
<br /> Proper�y in accordance with section�itled Protect�on�f Lender'�R�ghtS in���e Pr�perty.
<br /> Al� insurance polic�es and rene�rals sha�l be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage clause.
<br /> Lender shall have�h�right to hold�he pol�cYes and reneu�als. If Lender requ�res,Borrovver sha��prompt�y g��re ta
<br /> Lender a�I rece�p�s af pa�d premiums and renetival no�ices. In the event�f�flss, Borrawer sha��gzve pr��np�notzce
<br /> �o�h��nsurance carrier and Lend�r.Lender may make proof�f�oss if no�mad�,promptly by Borro�er.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and B�rrower o�herwise agree in writing, insurance proceed�� sha�l be applxed to restorat�an or
<br /> repair of the Property damaged, if, in Lender's sole d�scre��on, �he restoratio�7 or repair �s econamica��y feas�b�e
<br /> and Lender's secur��y �s na� �essened. Tf, in L�nder's s��e discretion, �he restora�ion �r repa�r is no� econom�ca�Xy
<br /> feasible Qr L�nder's security�vvouxd be�essened,�he insurance pr�ceeds shall b��app�ied�o the sums secured b��h�s
<br /> SeCur�ty Ins�rumen�, �vhether or not �hen due, vSri�h any e�cess paid to Bc�rrower. If Borr�wer abandonC �he
<br /> Proper�,flr d�es no�ans�rer wi�hin�he�urnber of days pr�scribed by App�ic��ale Law as se�f�rth in a notice frona
<br /> Lender to Borrower�hat the�nsurance carrier has offered�a settle a c�aim, th�,n Lender may collec��he insur�a�ce
<br /> proc�eds. Lend�r may use �he proceeds �o repair ar restore the Propezfiy �r�c3 pay sums secured by th�s Security
<br /> Instrument,whe�her or not then due.The per�od�f��me for B�rrotiver ta answer as set fo�h in the notice wz��b�g�n
<br /> vvhen�he notzce�s g�ven.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrovver otherw�se a�ree in writing, any app��ca�ion of proce�ds to prin�ipal shall n��extend
<br /> or postp�ne�he due da�e af the paymen�s due under the Con�ract or Chang� t�ie amoun�of the pa�men�s. Zf under
<br /> the section��t�ed Acce�erati�n; Remedies, the Prop�rry is acquired by Lender, B�rrower's right�o any insurance
<br /> palzc�es and praceeds resulting from damage to the Prope�-fiy pritir �a �he ac�uisi�ion sha�I pass ta Lender to fhe
<br /> extent Qf the sums secured by�his Securxty Ins�umen�immediately pr�or to�he acquisiti�n.
<br /> Preser�at�on, Main�er�ance and Protection of the Property; Borrowe�-'s Loan Applica��on; Leaseh�Ids.
<br /> Borr�wer shall not des�r�y, damage or impair the Property, allovv the Proper��to deteriora�e, nr camrni�v�rasl:e ❑n
<br /> the Propex�y. Sorrovver sha1��be in defaul�if any forfe�nire ac���n or proceedin�;,tivhether civi�or cr�mrna�,is begun
<br /> tha� �n Lender's ga�d fai�.i judgmer�t cauld re�ul�in forfeiture of the Proper�y� or otherwise materia��y�mpai�r the
<br /> �ien created by �hzs Security Instrument ar Lender's secur�ty interest. Borr��v�rer may cure such a default and
<br /> re�nstates as prfl�ided in section ti�led Borrower�s Righ� �a Reins�a�e,by cal�sing the action ❑r proceeding�a be
<br /> dismissed wi�h a ruling�ha�,�n Lender's g�od fa�th determinatiian,precludes f�:rfeiture�f�he Borrower's inter�st�n
<br /> �he Property tir o�her ma�er�al impairment of�he l�en created by this Sec�rity Instrument or Len�er's sec�urity
<br /> �nteres�.Borrotiver shall also be�n default if Borrovver,during�he loan app��ca.t:ion prncess,gave material�y fal�e�r
<br /> inaccurate inf�rma�ion or statements to Lender ��r failed �� prov�de Lender� �.th any material informati�n} ir�
<br /> connectzon with the laan evidenced by the Contrac�. �f�h�s Security�nstrum���t is on a�easeh�ld, Bflrr�vver�ha�l
<br /> comp�y�t7vith all�he provis�ons of the�ease. If Borrower acquires fee t�t�e to�he Proper�y,�he�easeho�d a.nd�h�fee
<br /> �it1e sha��n��merge unless Lender agrees�o t�ie merger�n�w�-iting.
<br /> Prvt�ctifln vf Lender's R�ights Yn the Property. �f Barro�ver fai�s to perft�rm the covenan�s and agreexr�en�s
<br /> cantain�d in th�s Security�nstrument, or ther� is a�ega�proceeding�ha�may signif can�ly affect Lender's righ�s�n
<br /> the �roperty �such as a proceeding in banksuptcy, pro�aate, for candemnatian ❑r fvrfeiture or �o enforce laws or
<br /> regula�ions}, �hen Lender may do and pay for vvha��ver �s necessary �o protec� the va�ue of�he Pr�per�y and
<br /> Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may znclude pay�ng any sums,secured b�a lien which has prior�ty
<br /> over�his Securi�y�nstrument, appeari.ng in cour�,paying reasanab�e a��orneys' fees and entering on the Praperty�a
<br /> make repazrs.Although Lender rnay take ac�ion under�h�s sect�an,Lender d�es not have�a dQ sa.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under �his sect�on shall b��orn.e addi�iona:! debt of Borro,wer secured by �his
<br /> Security Ins�rumen�. Un�ess Borrower and Lender agree �o ��her terms �f�aayment, these amaunts sha�I bear
<br /> �2D44-2��S Cvmptiance Systems,Inc.AdSC-453�-2415.3.5,1 fl�4
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