��1 5�71 �3
<br /> ��j "No�e"�e�.ns the prornis sory nate signed by B orr�w er and c�ated�ct�b er�2, ���5.The No�e
<br /> st�.t�s�hat 13�irra�rer ov�es Lende�r�.zne�y six��l�usan�eight hunci.��d a�ld��1�.��Do���.rs�U.S.
<br /> $9d,8��.�D��lus in�ere�t,Barxow�r has pram�sed t�pay�his debt in regular peri�dic Payrnents ax�.d
<br /> to p ay�h�debt ir�fuX��zot�a�er�har�Novezn�b�r 1,2�3 4,
<br /> (�`} ".�'�°ap��°��"mc�.ns t�1��rop�r�y�ha�is descr�.bed be�o�v under�he he�.d��.g"Transfer of R�.�h�s�n
<br /> ��he P�op��ty.,'
<br /> ��} "Lae�n"rr�ear�s the debt ev�den�ed by the N��e,p�us zn�erest, �.�a.y�pre�ayxnent charg�s �.nd�a�e
<br /> cha.��e s �.ti�e und��the No�e,and a.1I st�r�s due ur�c�er�hi s S ecuril;y In��r��me��,�a 1us�nt ere st�
<br /> �H} ".�ic���,�''mear�s a��Ric�ers�o��s S ecurity Instrumen�tha�are�xecu��d by Barr��rer.Th�;fa��owing
<br /> R�ders are�o be��ecu�ed�by]3orrow�r�che�l��ax�s appl�c�.b���:
<br /> Cl Adj�.stab�e Ra��R.x�er f� ��nc��mi�.xurn Rider a.Secon�l Home Rider
<br /> ❑ B�liaor�Rider � Flar�ned Ur�i�Dev�lapment Ric�er C�1-4 F�.m��y R�c�er
<br /> C� �V�.T�.�der ❑ Biv�e���y Paym.en�l��der �ther�s� �spec�fy�
<br /> �I� "�p�lica�le Lc�w"means a�1 cantr�llir�g ap��ical��e federal, state and�oca1 statu��s,regu�a�ior�s,
<br /> ❑rdi�.�.nces a.n�.adm�r�is�rati�e rul�s anc��r�.�rs��h��have the efFec�of��.���as v�re11�s a�I applic���e
<br /> final,n.��.-�.pp�����b�e�ud�cial ap�nic�ns. �
<br /> (J) "C��n�uni�.�4ssoczc�tzon Dues, �'ees, cznc�.�ss�ssrne�ts"means a��dues, fees,ass�ss�nerzts�nd
<br /> a�h�r charges th���.re im�os ed on B arraw�r or the Prop er�y�by a con�.ominYurn assaci�.tio�.,�.oxneativ�.ers
<br /> �ss��i.at�ar�or sirnilar organiz���one
<br /> (I�.} "-��lect�o�zr,�unc�s T�ansf��°"m�a�.s�.��t�ansfer af fun�s,o�her thaz�a�r�.nsaction.�r�g�na�ed by
<br /> chec�,d.r�ft,o�similar�a�per ir�s�zpun�.�n.�,which is in��ia�ed thraugh an e�ec�ronic terrnxn��,tel��hor�ic
<br /> i�.s��irrl�nt, ��mputer, �r magne����;ape sa�.s t� or�.er,ins�ruc�,ar�.uthor��e a f'inanc��.I znst�tL��:ian�o
<br /> debi�c�r���d���.n�ccoun�.Such t�r.rx�inc�ud�s,bu.�is na�1im��ed�o,poi���of sale tr�.nsfers,�.u�oma��d
<br /> t��le�°�a��v.n�trans�.ctioxis,�ransfe�°s�.���.�e�.by teleph�ne,w�re�r�.ns�ers,a.��.autam�ted G��a�a.x�ghouse
<br /> transfers.
<br /> (L►� "ESC�'�1N I�'�YI'lS'��111ea115��145�7.���T].5��lc���.re C�.�SC�'I.�eC�.1�S�C�1OI1 3.
<br /> (M} ``.�lisc�rrc�nea�cs P�oceec�s"rr�e�.�s�.ny compensa�io�i,s����emer��,a��.rd flf damages,o�pracecds
<br /> pai�.by any th�rc�pa�:Y(ot�.�r than�x�s�xr��.ce proce�ds pai�I un�er the coverages��sc�.l�ec�i�.Sec��on
<br /> 5�for: �i� dama�e�o, ar�.estruction of,�he Proper�y; �i�}caz�demr�ati�n or��her�aking�f�����any
<br /> par�of�h.�1'r��er�y; (iii}cox�v��ance in l�e��f candem�na.�ion; ar�iv}misr�pr�sen�a����.s of, ar
<br /> om��siar�s�.�t�,the value�.n�l��c conc�.���nn af th�Property.
<br /> �N� `��o��gc�ge Ins�c�c�n�e"means��s��.ran�e�aratec��n�Lend�r aga�ns��h�nonp�.yrnen��f,�r�.efau.I�
<br /> �r�,the La�.�l,
<br /> �U� "I'��inc�ic.Pccy�ent"me�.ns���reg�x�ar�y s�heduied amaur�t due far�i��rinczpa�an�.�n��r�s�
<br /> under th�No��,p�us ���� a�y�.rnour�.ts�ir�c�e�°Sect��n 3 �f thls S e�uri�.��ns�rumen�.
<br /> HCFG-Q�359
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fami�y-Fanni�MaelFred�ie Mac fJN1F'�RM fNSTRUMENT �orm 30281/01
<br /> VMP� 0�115
<br /> Wolters Kluwer�Enancia�S�rvi��s 2[7'{5�pa8�5,2,2,329�-.�2��5�5D5Y Page 2 of 17'
<br /> � $ 33 2�0�`
<br />