�� 1 5�731 �
<br /> Bo�r�wex shal�pr�rnptly dischaxge�.ny I�en Vvhich has�rz�r�t� over�h�s Securi�y Instrument unless Bo�rawer:
<br /> �a}agrees iri w�r�ting�a the payrnent of#he obligation sec�ued by t�ie lien in a mann�'ac�eptabl�to Lender,bu�4nly so
<br /> �ong as Bflrrov�er is pe�rf��mix�.g such agre�men�;�b��ontests�he lien�good faith by,or defends agaans�enfarcem�n��f
<br /> �he��en in, �e�al praceedings which in I�ender's o�inion�p��ate t�p�reven�the enf�rcern�n�of the�ien vvh�le those
<br /> pr��eedings are pending,bu�on�y un��l such proceed.i�n.�s a�e cflncluded;or���sec�res fram the holder af�h�iien an
<br /> agreement�atisfactar��o�ender sub�rdina��ng�he�i�n��this Security Instrumen�t.If Lender deternnines th��any pa.r�of
<br /> the Pr���r�y is subj ect ta a�ien which ca�.a�kain pr�ority over this Se�urity�nsixumen�,Lender may give B arrov�er a
<br /> na�ice iden�ifying the��en.W'�th�n�.0 days of the date on which�ha�natice is g��en,Borrawer sh�l s��i�fy the�ien or�e
<br /> ane or mare of�he���ions set fa�h above�n th�s Sec�ian 4,
<br /> Lender ma�requ�re Borro�er�a pay a one-�ime charge for a real estate�ax verifz�a�ian andJor rep�rt�ng service
<br /> used�y Lende�in cannection with this Loan.
<br /> 5,Praperty Insuran�e.Borrower shall�eep the impro�ements now existing or hereafter erected on the Propert�
<br /> znsured against�oss b�f re?hazards inc�uded wi�h�n the�erm"extended co�erage,"and any other hazards includzng,bu�
<br /> no���mited t�,���C�ll��S�riC��a�d5,for which Lender requires insu�ance,This in.surance sha11 be main�ained�n�he
<br /> arnounts�in�iuding deduct�b�e�e�exs}and far th�periods�ha�Lender requires.�l'hat�end�r re�u�res pursuan��o�th�
<br /> preced�ng sen�ences can change during�h��errn of�he Loan.The rnsurance carr��r pxo�id�ng�he insuran�e shal�be
<br /> chosen by Barro�er subjeCt�o Lende�'s right to d�sappro�e Barrowver's Ghaiee,whzGh��ght sha.�l no�be exercised
<br /> unreasanab�y.Lender�na�requ�re BQrr�wer to pa.�,in c�nr��c�ion�ith�his i.a�.n,e�ther:�a�a one-t�.m�c�iarge f�r f�oad
<br /> zane determinat�o�, �ertif ca�i�n an�tra�l�ing ser�rices; or�b}a�ne-time charge f�r f�vod zone de�errnina.ti�n and
<br /> cer���i�a�ion ser�ices and subs�quent charges eaeh tam�r�mapp�ings or simi�ar cha.nges vccur vvhich reasonably migh�
<br /> a�ffect such determinat�an ar�er�ifi�a��on.Barrow��r�ha�l a.lso be responsible far�.he payrnent of an�fees imposed by the
<br /> Federa�Emerg�nc�Mana��ment Agen��in connection wit�th�rev�ev�r of any flnad�ane de�er�znatiion xesu��ing fro�n
<br /> an objec���n by Bar��we�r.
<br /> If I3orrower fails t�maiz�tairi any of th�coverages des�r�bed above,Lender may ob�tain i�surance�o�erage,a�
<br /> Lender's ap��or�ar�d Borxawer's�xpense.L�nder is und.er na obliga�ian t�purchase any pa.r�icular�y�e ar amoun�of
<br /> coverage.Ther�fore,su�h c�verage shall cover Lender,bu�r�ught vr migh�nat pro#ect Borrawer,Borr�wer's equity in
<br /> �the praper�y, or�he eontertts�f the Pr�perty,agains�a.ny rxsk,ha.��rd or l�abality and migh�pr�vide�eat�r or�esser
<br /> caverage�han was previously in effec�.Bortvwer�cknowled��s#ha.��he c�s�a��he i.nsurance caverage so abtai.n,�d might
<br /> significar�fi�y ex�eed�ae cvst of insurance�h�.t Borr�wer couid hav��btai�ed.Any amvun�s disbursed hy Lender unde�
<br /> this Section 5 shatl became additi�nal deb�of Bvrr�vver secured by thi�S�cu�.�y Ins�rumen�.These ana�un�s shal�bear
<br /> interest at the No�e ra�e from the da�e�fd�sburseme�t at�d sha�l be payable,with such interest,upon notic�fr�rn�.end�r
<br /> ta Ba�r4wer�req��st�g payrnent.
<br /> A�1 xnsuran�e p�Iicies requar�d by Lender and renewals af such�o���ies shall be subject to Ler�der's right t�
<br /> d�sapprnwe such pti��ci�s,sha�l inc�ud�a standar�mar�gag�clause,and sha,ll name Lender as mar�gagee andlor as an
<br /> addit�onai ioss pa�ee.Le�der shail k�av��h.e right�fl ho��.the policzes and renewa�certificates. �f L��nder requires,
<br /> Borrower sha�.1 prom,pt�y give�o Le�der a��receipts afpaid pr�m�u�ns arxd r�n�wa�na�c�s.If Barr�w�r abta�x�s an�f�rm
<br /> of�n�uranc�cov�rage,nflt otherwise required by Lender,far dama�e�aa ar des�ruc�i�n of,�he Praper�y,such po��cy sha��
<br /> �nGlude a standa�-d mortgage clause ax�d s�ha��name Lender as mar�gagee andJar a�an additianal Ioss pay�e.
<br /> In�h�event af��ss,Borrawer sha��give prompt nofir�e��th�insurartc�ca�rier and L�nder.Lender rnay ma�e p�roof
<br /> of�oss �f na�made promptly by Borrow�r. Unless Lender and Borrower o�xerwise agree in writing,any insurance
<br /> proceeds,whether ar not�he under�ying insurance was requi�ed by L�nc�er,shall be app�ie�.to res�ora�i�n ar xepair af�he
<br /> Property,if the restoration or repair is ec�nom�cally feasible and Lender's security is na�Iessened.D�uing such repa.ir and
<br /> �res�orat�on periad,Lender shal�have th�right to h��d such�nsuxan�e pro��eds until Lender has had an oppar�ii�y�a
<br /> inspec�such Froperty to ensure�he work has heen comp�eted to Lender's satisfaction,pra�ided that such inspectxan shal�
<br /> be under�aken promp���.L�nder may dzsburse proce�ds for�he repai�s and re�tarat�on�n a sin��e pa�rmen�ar�n a s�ries af
<br /> prflgress payment�as the tiva�k is�omp�e�ed.€.Sn�es�an agreemen�is made in writin�or App�icab�e Law requires in�eres�
<br /> to be pa�d�n su�h insuran�e proGeeds,Lend�r sha�.I not b�requ�red ta pay B�r�ro�rer any in�erest ar earnings�n su�h
<br /> pr�ceeds.Fees ft�r pu�Ixc adjus�ers,Qr o�her�.ird parties,re�ained b�Barro�ver sha�l no�b�pa.�d ou�of�he insurance
<br /> pro�eeds and sha��be�h.e sole Qb�igat�an�f Barrower.If the restara�ion�r repair is no�econa�x�.zcal�y feasib��o�Lender's
<br /> security w�uld�e��ssen��,�he�ns�ra�ce praceeds�ha�l�b�a�plieci ta�ae sums sec�red l�y�his Se�ur��.y�nstrum�nt,
<br /> NEBRAS�CA-Single F�mi�y-Fannla MaelFreddis M��UNiFURM�NSTRUMENT Form 3028 �1��
<br /> Page 5 af�3 ;�
<br /> Ros,�nc. Borrawer�s}�n�t�a�s
<br /> J
<br />