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<br /> the real proper�y described is laca�ed in��ALL�aUNTY,NEBRASKA and being set farth as follaws:
<br /> I�� considera��on of �l�e mutual promises a��d a��eeme��s exchai��ed, tlie parties hereto agree a� foll�w�
<br /> �notwithstanding anything to the cantrary contained in the Note�r Securi�t�y Instrument�:
<br /> 1. Borrower agrees tha� certain arnaunts owed wi11 not be capitalized, w�.i�ed, v� addressed as part of this
<br /> A�reem�Y�t, and wiil remai�l owed until paid. These amounts awved are referenced in th� Ca�er Le�ter to
<br /> this A�;reenlen�,which is incorporated her�in,and are ta be paid with the retu�-n of this execu�ed A��eernent,
<br /> �f these arnflunts❑wed are not paid with the return of�his�xecuted A,�reem�n#,then Lender may deem this
<br /> r�.greement voi d.
<br /> 2. As o�; [�CTC)BE R I, ZU I5 the amout�t pay�b�e unde�•th� 1�iote an� the Security �nst�rument �the "Unpaid
<br /> Prin�ipal Balance"} is U.S. $�3,954.��1, consistin� of the amaun��s� laaned ta Borrower by Lender, plus
<br /> capitalized interest in th� amaunt af [.J.S. �2,3Z�.48 a��d other amount� Gapita�ized, w��ich is �imited to
<br /> escrorn�s and any�e�al fees and related fore�losur�casts�hat may ha�re been a�crued far work campleted.
<br /> �. Barrow�r pramises ta pay the Unpaid �'rincipal �ala��.ce, plus iri�erest, t�the arder of Lende� Interest will
<br /> , be charged on the Utlpaid Principa.� Balance at the yeariy�ate vf 3.75DU°J�,fram t]C:TUBEIZ 1,ZU.15.Th�
<br /> B�rrornrer�rar��ises t� make mc�rath�y payments of principal and interest uf U.S. �Z�G.19, beginning o��the
<br /> 1ST d�y af NC]VEMBER,2U15,and�antinuing ther�aftei-on the same day ofea�h succeeding month u�til
<br /> princi�al and interes�are paid in full. �f an ��T�.BER l,2U45 �the "N[aturi�� I�at�"}, �he Borrower�till
<br /> owes am�unts ur�der�he N�t� artt�the Security Ins�rument, as arnended by this Agreement, L�orr�wer will
<br /> pay t��ese a�nounts in fu�1 an th�Maturity Date.
<br /> �. If a1l or any pai�t af the Froperty or any interest in it is svld or�ransferred �ar if a beneficial interest in the
<br /> Barr�wer is so�d or�ransf�rred and the Borrawer is not a natural persar��wi�l�out the Lender's prior wr�tten
<br /> �onsent,the Le��dex may requ�re immed�ate paym�nt in fu�l of a�l Sums secur�d by this Security Instrument. �
<br /> jf the Lendet�exe�-cise� thi� aptiat�, the Lender shall giWe #h� Barrower natice flf acce�eration. The notice
<br /> shall prQ�id� a per•iod af nQt less t}�an 30 da�s fram the date the notice is deli�ered or mailed with€n wl�.ich
<br /> the Barrower mu�t pay all sums s�cured by this Security Instr��ment.rf th�Bnrr�wer fails ta pay fhese sunas
<br /> priar to tl�e expiration of tl�is perio�, t�e Lender �nay in�ake any remedies per�nit�ed b�r �his Security
<br /> i��s�rum�nt�witho��t fu�ther n��ice ot-d�mand on the Borror�ver.
<br /> 5. "T'he �3nrr�wer a�rees to �nake and ex�cute such otl�er dacuments r�r pa�aers as may be neces�ar�y c�r required
<br /> ta effectuate t11�terms at�d condition�c�f this Agr��me��t.
<br /> �. "rhe Borrower alst� wi11 comply with a!i o�her covenants, a�reements, and require�nents af the Se�urit�
<br /> Instrument, includ�ng without limitatian,the B�rro�er's covenants and agreements ta mal�e all payments of
<br /> taxes,insurance premi�j�ns,asse�sTnents,escrow�tem�, impaur�ds, and al�other�aymen�s th��th��orrower
<br /> is�bli�ated to�nake under the Security�nstrurne��t;however,the follo�vi��g�erms and pra�isions are fore�er
<br /> canGe�ied,nr.�ll and �oid,as af the date specified in Paragraph I�io. 1 abo�e:
<br /> �a} all terms and pro�isi�ans of�l�e N�te and Securi�y Ins�ru�nent�if any)providing far, impl�mentin�,or
<br /> rela�ing to,any change or adjt�stme�nt in�he ra�e of in��rest payable under�lae�1ote;and
<br /> {b} all terms �nd pr�Wisio��s of any adjustable ra�e rid�r,or other instrum�nt ar document�ha�is affixed
<br /> to, r�vh�lly or partially incorporated into, or is part af, the Nate or Security Instrument and �ha�
<br /> Welis�a�-g�r�ustom Loan Mod�72?��15_?7 93b��f�������1������������������������I�������
<br /> �'irst.�Lmerican N[urtga��5ervices �'a���
<br />