2� 15�73��
<br /> �aEEv �� T�usT
<br /> ��ontinu�d� Pa�e 5
<br /> Deed vf Trust� rh� Nate or in any�fi the Related DoGuments.
<br /> De#au�t Qn�the�Paymen�s. Fa�fure of TcusCar within the tim� required hy this a�ed❑f Trust to make any payment
<br /> f�r taxes or insurance. ar any�ther paymsnt ne�essary tv pr��ent filing of vr to effect discharge vfi any lien.
<br /> Default in Favvr of Third Partie�. ShQuld Borrawer nr any �ran�vr default under any loan, extension nf credit,
<br /> security agreement, purchase ar sales agreement, ar any other agr��ment. in fa�ar o�any ❑ther cr�ditar or persan
<br /> that may materiatly affe�t any of Borrow�r"s vr any Grantar`s property ar Barrower's ahiiity to repay the
<br /> Indebtedness or 6ar�awer's or Grantvr's ability to pe�form their respe�ti�e ob�igations under this ❑eed af Trust or
<br /> any of the Related Documents.
<br /> Faise Statements. Any warranty, representativn t�r s�atement made vr furnished tQ L�nder by �a�rrawer or Trustor
<br /> or on Borrower's vr Trustor'� behalf under�his De�d vf Trust or the Related Documents is fa�se �r misleading in
<br /> any materia� respec�. ei�her now or at the time made or #urnished or heGvmes fa�se or misieading at any time
<br /> thereafter.
<br /> Defe�ti�r� Gollat�r�lization. This Deed of Tr��t [ar any af the Related Documents csas�s �❑ be in fuil farce and
<br /> effect �inciuding failure af �ny co�latera� document to creat� a �alid and perfected security intere$t ❑r lien} at any
<br /> time and far any reason.
<br /> Death or Ins�lven�y. The dea#h vf Bor�awer or Trustvr, the inso�l�ency of Borro►rvec vr�Trustor. t�� appointment of
<br /> a receiv�r�ar any part a�f Barrawer's or Trustar's p�operty, any assignment for the �enefit o#creditvt�s, any typ�of
<br /> creditvr work�ut, or the commencement of any praceeding under any bankruptcy or insvl�ency laws by or against
<br /> B�rrower��Trustor.
<br /> Creditvr or For#eiture Proceedings. Commencement of foreclosur� ar fvrfeiture proceedings, wheth�r by judicial
<br /> prviceeding, self-help, repo�sessi�n �r any aCher method, by any creditor of Sorrower or Tru��ar or by any
<br /> go�ernmental agency against any property se�urin� the lndebtedness. This includes a garnishment vf any �f
<br /> 6�rrower's or Trusta�r`s a�counts, including deposit accounts, w�th Lende�, Hawe�er� this E�ent o� ❑efault shall
<br /> nvt �p�ply if there is a goo� faith dispute by Borraw�r or Trusto� as to the �alidity ❑r reasona�leness v# the cta�m
<br /> which is the basis af the credita�or fvrfeiture prace�ding and if��orrower or Trustor�i�es Lender r►vrit�ten natice of
<br /> the cred'+tor or�orfeiture p�a�eeding and depasits w�ith Lender monies or a surety band�or the creditor ar forfeiture
<br /> proceedin�� in an amvunt determined by Lender, in its soie discretivn, as being an adequate reser�e or bvnd far the
<br /> dispute.
<br /> greach of C�ther Agraement. Any breach by Borrower ar Trustor under the terms t�f any vther agreement between
<br /> Ba�rrow�r �r Trustvr and Lender that is nvt remedied within �ny grace per4od pro�ided therein, including without
<br /> limitativn any agreement c�nc�rn�ng any indebtedness or ather �bligativn o� Borrawer or Trustor t❑ Lender,
<br /> w►hether existing naw or later.
<br /> E�ents Aff�cting Guarantar. Any of the pr���ding events occurs wi#h respect tv�ny guarantor. endorser, surety,
<br /> ar accommodation party of any of the Indebtedness or any guarantor, endvrser, surety. or accor�madativn party
<br /> dies or becomes incompetent, or re�okes ar disputes the �alidity of. or liability under, any Guaranty of the
<br /> lndebtedn�ss.
<br /> Ad►►erse Change. A mat�ri�l ad��rse change ❑ccurs in Bvrrower's or Trustar's financial cvndition, or Lender
<br /> belie�es the prvspect vf payment or perfvrmance vf the Indebtedness is impaired.
<br /> Insecurity. Lender in good fa+th belie�es itsel#insecure.
<br /> Right to Cure. If any default, ofiher than a d�fa�lt in payment, is �urable and if Trus�or has not been gi��n a no�i�e
<br /> o#a breach a�the same pro�ision of this Deed of Trust with�n tihe pre��d+ng tw�l�e t 1�} months. it m�y he cured if
<br /> Trustar, after Lender sends written n�tic� ta Borrawer demancling cure flf su�h defauit: �1} cures the d�fault
<br /> within twenty t2�} days; �r ��} if the�ure requires mvre than tw�nty ����c�aYs, immediately initietes s�eps whi�h
<br /> Lender d��ms in Lender's sole discretion tv be suffici�nt t� �ure the default and thereafter continues and
<br /> compietes all reasonable and necessary steps suffi�ient to produce compliance�s sovn as reasanably prac#ical.
<br /> RICHTS AN� REMEDIES �N DEFAIJLT. 1f an Event of Default occurs under this {]esd ❑f Trust, at any time thereafter,
<br /> Trustee❑r Lender may exercise any❑n�or more of the fol�vwing rights and r�medies:
<br /> AcG�leration Upon Default:Addi#ivnal Reme�dies. If any E�ent af Default occurs as per the terms of the Nvte
<br /> secur�� hereby, Lender may deciare all Inde�tedness se�ured �y this Deed af�"rust to be due and payahle and
<br /> the same shall thereupon beGome due �nd payahle witha�ut any presentment,demand, prates�t ar natice a�any
<br /> kind. Therea#ter, Lend�r mey:
<br /> �a� Either in persan ❑r by agent, wi�h or without bringing any action or pra�eeding, vr by a recei��r
<br /> appointed hy a caurt and withvut regard to the adequa�y af its se�urity, ente� upan and take possession
<br /> of xhe Prvperty, or any part there�f, in its awn nam�or in the nam�o#Trustee. and do�ny a�ts which it
<br /> deem� necess�ry vr desirable to pr�ser�e the �alue, marketability ar rentability af the Pr�perty, or part of
<br /> the Praperty or interest in the Prvper�y; increase th� income from the PrQperty vr prot�ct the s�curity vf
<br /> the Property; and, with ❑r withvut taking passessiQn af the Property, sue for or a#herwise callect the
<br /> rents, issues and prafits �f the Prope�ty, inGlud�ng those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, less
<br /> cvsts and e�penses af operation and �ollectivn att�rneys' #ees, t�any�ndebtedness�ecured by this Deed
<br /> c�� Trust, a�! in s�ach order as Lender may determine. Th� �ntering upon and �aking passeSsion of the
<br /> Praperty. the �o�l�c�t+�n of such ren�s, issues and prafits, and the applicativn thereof sh�ll nat cure or
<br /> wai�e any default or nvtice of defauit under this Deed of Trust ar in�alidate any act done in respanse tv
<br /> such default❑r pu�suant tv such n�tic�of default; �nd, nvtwithstand�ng the�ontinuance in possession a#
<br /> �he Property ar the �o��ection� rec�ipt and appli�a#ion Qf ren�s, issues vr profi#s, Trustee or Lende� sh�ll
<br /> b� entitled ta exercis� e�ery right pra�id�d for in the Nate or the Related C]ocuments �r hy �aw upan the
<br /> �ccurrence of any e�ent�f defauft, including the right to exercise the pawer v#sale;
<br /> �by Commence an action to fore�l�s�this Deed vf Trust as a martgage, appoint a reGeir►er or specifiicaily
<br /> enfvr�e any vf the co�er�ants hereof; and
<br /> �c� Deli�er to Trustee a wrftten de���ration❑f default and demand fior sale and a written na�C�ce❑f default
<br /> and election to cause Trustor's�nterest in the Property t❑ be soid, which noti�e Trustee shall cause to be
<br /> duly fiied f�r�ecord in the appropriate offi�es af�he County in which the Praperty is located; and
<br /> {dy With respe�t ta all or any part Qf the Persvnal Property. Lender shall ha�e all�he rights and remedies
<br /> ❑f a secured party under the Nebrask�Llniforrn Commer�ial Cade.
<br /> Fvreclasure by Pawer of 5ale. Ifi Lender elects to fareclvse by exer�ise af the Power vf 5afe herein�ontained,
<br /> L�nder shall notify Truste� and shall depasit with Truste� this []eed of Trust and �he Nvte �nd such receipts
<br /> and e�idence of expenditures made and s�cured by this Deed❑f Trust as Truste�may require.
<br /> �ay llpon receipt❑#such notic�frvm Lender,Trustee shaf�cause to be recorded, pubiished and deli�ered
<br /> t❑ Trustar such Nati�e of Default �nd Notice of 5ale as #h�n required tay law and by this Qeed c�f Trust.
<br /> Trustee shall, withvut demand on Trustar, after such time as may then be required by law and after
<br /> recor�datian of such Natice of Default and a#ter Notic� r�f �ale ha�ing been gi�en as requir�d by law� se��
<br /> the Pro�erty at the time and plac� df sale fixed by it in such Notice of 5�1e. either as a whale, or in
<br />