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��1 5�731 � <br /> ��3�iLoan"meaxa$the d�bt evider�ced by xhe l���e,pius�nter�st,any pr�paymen�charges and lat�charg�s du�under the <br /> �ote,and aii surns due under this Securi�y Ins�rumen�,plu�in�er�st. <br /> �H}�`Rxders�'means aII R�ders ta�.his Securi.ty Instr�.i�ment that ar�exe�u��d by B�rr�wer.Th�faliou� Ride�s are�o be <br /> ��ecu�ed by Borraw�r�che�k box as ap�licable]: <br /> ❑ .A.d�ustab�e Ra�e��er [,� �ondominium Rader ❑ Secand�ome Rid�r <br /> � Balloon Rider ❑ �'lann�Uni�L���re�apmen�Rider ❑ VA Rid�x <br /> ❑ ��#Family Rider ❑ Biwee��y P�ymen��t�der <br /> ❑ �ther[Spe�ify� <br /> �I)"A�Plicabl�I�aw"means a�l�ontra��in�applicable f�deral, s�ate an�Iocal statutes,re�ula�ions,ordzn�.nces a.nd <br /> adm�nis�rat��ve ru�es and orders�tha�have the eff�ct of ia�}as w�ii as a�� applicah�e final,nc�n�-appea�able jud�cial <br /> opinivns. <br /> �J���Community A,ssoc�at��n Dues,Fe�s�and Ass�ssm�nts"means a��dues,fees,ass�ssm�nts and other charges�ha� <br /> are imposed�n��rrower�r the Property�y a condomi.nium assa��a�i�n,homeo�ners as5ociati�n ar�i.nai�ar or�ani�atiora.. <br /> �I������ectroni�Funds'�ransfer"meax�s an�transf�r of fun�s,vther than a trarisaction ari��ed by check,draft,ar <br /> similar paper insirumen�,whicl�is inztiated thraugh an e�e��roni��term�n�.l,�e�ephonic�.nstru.ment,com�au�er,ar ma�.gnetzc <br /> tape so as to�rder,instruct,or author�z�a financxal�ns#atutiori t�debx��r credi�an accaun�.Su�h�erm includes,bu�is n�� <br /> �imited f�,po�n��of-sa�e t�ax�sfers,aut�ma�ted tel�er machir�e�ransactions,�ransfers zx�at�ated by��iephone,wire�ransfers� <br /> an�.automated clearinghouse t�axxsfers. <br /> �L]`i�s�raw I�ern�"m�ans th�se xtems tha�a�e des�ri�ed�n Se�tian 3�. <br /> �M�"�Vlis�el�an�a�s Pro�eeds"means any cQmpensati�n,set�l�znent,avvard�f damages,ar proceeds paid b�an�third <br /> par�y��ther�han insurance prv��eds paid under th�covexa�es t�e�c�rib�d in Se�tion 5�for:���damag�tv,o�r destruc�ion <br /> af, the Prop�r�, �ii}conde�mnati❑n �r o�er tak�ng af all �r �.ny par� Qf�e Pr�per�y; �ii��G�nve�ance zn ��eu a� <br /> �ondemnation;or�i��misr�presentations of,or orni��ion�as ta,the va�ue ax�dlor c�nditian of the F'rgpez-t�. <br /> (N�"Mortgage Insurance�'means in�urance protecting Lender a.gain�t fhe nanpaymen��f,or defau��on,�he L�an. <br /> ��)"Periad�c Payment"mean�the��gutariy schedu�ed amaunt due fo�r�x�prin�ipat�nd interes�under�he���e,p��s <br /> �ii�any amaunts under Secti�n 3�f this 5ecurity In�trument. <br /> (P)"RES�A"means�h� Rea� Es�ate Se�tl�men�Proc�du�res A���12 U.S.�. § ��a� e�seq.} and i�s im.p�exnentin� <br /> regu�ation, Regula��tin��I2 C.F.R. Par� I���}, as�hey m��ht be am�nd�d fram t�me to tim�,�r any additiana� or <br /> succe�sor legi�la�ian ar regulat�fln tha�gflv�rra.s th�same su�bj ec�ma�ter.As used in�h�s S�curi�y Instxument,�`�E SPA" <br /> xefers�o al.�requuements and re�#r�ctions�hat are impased in r�gar�.to a"federally re�a��d rn�rtgage loan"e�en if�h� <br /> Loan daes n�t qua�ify as a"f�dera�ly related rnortgag�loan"u�zder RESPA. <br /> �Q���Succ�s�or in Interes�of B►�rr4w�r"rne�s any par�r th�.t h�s taken ti�ie�o�he Fr�pex�y,wh.�th�r or not that party <br /> has�.ssumed Sorr��er's ob�ligatians under�he Nate a.ndlar this Securi�y Ins�rum�n�. <br /> TRA�SFER�F R��-HTS IN THE PR�PERTY" <br /> Thxs S�curi�ty Ins�rument �ecures t�I�ender: �i� the repaymen� of the L�an, axad a�� rer��wa�ls, ext�nsions and <br /> m�dif cations of the�To�e; and ��i} #�e p�rf��max3.�� of Barrawer's Govenants and agreements under�his S�curity <br /> rns�rumen�a�d the�ote.For�his purpos�,�3ar�ower�rrevocahly gra.nts and conveys to Trustee,�n tru��,with pow�r of <br /> sal�,the fallowing descr�bed pr�perty lfl�a��d in the�ounty of H�It: <br /> �a�s Seven �'T�and Ni�ne��),�n B��ek�venty�'I�vo{22),i.�UnYvers�ty Pia�e,a�Addit��n to the City a�f <br /> Gxand Is�and,l�a���Qunty,Ne�raska <br /> Parcel�D I�T�ber:�4�XQ14G7 <br /> NE��ASFCA-Si�g#a FamilywFannje M�elFr�ddie Mac UNlF��M�NSTRUM�NT F��m 3�2 �!� <br /> Page�af�3 <br /> tioS,i�. BaRawer�s}Snitials <br /> . <br />