��l 5�71 73
<br /> in the Proper�y and r�ghts undcr this Secur��y�nstrument; and�d}ta.kes such action as Lender may
<br /> reasonab�y require�o assure that Lender's zn�erest�n th�Property and rights under�h�s Securi�y�nstrument,
<br /> and Bor�ower's o��iga�ion to pay the sums secured�}��his Secur��y�ns�rument, sha�l cant�nue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may require that Barrower pay such re�nstatement surns and e�pens�s in ane ar more of the fo��owing
<br /> forms, as se�ected by Lender: �a} �ash; �b}m�ne�r arder; �c}�er�if�ed check, bank check, tr�asurer's check ar
<br /> cashier's check, pro�vided any such check is drawn up�n an inst�tu��on whose depasi�� are insured by a
<br /> f�dera�agency, �nstrumentality or en��ty; or�d}E��ctronic Funds Transfer. Up�n r�ins�a�emen�by Borrower,
<br /> th�s Secur�t�r�nstrumen�and nbl�gatians s�cur�d hereby shall r��nain ful�y effe�t�ve as �f no accelerati�n had
<br /> occurred. Hawever, �his right ta r�insta�e sha11 na�app��in�he cas�of acceleration under Sectian �S.
<br /> �[�. Sale �f Nvte: Change of Lnan 5�rvicer; No#ic� of Gr�evance. The Note�r a partia� in��rest xn�he
<br /> Nate��ogether w��:h�:hxs Se�uri�y�nstrument}ca��be sald ane or n��re times w�thout prior notice ta
<br /> Borrower. A sa�e mi.gh�result in a�hange in�he en�ity�kn�wn as the "Loan Seruicer"}that collects Period�c
<br /> Payments due under the No�e an�i:his Security Ins�ru�nen�and perfarms ather mor�gage loan servicing
<br /> obl�ga�ions under�he 1�Iote, this Security Instrument, and Applicab�e Law. There als�xn�.ght be one ar more
<br /> chang�s af the Laan S�rvicer unre�a�ed�a a sale of th�Na��. �f there�s a change af the Loan Servic�r,
<br /> B�rrower will be giv�n written no�.ice of th�change which will state the name and address af�he new I.oan
<br /> Servicer, �he address t�which payments shauld be made and any a�her infvrmatian RESPA requires�n
<br /> c�nne���an wx�h a n�tice of trar�sfer�f serviGing. If�he Note is sald and thereafter the Laar�.is servi�ed b�a
<br /> Loan S�rWicer o�her than�he purchaser of the Note, the martgage�oa.�x se�vicing ob�iga�ions to B�rrower��1�
<br /> remain with the L,�an S�rvicer or b�transferred ta a su�ces�ar Laan Servicer and are not assumed by the
<br /> No�e purchas�r unless other-vvise prov�ded by�he Note purchaser.
<br /> Ne�th.er Borrower nor Lender may cammen�e,�oin, or b��oined to any judic�al actian�as e�ther an
<br /> �ndividuai Ii�igan�or the m�rnber of a��ass} �hat arises fram��he other par�y's actions pursuan�ta this
<br /> Securi�y Instrument or that alleges�ha��he o�her party has breached any prov�s�an of, or any dut�owed by
<br /> reasan of, th��Se�urz�y Ins�rument y un�ii such Sorrawer or Lender has n�tified the ather�arty(with such
<br /> no�ice given in compl�ance urith the requiremen�s af Se�t�on 15}of such a�leged breach and afforded�h�
<br /> other p�rt�here�o a reasonab�e perxod after the giving af such no�i�e to take cnrrective a��i�n. �f App�icabie
<br /> Lavv pro�ides a�ime periad which mus�elapse bef�re�er�a�n act�on can be taken, �hat tzme�er�ad w�l�be
<br /> deemed�Q b�reasonable for purpos�s of th�s para�raph. The n�tice of acceleration and opp�r�un��y�o cur�
<br /> g�ven�a Barrawer pursuan��a Sec��o�122 and th�na�ice�f acce�eration g��en to�3orr�wer pursuan��o
<br /> Se�tion I8 shall b�de�m�d to sat�sfy the natice and oppor�un�ty t�tak��orr�ctiv�action provisions af th�s
<br /> Sec�ion 2�.
<br /> �'[. Ha�ardvus Suhstances. As us�d�n this Sec�.ian��.: �a} "�Ia,zardous Substar�ces"are those subs�anc�s
<br /> de�ned as tox�c or hazardous substances,pollutants, ar�nrastes by En��ronm�ntal Law and the foli�vving
<br /> su�stan�es: ga�o��ne, ker�sene, ��her flammable or�o��c p�tro�eum p�-aducts, �axic pesticides and her�ic�des,
<br /> �r��atile solWents, material.s can�a�nxng asbestos or farmaldehyde, and radifla�t�v�ma�er�al�; �b}
<br /> "�nvir�nrtterttal L�tw"means federa��avcrs and�av�rs of t��jurisdic��on where the Praper�y is Iocated tha�
<br /> r�late to health, saf��y ar en�iranrnenta�pro�ec�xon; (c} "Er�virnnrnentar�rear�r�p"includ�s any respanse
<br /> act�on, remed�a� ac��on, or remo�al ac�i�n, as defined�n�nv�ronmental Law; and�d}an "�nvironmenta�
<br /> Gondi�i�n"means a c�nd�t��n�ha�can cause, con�ribute to, or a�herw��e trigger an En�ir�nmental�leanup.
<br /> Borrower shali not cause or pern�it the presenCe, use, disposa�, ��orage, or release of any�iazardous
<br /> Substaracesy ar�hreaten ta re�ease any Hazardous Substances, on ar in�he Property. B�rrower shali not�o,
<br /> nor alla�an�one��se��d�, anything affecting�he Proper�y �a}tha��s in��a�at�on of any Enviror�menta�
<br /> Lavv, (b�which�rea�es an Env�ronmental �ond�t�on, or�c)which, due to�h�presence, us�, ar release�f a
<br /> Ha7�ardous Su�hs�an�e, �reates a condition tha�adverse�y affe�ts t�.e va�ue of the Proper�y. The preceding twa
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Famify-�ann3e MaelFreddie Mac UNI��AM�NSTRUMENT Fvrm 3Q�8 110�
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<br /> Wvlters Kfuwer Financia!5�r�iGes Page 13 of 1 T
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