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Return to: <br />Advantage Title Services <br />503 W Koenig <br />Grand Island NE 68801 <br />m <br />c <br />z <br />rn <br />n tit <br />CONSENT AND RATIFICATION <br />ry <br />COMES NOW Melissa D. Codner, Trustee of the Wain L. Codner and Dixie L. Codner <br />Irrevocable Trust dated March 22, 2013, and does hereby freely and voluntarily consent to, <br />confirm, and ratify in all respects the platting, subdividing, and dedicating of "Codner <br />Subdivision ", and consents to the dedication of roads and easements as shown on said plat and <br />by these presents does hereby join in the platting and subdividing of "Codner Subdivision" in <br />Hall County, Nebraska, the Plat of which has heretofore been recorded on September 3, 2015 <br />as Instrument #201506075 with the Hall County Register of Deeds, regarding the following <br />described real property in Hall County Nebraska: <br />^tea A tract of land comprising a part of the North Half of the North Half of the Southwest <br />Quarter (NY2N %:SW' /.) of Section Twenty One (21), Township Nine (9) North, Range Twelve (12) <br />i � West of the 6 P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: <br />p , j. Beginning at the southwest corner of said North Half of the North Half of the Southwest <br />/ 0(1 ' 1'e1 Quarter (N 4NYSWA); thence N00 °43'03 "W, along and upon the west line of said North Half of <br />the North Half of the Southwest Quarter (NYN'ASWYa), a distance of One Hundred Fifty Three <br />!— and Twenty Four Hundredths (143.24) feet; thence N87 °38'04 "E; a distance of One Hundred <br />rn Eighty Seven and Ninety One Hundredths (187.91) feet; thence S52 °41'51 "E, a distance of <br />rdi Eighty Six and Ninety Nine Hundredths (86.99) feet; thence S10 °58'54 "E, a distance of Thirty <br />rrl <br />Five and Twenty Five Hundredths (35.25) feet; thence N81 °00'33" E, a distance of Forty Five <br />and Twenty Three Hundredths (45.23) feet; thence N38 °28'25 "E, a distance of Seventeen and <br />r Two Tenths (17.20) feet; thence N76 °19'18 "E, a distance of Four Hundred Thirty Tow and <br />col Twenty Seven Hundredths (432.27) feet; thence N81 °53'28 "E, a distance of Eighty Two and <br />Nineteen (82.19) feet; thence N88 °56'25 "E, a distance of Two Hundred Forty and Two <br />Hundredths (240.02) feet; thence S84 °27'52 "E, a distance of Eighty Eight and Sixty Three <br />Hundredths (88.63) feet; thence S79 °41'55 "E, a distance of One Hundred Twenty Six and <br />Seventy Two Hundredths (126.72) feet; thence 566 °27'56 "E, a distance of One Hundred Ninety <br />and Fifty Five Hundredths (190.55) feet; thence SO4 °47'50 "W, a distance of Sixty Two and Thirty <br />Nine Hundredths (62.39) feet to a point on the south line of said North Half of the North Half of <br />the Southwest Quarter (NY2NhSWYa); thence S88 °41'20 "W, along and upon the south line of <br />said North Half of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter (N' /:NYSW' /,); a distance of One <br />Thousand Four Hundred Forty One and Forty Three Hundredths (1,441.43) feet to the point of <br />beginning. <br />cn <br />