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��15�7��1 <br /> D�EED �F "f R�ST <br /> �C�ntinu�d} Page 2 <br /> per�orm a!I their raspe�#ive obligati�ns under the Note,this Deed of Trust,and the Rel�ted Dncuments. <br /> P�SSESS�t]N AND MAINTENANCE 4F THE PR�PERTY. Borrvw�r and Trustor agre� that Borrvwer's and Trustvr's <br /> possession and use of the PrQperty shal�be�Q�erned by the fallowing pra�isions; <br /> Passession and Use. Until the acGurren�e of �n E��nt af Qa�sult, Trustar may �1 j remain in pass�ssi�n and <br /> control crf the Praperty; �2y use,oper�te or menag�the Prop�arty;and [3y callect the Rents fr�m the Property. <br /> Duty to Ma�ntain. Tru�xpr shell maintain the Property in tenantable candi#iar� and promptly perform all repai�s, <br /> replac�mat�ts,and rnaintenan�e ne�essary ta preser�e its�alu�. <br /> Compliar�e Wrth En�ironmenta�Laws. Trustor reprasents and warrants tv Lender that: �1 y ❑uring the period af <br /> Trustor's Qwnership vf ihe Property.there h�s been na use,g�n�ra�ivn�,#reatrnent,dispasal, <br /> release �r threatened releas� of any Hazardvus 5ubstance by �ny persvn�n� under. about❑r from the Property; <br /> [�) Trustor has no knowledge of, ar reason ta helieve that there h�s been, except�s pre�ivusl�► dis�l�sed to and <br /> acknvwledged by Lender in writing, �af any breach ar Wialati4n vf any Environmental Laws, �h� any use, <br /> generatian� manufacture, starage, treatrnent. disposal, �e�ease or threatened relsase of any Hazardous Substance <br /> on, under, abvut ar frcam the Property by any prior awners ot occupants af the Praperty. vr tcy any actual or <br /> threatened lit�g�tion ar cl�ims of any kind by �ny persan re�ating to such matters; �nd {3) �xGept as pre�iously <br /> disclvsed to and acknowl�dged by Lende�in writing, tay neither Trustor nar eny t�n�nt, contractor, a��nt or other <br /> authori��d us�r of the Prop�rty shalf use,generetet manufacture, store,treet.disp�se Qf ar releese sny Hs�a�dvus <br /> Substance�nt un�er, ahaut ar frnm the Propsrty;�nd �h] any�uch acri�ity shell be con�ucted�n campli�nce with <br /> all eppli��b�e �eder�l, state, and �v�al �awa, regulativns �nd ❑rdinanc�s, inclu�ing without limi�ation all <br /> En��ronm�nta� Laws. Tru�t�f authari�es Lender and �#s �gents t❑ gnter upon the Property t❑ make such <br /> inspectians and tests, at Trustvr's expens�� as Lender mey deam apprapriate to determine camplian�e of the <br /> Property with this section af the Deed af Trust. Any in�p�ctions ar tes#s mede bY Lender shall be fvr Lender's <br /> purposes vnly and shalE n�t be canstrued tv create sny responsibility ar liab�lity on the part of Lender to Trustar❑r <br /> to any other p�r�on. The r�pr�sentations and warrgnt�es GQntained hergin are bss�d an Trustar's due diligence in <br /> in�estigating the Pr�party for Ha�ardous �uast�n�es. TrustQr hereby t'�] releases and uvai�es any future G�aim� <br /> ag�inst Lender fvr ind�mnity or contributivn �n the e�ent Trustar�ecames liah�e for cleanup ar ather costs und�r <br /> �ny su�h 18ws;and �Zj ag�ees�a indemnity,defend, and hvfd h�rmless Lender�gainst any and�11 clairns, losses, <br /> liabifiti�s,d�mages, panalxi��, and expense�whi�h Lender rney directly or indire�t�y�ustain ar suff�r resulting fram <br /> a bre�Gh af this section of th� Deed flf Trust vr as a cons�quence of any use, gen�ration, manuf��ture, storag�, <br /> disposal,release or threatened releasa o��u�rin�priflr to Trustor's ownership ar inte�est in the Praperty,wheth�f❑r <br /> nat the same was ar should have been knawn to Trustvr. The prv�risions of this section of the ❑eed of Trust, <br /> including the�bligation to indemni�y and defend,shall sur►►i��th�payment�f the Ind��tedness and the satisfaction <br /> and recanveyance��th�I��n af this Qeed�f Trust and shail not be a�#e�ted by Lender's acquisit#vn af any interest <br /> in the P�aperty� �hather by farec��sur�or atherwise. <br /> Nui��n�s, Waste. Trustar sha11 nvt c�use� conduct vr p�rmit any nuisence nar commix. permit� or suf�er any <br /> stripping v�or wast� on vr tv the Prvp�rty or eny p�rtian vf the Property. Without limiting th� g�nerality of the <br /> #oregaing. Trustor will r�at remo►►e.or gr�n�ta any ather perty th� right tn remv►►e. �ny timber, minerals (�ncludrng <br /> oil and��s�,coal,clay.scoria,sni1.gra�e��r rvck pr�ducts without L�nder's privr written consent. <br /> Rema►►�I qf Impro►►emsnts. Trustor shal�not demvlish❑r rema��e any lmpro�ement�frvrn the Real praperty without <br /> Lender's p�rior written consent. As a condit�on ta the�emo�al of any lmprovements, Lender m�y require Trustor to <br /> rnake acrengernents s�tis�actary to Lsnder to replace such Improvements with lmpra�emants of at least equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender'a Righ#to Enter. Lend�r and Lender's eg�nts and re�resenta#i�es may en#er upon the Real Property at afi <br /> reesnna��� times to att�nd to Lender's interesta and t� inspe�t th� Re�t Proper�y far purpases of Trustar's <br /> comp�ian�e with rh�terms�nd�ond�tivn�c�f this Deed❑'F Trust. <br /> Cvmpliance w�th Governmental Requir+�r�nents. Trustor sh�ll prarnptly camp�fy with a�1 laws, ordinances, and <br /> reguletia�n�. naw ar her�after in effect, of all government�l �utha�rities applicahl�to the use or accupancy af the <br /> Prop�rty, including without limitetion, the ameri�ans With Disebilities Act. Trustt�r rney contest in gavd faith any <br /> such 1ew� ord�nance. ar regulation and withhol�l comp�ian�e during any proceeding� in��uding appropriat� appeals, <br /> so long es Trustor has notifi�d Lender in writing pri�r to doing so and s�long as,in Lender's sole opinion, Lender's <br /> interests in the Property arg not jeopardiied. Lender may requ�re Trustor ta post adequate se�urity �r a surety <br /> bvnd,reasanably satisfactory tv Lander,to prote�t Lender's interest. <br /> DutY to Protect. Trustor agr�es neither to abandon or fea�e unettended the Property. Trustar shall da al1 ather <br /> acts. in addition to those a�ts set fo�rth����e in this sectian,which frflm the character and use a�ths Prvperty ar� <br /> re�sanably necessary�a protect�nd preser►►e th��r�perty. <br /> DIJE�N�ALE-C�NSENT�3Y LENDER. Lend�r may, at L�nder'�apxian,declare imm�diately due and payable alE sums <br /> secured by this D�e�f o�Trust upan the sale or transfef,without Lender`s priar written�onsent,af af1 ar�ny part❑f the <br /> Rea!ProQerty, ar any interest in the Real �rvperty. A"sale or trensf�r" means the cvnveyance❑f Real property or any <br /> right, title or interest in the Reel Property; whether legal, benefi�ia� ar equitable; whether �aluntary vr in�vluntary; <br /> whether hy autright sale. deed, inste�lrnent sal� cvntract� land �vntrect, Gontrect for dead, leasehold intetest with a <br /> term grea#er than thre� �3� years, lease-optivn�antrect, vr by sai�, assi�nment, ar transf�r o�any beneficial interest in <br /> or ta any �end trust holding title ta the Real Praper#y, ar by any vther rnethod af con�eyan�s�f�n interest in the R�al <br /> Prop�rty. Hawer►er. this option sh�l� nvt be e��rciaed tay Lender if such exer�ise is prohibited by federal !aw nr by <br /> Nehraska 18w. <br /> TA3CEa AND LIENS. Th� fvllvwing pro�isivns re��ting to the taxss and liens an the Pr�perty are p�rt Qf this Deed af <br /> Trust: <br /> Payrne�t. Trus�ar shell pay when due �and in a1�e�ents prior to definquen�y) all taxes.special tax�s, assgssments. <br /> ch�rge�s �in�l�ading wat�r and sewery, fin�s�nd impositions le�ied �geinst or an account�f the Prap�rty, and shall <br /> pay when due ��I cla�ms far work done on or fnr ser�►ices rendered or mater�al furnishgd t�the Property. Trustar <br /> shal�meintain the Properry free of ali liens ha�ing pri�r�ty o�er or equal to the interest o#Lender under this Deed of <br /> Trust, except far the lien of �taxes and assessments nvt due end except as otherwise pr��ided in this Deed of <br /> Trust. <br /> Right to Conte�t. Trustor rnay withhold payment a�any tax, essessment,or cleim in cann�ctivn with a govd faith <br /> dlaputa aver tha obligetion ta pay�ao Iong ��L�ndar'�intere�t in the Prtipgrty�a not j�vp�rdi�ed. I�a lien arises or <br /> is �Fil�d as a result of nonpayment. Trustor shall rn►ithin �ifteen {15y days after the lien arises ar� if e lien is filed, <br /> within �ifteen �15f deya after Truatvr h�� noticg vf the filing, �a�ure the disch�rge vf the �ien, or if requested by <br /> Lendar,deposit with Lende�cash�r a su���G�ent Garp�rate surety bond or other�q��rity setisfactvey tv Lender in an <br /> arnount suff�ci�nt to disch�rge the 1i�n p�us eny cvst9 and ettorneys' fees, vr other ch�rges thet cnw1� accrue as a <br /> result�f e�areClasure ar s�le under the lien. fn any c�n�est,T�ustor shaii defend i��elf and Lend�r and sha�ll satisfy <br /> any adverse judgment before enforcement�gainst the Prc�perty. Trustvr shall name Lender as an additional oblig�e <br /> under any sur�ty bond furnished in the cantest proceedings. <br /> E►►idence of Payment. Trustor sha�! upon demand furnish to Lender satisfactory evidenc��t payrn�nt af the taxes <br /> ar assessments and shall authori��the a���aropriate go�ernmental❑fficiai tv deli�er ta Lender at any time a writt�n <br /> statement of the taxes and assessments against the prap�rty. <br />