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2� 15�73�� <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> �G�ntinu�d} P�9e � <br /> baund by the alterativn vr amendment. <br /> Annu�l RepQrts. If the Property is used far purposes oth�r than Trustor's residenG�, Trustar shall fu�nish to <br /> Lender, upon rsquest, a certi�ied statement v� n�t ❑perating inCom� rece��ed frvm the Property durin� Trustar's <br /> pre�ious fiscal year in such fiorm and det�il a� Lender shall requtr�. "Ne# �per�ting incame" shall m�an all cash <br /> receipts frQm the Prvpe�ty less all cash expenditures made in conne�tivn with the Qperation of th� Property. <br /> Caption H�adings. Capti�n headings in this Deed of Trust �re for �vn�enience purpvs�s vnly a�nd are not to be <br /> us�d t❑ interpret ar define th� pro�isions of this�]eed of Trust. <br /> Marger. There shal! be na merger of the interest or estate created by this Deed of Trust with any r�ther interest❑r <br /> estate in the Property at�ny time held by ❑r for the benefit v�Lender in any capacityR without the writ#en consen# <br /> of L�nder. <br /> Go�erning L�w. This Deed pf Trust will be gorrerned by teder�l 18w applicable to Lender and. �o th� e�ctent not <br /> preempted by feder�l law,the�ews vf the St�te a�f Nebraska wrthaut regard to its ca�nflicts of 1aw pra►►isions. This <br /> Deed af Trust has been ac�epted by Lender in th�State of Nebr�ska. <br /> Choice of Venue. If th�r� is � i�wsuit. Trustor agr��s upon Lender's requ�st #o submit to the jurisdictian of the <br /> courts vf Hall Caunty. State caf Nebraska. <br /> Joint �nd S��erel Liability. All obligativns of Barrnwer and �"rust�r under this de�d of Trust shall h�� joint and <br /> seuerel, and all re�srences t�Trustor shall mean each and e��ry Trustor. and all references tv Bvrrow�r shail mean <br /> ea�h and��ery Borrowef. This means that ea�h Trustvr si�ning belvw is respvnsible far all oblig�tions in this Deed <br /> ❑f Trust. <br /> No Vlfa�i��r by L�nder. Lender shall nat be de�med to ha�e waived any rights under this �eed af Tru�t unless su�h <br /> wai�er is gi�en in writing and signed by Lender. No delay vr vmission on the part of Lender in exercising any right <br /> shall aperate as a wai�er of such right❑r any other r�ght. A wai�er by Lender of a pr��ision of this Deed of Trus# <br /> shall nat pre�udice or canstitute a wai�er af Lender's right vtherwise t❑ d�mand strict �omp�liance with that <br /> pro�ision or �ny vther prt��iSion a�f this De�d t�f Trust. No prior wai�er by L�nd�r, nar any course af dsa�ing <br /> �etween Lender and Trustar. shall cvnstitute a wai�er ❑f any o� Lender's rights ar of any of Trustor's obligat�ans <br /> as ta any future transactions. When���r #he c�nsent of Lender is required under this Deed of Trus#, the granting <br /> of such cvnsent by Lender in any instanee shall not constitute continuing cvnsent to subsequent instances where <br /> such consent is required and in all cases such cvnsent may be grantet�or withheld in the�vle dis�retivn vf I�ender. <br /> S�verability. Ifi a caurt vf competent Surisdi�tian finds any pro�isian of this De�d af Trust to be i�legal, in�aiid, or <br /> unen#vrcea�le as to any person or circumstance, that finding sha�l not make the ❑ffending pro�isian il�egal, in�alid, <br /> or unenfarceable as ta any other person ❑r �ircumstance. If feasible, the offending pra�isian shall be considered <br /> mQdified so that it beca�m�s I�gal, �alid and enforceable. If the offending pro�ision cannot b� so madified. it shall <br /> be considered deleied from thi� Deed of Trust. Unless otherwise required by law, the illegal�ty, in�alidity, ❑r <br /> unenfvrca�bility of any pra�ision of this D�ed ❑f Trust sha�i not affect the legality� ��lidEty a�enforc�ahility of any <br /> other pro�isi�n of this Deed❑f Trust. <br /> Suc�essors a�nd Assigns. Subject to any limitations stated in this De�d af Trust an transf�r of Trustor's interest, <br /> this Deed of Trust shall b� bindin� upon and inure to the benefi� of the parti�s. thei� successars and ��signs. If <br /> ownership t�f ihe Prop�rty becvm�s �ested in a persan other than Trustar, Lender, withaut natfc�ta Trustor, may <br /> deal with Trustor's su�cessors with ref�rence#a�this Deed vf Trust and the Indebtednsss by way o�forhearance or <br /> extension withvut re�easing T�ustor frvm the abligations vf this Deed of Trust or liability under the �ndehte�n�ss. <br /> Tims is af the E��ence. Time is Qf the essenc�in the performanc�v�this Deed of Trust. <br /> Wai�e Jury. All parties ta this Deed af Trust hereby wai�e the�right to any jury tr�e�in any a�tion, proceeding. vr <br /> �ounterclaim braught tay any p�rty a��inst any other party. <br /> Vl�airrer vf Hom�stead Exemption. Trustar herehy releas�s and uva��es all rights and benefits ❑f the homestead <br /> ea�emption laws of the 5tat�of N�braska as t�a!I Indehtedness��acured by this Deed��Trust. <br /> DEFINIT��NS. The fallowing c�pitalized w�rds and terms shall ha�e the fiQllowing m�anings wh�n us�d in#his Deed of <br /> Trust. Unless speGif�cally stated to the cantrary, all rsferences to d�llar amoun#s shail mean amounts in lawful money <br /> vf the United States of Ameri�a. Wards and terms used in the singular shall in�lude the plural, and the plurai shall <br /> include the singular, as the c�ntext may require. Words and te�ms nat otherwise d�fined in this Q��d vf Trust sha�l <br /> ha�e the meanings attribut�d t�such terms in the Llnifiorm C�mme�rcial.C�de: <br /> Bene�iary. Th��rvrd "Benefi�iary" me�ns Exchange Bank, and its successvrs and assigns. <br /> Barrower. The word "6aErrower" means SEAN M HANSEN and in�ludes all co-signers and �o-rriakers signing the <br /> Nate and all th�ir successors and assigns. <br /> Deed a1� Trust. The words "Deed of Trust" mean this ❑eed a� Trust among Trust�r. Lender, anc� Trustee. and <br /> includes without limitation a�� assignment and se�urity interest pra�isions relating ta the Personal Property and <br /> Rents. <br /> �afault. The word "Default" me�ns the D�fa�ult s�t farth in this Deed af Trust in the section titfed "Defau�t". <br /> En►►ironmental Laws. The words "En�i�onmental Laws" me� ��� , ���cal statutes. <br /> �. ,....,�, r. <br /> regulativns and ordinances relating to the prvtection vf huma h�� . �h�n��� ihcl�din� without <br /> limitatian the Comprehensi�e En�ironmental Response, Cornpens tigr�,. ��L�' '��t f 198Q, as��mended. 4� <br /> U.S.C, SeGtian 9��1, et se�y. �"C�RCLA"f, the 5u�ryerfund Amendmen,�.' r�� e�i��fi��'r��A`�t of'1�9�fi Pub. L. <br /> `7 N ,�_-+�. .:.�.r+w,�+� ,� w y � i <br /> No. 99-4�9 ("SARA"�, the Hazardous M�terials�TranspvrtatiQn Act.49 U.S.�. 5e�tion��1`, 'e'�seq.;�he Resource <br /> Conser�ativn and Reca��ry Act, 4� U,S.C. Sectivn ��Q1, et seq., or❑ther applic�ble state �r feder�! laws, rules, <br /> vr regulati�ns adapted pursuent th�reta. <br /> E►►ent vf Default. The w�rds "E��nt❑f Def�ult" mean any Qf the�►►ents of default set fvrth in xh�s aeed of Trust in <br /> the e�ents af default sectivn of this D�ed of Trust. <br /> Cuarenty. The ward "Guaranty" m�ans the guaranty from guarantor. endvrser, surety, or accomm�dativn party to <br /> Lender, including without I�mitation a guaranty of all or part vf the Note. <br /> H�zardous S�bstancas. The wvrds "Ha�ardous 5ubstances" m�an m�terials thet, k��cause Qf their quentity, <br /> �oncentration or physical, chemical ❑r infie�ticaus charact�ristics, may �ause or pose a present or p�tential hazard <br /> to human health or the en�ironment when improperly used. #r�ated, stored. disposed of. genera�ed. manufactured, <br /> transported ar otherwise handled. The words "Haiardous SubstanGes" are used in their �ery braadest sense and <br /> include without limitativn any and al� haa�rdous ar toxic substances, mat�rials ❑r waste as defined �y or listed <br /> und�r the �nvironmental Laws, The term "Hazacdaus Substances" alst�includes� withou�C limitation, petrol�um and <br /> petroleum by-pr�du�ts ar any�raction therevf and ashesta$. <br /> Impro�ements. The wo�rd "Impro�ements" means al� existing and #uture imprv�sments, �ui�dings� struGtures, <br /> mobile h�mes a�fixed vn the Fi�al Praperty, f�ctlities, additians, r�placements and other canstructian an the Real <br /> Pro pe rty. <br /> Snrlebtedn�ss. The word "Ind�btedness" means all prinGipal. inx�rest, and ather amounts� costs and expenses <br />