��1 5�71 �3
<br /> a���ga���n to p�y ta Lend�r rLulds far�ny or a��E��ra�It�ms���.n�ta.�n.e..�y s�ch v�a�v�r m�.y�nly
<br /> b�zn wx�t�ng.In�he eV�n�of such�vaiver, Borra��er�ha��p�.y d�re�t�y,whe�.and�h�re payabl�,�he
<br /> arn�un�s dt�e for an�Escro�Items for v�hich payrne�.�af Fun.ds has��e�.v���ved by L�n��r�nd,�f Lender
<br /> requires, sha1�furnish t�L�e�d��r�c�ipt5 ev��.enc�ng such p�.ymen����hin such��rn.�per�ad as LendEr
<br /> may reqt��re.B�rra���'s obl�g�t�on:to rna��e such p�.yments anc��o pr�v�de rec��p�s sh���f�r�11 purposes
<br /> b�dc��a.ed to be�.cav�nant a�d.agr��me�.�con.��ined in this Security Ix��trurne�t,as�he phrase"co�renan�
<br /> and agr�emer�t"is t�sed in Sectian 9.If Bo�ro�v�r is Qi�lig�����o p�.�r EscrQw Ite�ns dir��tl�r,pursuan��a
<br /> �:v��.�v�r, a�d Ba�•ra�ver f�.fls to pa.��h�amaunt du�for°ar�Escrov�It�m,Lender ma�ex�rG�s��ts r�ghts
<br /> tinder Sectian 9 a�.d��.y sueh�.r.�.o���.�and Barra�u��r sha�l�h�n he�bl�gatec�under Se�tion 9�a repay�a
<br /> L�r�d�r ar��such am.oun�. L�nd��am.ay reval�e the waiver as�a ar�y or al1 Esc�ow Items a�any time h�a
<br /> n�tic�givex�.�n accordance�ri�.h�ect�on 15 �.nd,upan such revaca:��.on,l3o�ro�ver shall.pay t�Lender a.�.�
<br /> Funds, and in suc�i am�ur��s,��a�ar�then requir�d under�his Sec��on 3.
<br /> Le�.der may, a��ny ti�ne,collec�ar�d ho�d Funds i��.n.�m�un��a� sufficie�t ta���i�Lender to app�y
<br /> tihe Fu�.d��t the�zme�pec��.ed�:�nd�r R�SPA, and�b}not 1;o e�ceec�the rnaximum arnoun�a�ender c�.n
<br /> r�quire ur�der RESPA.Len�.er sh.a���s�imate�he arr�ou�a.�of F�xnds c�ue o��he basis aF current d�.�a a�.d
<br /> re�.son�.��e es��m.a�es of exp�ridx��xr�s of future Escro�Item.s or o�herw�se in accorda�.�e�vi�h A�plicab�e
<br /> LavU.
<br /> The Fund�sha�l l�e held i��.n i�stitutic}�whose d�posits ar�insured�y�.l�daral age�Gy,ir�strumental��y,
<br /> or en�i�y�i�c�u�ing Len��r, �f L�nd.er is an ins�i�u�ion v�h�se c�epos��s are so insur�d}or�n any:�;edera�
<br /> Horne I�o�.�Bar��.Lenc���°s�h����.pply�he Funds tio�ay t�ie Es�rov�v Items�o later�:han�;he���n�s�ecif�ed
<br /> under RESp�.Len�.er sha11 n�t�harge Barrower for h��ding and�pplying�he FL��.ds,annua��y analyzing
<br /> �}1��5�1"QW�.L'GUL1.Tlt, C)r V��'1r�1I1���7�ESCr�V�I�I�.e�115�u��ess Lenc�er�ays Barrawer i��er�st a�1:he F�:�nds
<br /> and 11pp��ca�le L�v�permits:I_{��d.��°�o m�.:l�e such a�harg�a LTnl�ss an ag�e�men�is m�.de ix�wri��ng or
<br /> Appl2ca��e�L.aw rec�tii-re5 zr�t�resf;�,����aid or�i�he F`ux�d�,L��de�°sha1�no�;�be rec�uired to pay Barr��ve�
<br /> any in�er�st or ea.rnings o�th�T�ndse.BO�`xQW��'�.�1�I1�T1�.��Cc�11.�:�x��ll1�rV�'I�1�,1�,howev�x, ��.�.���er�s�
<br /> shall be pa�d on�he Func:�5.L�-��.��r 5h:�,11 giv��o Bo�rawer,w�tiho�t charge, ar�a�iva��.�co.un�irig of���
<br /> Fu�.�.�as�equire�by RESPl�,
<br /> I:C�h�re a�s a surp�L�.s of Fur�d.s h�1.d 7n�scro�, as�.ef�.ned�,�zZ��e�RESPA,Le:nder sha�l ac�o�.�nt ta Barro�e�r
<br /> f�r the ex.cess fun�s in accar�arice wi�h RESPA.If�h�re is a sh�r�agc of Fu�nds held�n escr�w,�.s�.efined
<br /> ur�de�RESPA,Ler�der shall natify Borro�er�.s reqL���°ec��y RESP.A, a�.d Borro�ver s�.a��pa�to Lend�r
<br /> �h�amaun�necessary to rriake up the short�:ge an a�card.�.nce�vi�h RESPA,bu�in n�mfl�r�th�.n�2 month��
<br /> p�.�men�;s,If�here is�.defici��cy of Ft���.s he�d�.n.escro�v, as def�r�ed und�r RESPA,Le�.der sh�.11 no��fy
<br /> Bo��•ower as rec�uir�d by R��PA,an�Borro�vcr sha�l pay to Lenc�cr thc�m�unti n�ccssary�o m�.ke ti�p
<br /> the d�f�c�ency in acc�rdance�z�h l�ESPA,bt�.�in no xx�.ore than��mon�hl.y paymer��s,
<br /> Upc�n p�.yme�t in fu:l�of all surr.�s s�cure�.by thi.s ��cur�ty Ins�rument, Ler�der sha��promp��y r�fu.�l�to
<br /> �3arro�r�r an�Funds helc�.b�Lend�ro
<br /> 4.Ch�r���; L�errs.Barxo�er sha�l.pay all�axes,ass�ssrn.en�s,charges,f�.�a.es,az�.d im�asi�ions at�ributa�ble
<br /> to the I'rapert�y�vvh��h ca�.at��.�.n��.o�i1:y over�his S��u.r��y Ins��u.men�,�e�.se�.a�c�payrn��ts or gra�nd
<br /> rer��cs an�he P�roper�y, if a�y, a�.d��x�mur�i��Assoc�a��Qn Dues,Fees, and A.ssessments,if�.r��.T��h�
<br /> exten��h�.t thes e xtems are�scr�w Items,B�rrawex�sh�1l p ay�hem.an the mann�r p�°a�ided in S ec�ion 3.
<br /> H�FG-oa���
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family�Fann€e MaelFr�ddi�Mac UNlFaRM INSTRUNIENT Form 30�811D1.
<br /> VMPQ ��1�5
<br /> Walters Kfuwer F=inanciaf Servic�s �0�5�aD8�5,2,2,3298-J20�5054GY Page a af�7
<br /> *34�933 ��5�2 '�
<br />