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��l 5�71 73 <br /> B�RR[�WER C�'�EI�ANTS that B�rro�v�r is�av�fu���se�sed of the estate hereby conveyed and has the righ�t� <br /> grant ar�.d con�e�the Prop�rty and that th�Fraper�y�s unen�umbered, exc�p�f�r encurnbranc�s af re�ord. <br /> Barrower warrants and w���d�f�nd generally�he t�t�e to�he Proper�y against all claims ar�d demands, subjec�to <br /> any encumbrances of rec�rd. <br /> THIS SECUR�TY��STRUMENT combines un�form co�renan�s far nat�anal use a.nd non--uniform c�Wenants with <br /> Iimite�.var�at��ns by�urisdzc�ion to�onstitut�a un�f�rm se�urity ins�rurnent co�ering r�a�property, <br /> Un�farm C���nants. Barrovc��r and L�nder���enant and agree as failaws: <br /> '1. Payment �f Prin�ipa�, Interest. Escr�w It�ms, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrawer <br /> shali pay when du�the pr�nc�pa.� �f, and interes�on, the deht e��denced by th��ate and any prepa�ment <br /> char�es and�ate c�arge�due under the Note. Borr�w�r shall a�sa pay fun�is for Escrow�tems pursuant�o <br /> Sec�ion 3. Paymen�s du�under the�ot�and�his Secur�ty�n�trument sha��be mad��n U.S. currency. <br /> However, if any checl�or ather instrurnent received by Lender as payment un�.er the N�te flr th�s Secur�ty <br /> �nstrument is re�urned to Lender unpa�d, �,�nder may require�ha�any or a.�l subsequ�nt payments due under <br /> the Nate an�.thi5 Se�urit��nstrument be made in one or mare�f�he fol�awing forms, as selected b� L�nder: <br /> �a}cash; �b}m�ne�order; �c)certi�i�d check, bank check, treasurer's chec�or cashier's check, pravided an� <br /> su�;h checl�is drawn up�n an inst�tutifln whose depos�ts are insured b�a federal agenc�, instrumentality, or <br /> enti�y; or�d} Electr�n�c Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are deemed recei�red by Lender when rece��ed at th��ocat�nn de��gnated in the Nate ar at such <br /> ather Iocatian as may he d�sxgnated hy Lender in a�cordance�v�th the not�ce prav�s��ns�n S�ct�nn �5. <br /> Lender may r�turn an�t payment ar par�ial gayment if�he payxn�n�or par��al paym�nts ar��nsuf�c�ent ta <br /> �ring the Laan current, Lend�r ma�r accept any payment or par��al pay�nent insufficient tfl br�ng the Loan <br /> �urrent, v�i�hout v�►�aiver af any rights hereunder or pr�judice ta its rights ta refus�such payment ar partia� <br /> payments in the futur�, bu�Lend�r is not ob��gated to apply su�h payments at�h�tim�such payments are <br /> accep�ed. �f�ach Period�c Paynrzent�s applied as of��s schedu�ed due date, then Len�.er need not pay int�rest <br /> on unapp��ed funds. Lender may haXd su�h unappl��d funds untx�Borrower rnakes payments ta br�n��he <br /> Laan current. �f Borrawer�aes not do so w�thin a rea�onable period of t�me, Lender sha�� e�ther apply such <br /> funds nr retuzx�them��Barrov�er. �f nat app��ed earl�er, su�h funds wii�be appli�d to the outstanding , <br /> principa�balance under the N�te imrnedia�e�y pr�or ta forec�osure. No offset or c1a�m�hich B�rrower migh� <br /> have n�w or in the fu�ure against Lender sha��rel�e�e Borrower fram making payments due under the Note <br /> and�h�s Secur�ty I�strument or performing the cavenan�s and agreement�secured by�h�s Security <br /> Instrum�nt. <br /> �. App�ication flf Payments ar Prnceeds. Ex�ept as othervvise described�n this Sec�ion 2, all payment� <br /> a�cepted and appl�ed I�y Lend�r shall b�app�i�d �n the fflllowing order af pr�or�ty: �a� interes�du�un��r the <br /> No�e; �b}pr�ncipal due und�r the Note; �c} amaunts due under�ect�on 3. Such payrnen�s sha111a�app��ed�a <br /> eac�i Period�c Pa�rnen�zn the order�n vvhich �t b�ca�me du�. Any rema�ning amflun�s shal��e app���d f�rst tfl <br /> �ate�harges, second to any o�her amaunts due under�his Securi�y�ns�rument, ax�d then�a reduce�h� <br /> pr�ncipal Y�a�ance of the Nat�. <br /> If L�nder receives a payment fro�n Borr�wer for a delinqu�nt Periadic Payment vvhich includes a sufficient <br /> arnaunt�a pay any�ate char��due, the payment may be applied�o the de�inqu�nt payrn.ent an�i th�late <br /> charge. �f mare�han or�e Periadic Payment xs ou�standing, Lende�may apply a.ray payxn�nt rece��ed from <br /> Borrawer t�the r�payment af�he Period�c Payment� if, and tn the ext�nt that, �aGh pa�m�nt can b�paiti in <br /> fu��. To the e�t�nt�ha�any excess exists after the payment�s applied to the full payment of ane or m�re <br /> Per�odic Payrn�nts, such excess ma�be applzeti�a a�y la�e charges du�. Volun�ary prepayments shat� b� <br /> app��ed�'irst to an�r prepa�ment charges and then as described in�he��te, <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Famiiy-Fanni�MaelFr�ddie Mac UNI��RM INSTRUMENT �arm 3028 110'� <br /> VMP� VMP6�N���13�2y <br /> Wolters iCluwer�inancial Ser�ic�s Pa�e 4 of 17' <br />
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