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��15�7��� <br /> interest frorn �he �a�e �f disbursemen� a� �he sam� ra�e as�essed an ad�ance� under th� �ontract and s�7a11 �� <br /> payable,w�th interes�,upon��oti�e from Lender���Qrra�T�r r�questing payment. <br /> Inspect�on. Lender or its agen� may make reasonable en�r�es Upon and �nspecti�ns of the Property. Lender shal� <br /> g�ve Barrovve�r��oti�e at the time�f ar prxar to an�nspect�on spe��fy�ng reasonable cause for���e�nspec��o��. <br /> �ondemna��on.The proce�ds of a��.y avvard ar c�aim for damages, direc�or consequent�al, �n c�nnecf�on wi�h any <br /> condempat�an �r�ther tak�ng af an�par�of�he Froper�y, or f�r canveyance �n ��eu af condemna�ian, are hereby <br /> assigned and shail be paid��Lender. � � . <br /> In the e�en� of a�ota1 tak�ng of�he Praper�, the pr��eeds sha�� be appl��d �a �l�e sU�ns secured b �his Secur�t <br /> � y <br /> �ns�rurn.ent, �vhe�her or no� �hen due, v���th any �x�ess paid t❑ B�rr�v`rer. In the e�en� of a par�ia� �a��ng �f�he <br /> P�oper�y in ��vhi�h the f��r market�a�ue af�he Pr�perty immediate�y befare the �aking �s equal �o �r greater than <br /> �h� amaun� af the sums s�cured by tih�s Securi�y �ns�rumen� i�rarned�a�ely before �he �ak�ng, un�ess Borrower and <br /> Lender�therw�se agree in v�r���ng,t�e sums secured by�l�is 5e�uri�y�nstrumen��ha]1 be reduced�by t�e amou���of <br /> �he pra�eeds xnult�plzed b�the fa�lawing firaction: �a�the ta�al am�unt�f the su��n�sect�red ��rimediatel�r before�he <br /> tak�ng, divided by �b��he fai�mar�et �ra�ue of the Property �mrned�ately befare the �al�ing. Any b�la�ce shal� be <br /> pazd to Borrower. In the event of a part�al taking af�he PrQper�y �n vvhich the fair market valu� of the Praper�y <br /> immediate�y bef�re t��e tak�ng �s less than the a.moun�af�he sums secured immediate�y before �he tak�ng, unl�ss <br /> F3orrovv�r and Lender otherwise agree in wri��ng or unless Ap�a�icabl� Lav�a�herw�se pravides, the proceeds sha�i <br /> be applied to the sums secured by�lais Security�ns�rumen�vvhether ar no���h�sums are�hen due. � <br /> �f the Proper�y is abandflned b�Barr���ver, or�f, afte�r not�ce b�Lender t� Borxowe�that�he cflndemno�r nff�r�t� <br /> rnake an a�ard or sett�e a c1a�m f�r damages, �3o�rr��rer f�ils�o respond�a Lend�r w�th�n �he minimum number of <br /> days es�abl�shed by Appl�cabie La�after�he da���he no�ice �s g�ven;.Lender�s autharized t�coliect and apply�he <br /> proceeds, at i�s opt�on, ei�her �o �-es�oration r�r repair flf t1�e Pr�p�r-�y �r to �he sums s�cured b�� �his Se�uri�y <br /> Instrumen�,vvhe�her or no��hen due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower�thertivi�e agree in wr��ing, any app��cation of pro�eeds�o princ�pa� sha�l nat ex�end <br /> or pas�pone�he due da�e�f the payments due under�he�ontrac�or change�he arnoun��f such paymen��. <br /> Borr�v�er �1at Re�eas�d; For�earance By Lender No� a V�ai�er. E�.tenslon of ���e �irne for payrnent ar <br /> mod�f�ca�ion af amartiza�i�n of the sums secured by thxs Secur�ty� In�trume��t granted by Lend�r�o Bnrrower o� <br /> any successor �n interes� of .Bvrro��er shall no� oper�te �o release tihe liabi�i�y af the orig�na� Borrower ar <br /> :�3�rrower's successors �n in�eres�. Lender shall not he required ta ca�mmence proceed�ngs agai��st any su�cessor�n <br /> in�eres�flr refuse t�ex�end time for pay�nent ar�lherwi��mad�fy amortiz�tion�f the sums secured b�th�s Secur�ty <br /> �nstrument hy reason of any demand made by t��e ariginaI B�rrower. or BorrovUer's success�rs i� in�e�-es�. Any <br /> fo�rbearan�ce�y Lender xn �xercis�ng any r��ht or 1-e��-�edy shall na�.be a��aiv�r af or�reclude the exerc�se af any <br /> r�gl��Qr remedy. <br /> Successars and Ass�gns Baund; Join� and Severa� L�ab�lity; Accommoda�ion. �ig�ers. The covenants and <br /> agreemen�s of this Securit�It�s�rument sha��bind and beneftt�he su�cessors and assigns�f Lender and Bon•ower, <br /> sub�ec� ta the prov�sians of secti�n �i���d Tra��sfer of the Pr�pQr�y or a Benef�cia� Tnteres� xn Svrrower. <br /> Borro��er's cnvenan�s and agreements shall be join�and se�eral. �1.ny person�vho�a-s�gns th�s Security Ins�rumen� <br /> �ut has no personal l�abil.i�y under �he C�ntrac� �".E1cco�nmada�ion S�gner"�: �a� is �a-s�gn�ng �his Securi�y <br /> Ittstrument ❑nly ta mortgage, gran� and �nnvey �ha� .�1.ccon�modat�on Signer's inferes� in the Pr4per�y under �he <br /> �erms of �he Security �nstrumen�; �b} is nflt personalIy abligated �o pay �h� sums secured by �l�is Secur��� <br /> �nstxumen�; and��}agrees tha�Lender and any o�her Borrower m�y agree.�a extend,mod�fs�, farbear Qr make any <br /> accnmmadat�ans wi�h regard t��he terms of th�s Secur�ty Instrument or��e Can�irac�with�u��hat Accamm�da�ian <br /> Signer's�aris�nt. <br /> Loan �harges, If the �oan secured by �his Securi�y �nstrument is sub�ect�to �a laW wh�ch sets maximum IQan <br /> charges, and��a.a�Iaw�s fna��y �n��rpreted so�hat�he �nteres��r��her l�an ch�.rge� cQilected or to be c��lec�ed in <br /> c�n.r�ec��on wxth the loan ex�ceed �he permi���d ��rni�s, �hen: �a� any such�lo�n c��arge sha�� be r�duced by �he <br /> am�unt n�cessary�fl reduce�he charge�o t��.e perrn��ted li_m�ts and�b}any sums already�o�lected f�Qm Borr��ver <br /> �hich e�.ceeded perrnit�ed l�mits v��ii1� be refunded �a Borrower. Lender may ch�ase to make this refund by <br /> reduc�ng�he pr�nc�pal o�ved under the �ont�-ac� or by maki��g a d�rect payment ta Barrov�rer. If a refund reduces <br /> pr�nc�pal,�he redu�tion wil�be treated a�a partial prepaymen�under�he�ontrac�. <br /> N�t�ces. �ny not�ce �a Borirowe�- prov�ded far in th�s Security Instrument sha�i be g�ven by del ivering it �r by <br /> mai�ing it by frs�c�ass mai�unless App�icab�e Lav��requires�se of ano�her me�h�d.The n�t�ce shalI be dir��ted ta <br /> the Pr�per�y Address or any� o�her address Borra�ver desi���a�es by no���e�o Lender. Barrovver agrees �o pro�ide <br /> Lender��i_th Barrowe�r's mas�curren�ma�I�ng add�ress, as it rnay cl�ange from ��me-ta-�ime. Any no�ic� to Lendet- <br /> sha��be g�ven by first class rna���a Lender's address s�ated l�erein ar a�y o�her address Le��de�r�des��na�es by natice <br /> to B�rrr��v�r.Any n��ic�prn��ded for�n this S�cur�ty Instrun€�.en�s��all be deem�d�a have been g�ven�o Barr�wer <br /> �r Len d��when gx ven as pra��d ed�n�h�s parabraph. . <br /> Go�erning Lavv; Se�erab��ity.TMis Secur��y Instru�nent sha�l be governed by federa�law and the�aws af the s�a�e <br /> af l�ebraska. In the event that any p�ovision or clause af���is Securi�y �nst�-umen� �r�he �on�rac� c�nflict� vvit� <br /> Appii�able Law, such c�nfli�t shaI� no� affec� other prov�s�ans of th�� Security.Instrumen� or�he C�ptrac� wh�ch <br /> can�e g��ren effect�v��hou�the cor�fli���n�pro�isian. To this end�he prav�sians of�h�s SeGurity Instt-umen�and the <br /> �on�rac:t a�e de�la�ed�o be se�erable. <br /> Evrrvwer's Copy.Barrav�er sha�l be give�a one copy of thi�Security�ns�rumept,` � <br /> Q 2b04-2�1S Camp�iance Systems,Inc.�A6gC-913A�-2G 15.3.5.lOb4 . • . <br /> Cnnsz3mer Real Fsta#e-Se�t�rity�nstn.�ment I3L2q35 Pa�e 3 of S s��v.c�rnpfianeesysten�s.cQn3 <br />