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<br /> the real prap�r�y descri�ed is lacated in HALL CUUNTY,NEBRASKA and heing set forth as f�llows:
<br /> In considerati�n of the mutual prornises and agreements exchanged, the parties hereto agr�e as follaws
<br /> (natwithstanding anything to th�cantrary contain�d in the I�Iot�or Security Instrument}:
<br /> l. As of, ��T�3BER 1,2015 the amaunt payabl� und�r the N�te and�h� Security �nstrument�the "Unpaid
<br /> Principai Balan�e"} is U.S. $53,891.91, c�nsisting ❑f the amount(s} loaned to Borrower by Len�er, plus
<br /> capitali�ed interest in �he amoun� �f U.S. $8,931.71 and other amaunts cap�talized, which is limited ta
<br /> escrows and a.�y legal fees and related fareclosure costs�hat may harre been accrued for wark�omplet�d,
<br /> 2. Borrower promises to pay th�Unpaid Prin�ipa!Balance, p�us interest,t�the order�f Lender, Interest will
<br /> �e charged an the Unpaid Frincipal Balance at the yearly rat�of 4.125�%,fr�m f�CT�BER.1,2�15.The
<br /> Borrawer promis�s to rnake manthly payrnents�f principal and interest of U.S. �2G1.19„beginning an the
<br /> 1ST day af N�]VEMBER,Z015,and ca�ntinuing thereaf�er on th�same day of each succeeding month untii
<br /> prin�ipai and interest are paid in fu�l, If on �C'Tt]BER l,2��5 �the "Maturity Date"}, �he Barrow�r sti��
<br /> ow�s amounts under the Note and th� �ecur�ty Instrumen�, as amended by this Agreemen�,Borr�wer will
<br /> pay these amoun�s in full on the Maturity Date.
<br /> 3. If ai�ar any part of the Property or any interest in it is sold�r transferred�or if a b�neficial intere�t in the
<br /> Barrawer is sald or transferred and the Barrr�wer is not a natural persan�wi�haut the Lend�r's prior wri�ten
<br /> cflnsen�,the Lender rnay require imme�iate payment in full of a��sums s�cured by���s Seeurity Instrument.
<br /> �f the Lend�r exercis�s this option, the Lender shall give the Borrovver no�ic� of acceleration. The notice
<br /> shall pruv�ide a p�rivd af nat less than 3�days fram the date the noti�e is deliWered or mait�d within which
<br /> the Bcarrower must pay a�l sums secured b�this Securify Instrument.If the Borrow�r fails to pay th�se sums
<br /> prior t� �he �xpiratian of this peri�d, the Lender may in�oke any rernedies perrnitted by this Securi�y
<br /> Ins�rumen#withou�fur�her notice or d�mand an the Borr�wer.
<br /> 4, The Borrower al�� will carnply with all other co�enants, a�re�ments, and requirements of the S�curity
<br /> �nstrurn�nt,incl�ding with�ut limitatton,the Barrower's co�enants and agreements tv make al�payments of
<br /> taxes,insurance premiums,assessments,escr�w items,impaunds,and all�ther payments that the Borrower
<br /> is�btiga#ed ta make under the Security�nstrument;however,the following terms and pravisian�are forever
<br /> cancelled,nt�ll and��id,as❑f the date specified in Paragraph No. t abo�e:
<br /> �a} all terms and pro��sions of the N��e and�ecurity Instrum�nt�if any�pro�iding for,implernenting,or
<br /> re�a�ing�o,any change or ad�ustment in th�rate vf interest payab�e under�h�Nate;and
<br /> �b} all terms and pro�isions af any adjustahle rat�rider,�r ather instrument ar document that is affixed
<br /> to, wholly or part�all�r incorporat�� int�, ar is part af, the 1�1ate or Securi�y Instrument a.nd �hat
<br /> cvntains any s�ch terms and pro�isions as those referred ta in�a}aba�e.
<br /> 5. If the Bvrrower has,sin�e inceptivn of this luan but prior to this Agre�rnent,recei�ed a discharge in a
<br /> Chapter 7 bankrupt�y, and there ha�ing l�e�n no Walid reaffirmatian of the underly�ng debt, by
<br /> entering inta this Agreement, the Lender is nat attempting to r�-estah[ish any personai liabilr�y fQr
<br /> the underlying debt.
<br /> HUD Modif�cation Agreement�?27�015 45 994Z4Z233�
<br /> First American Mortgage Services � Page 2
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