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Y 1 �T <br /> y � <br /> ' � � � ��1 5�71 1 7 <br /> � <br /> � ,, <br /> . <br /> . <br /> 7892835531 <br /> the real property described being s�t farth as fa��ows: <br /> SEE E�HI�IT"A"ATTA�HED HERET�AND 1VIADE A PART HEREUF; <br /> In cons�deration af the mutua.l pramises and agreements e�changed, the parties hereta agree <br /> as f�iio�vs(notwithstand�ng anything to the contrary contained in the Nat�or Security Instrument}: <br /> �. As of AUGUST�.,Z�11 ,the amount payable under the Na�e and the Security Instrument <br /> �the"Unpaid P�incipal Balance"}is U.S.$ 57,485.3� ,cansisting of the amaunt�s}�oaned <br /> tv Bqrrower by Lender,plus cap�talized in�erest in the amount of L�.S.$ 11,917.SU and other <br /> amounts capitalized,which is limited to escror�vs and any legal f�es and related foreclosur�costs <br /> that may Ha�e been ac�rued far work cornpleted. <br /> � �. Barrower prom�ses ta pay the [Jnpaid Prir�cipal Ba,�ance, plus int�rest, to the order of Lender. <br /> Interest will be�harged an th�Unpaid Principal Balance at the year�y ra.te of 4.�5U °�o,fram <br /> 4 AUGUST 1,ZU11 . Borrower promises tv make monthly paym�nts of principa�and <br /> interest�f U.S.$ �Z8.41 ,beginning�n the �ST day of SEPTEMBER,2011 ,and <br /> continuing thereaf�er �n the same day of each su�ceeding month unt�l princ�pal and interest <br /> are paid in full.If on AUGUST O1,ZD�1 �the "Maturity Date"},Barrower sti�l awes <br /> � amounts under the Note and the S�ecurity Instruument,as amended by th�s Agreement,Barrower will <br /> pay these amounts in fu11 on the Maturity Date. <br /> 3. If all or any part of the Property or any �nterest in it is soid or �ransferred �or if Bvrrower <br /> is not a naturai person and a �eneficial inte�est in Borrower is s�ld or transf�rred} without <br /> Lender's prior written consen�,Lender may requ�re immediate payment in fu11 of a11 surns secured <br /> by th�Secur�ty Instrument. <br /> If Lender e�ercis�s this aption, Lender shal� g��e Barrower notice of acce�eration. The natice <br /> shail pravi+de a periad �f nat less than 3� days �rflm the date the noti�� �s delivered or mai�ed <br /> within wh��h Borrower must pay ail surns secured by the Security Instrument. If Borrawer " <br /> fails to pay these sums prior ta the expiration af thi� periad, Lender may in�oke any remedies <br /> permit�ed by th��e�uri#y�Instrument witha�t further noi�ce ar demand on Borrower. <br /> HUD M�DIFICATIaI�AGREEMENT <br /> CoreLogic Dacument Services _ �page�of 6) <br /> CoreLogic,Inc. <br /> CLDS#HUD-M�DM-� Re�.Q2-21-�1 <br /> � <br />