��1 5�71 �3
<br /> Ne��.er Borrovv�r nat•Le�1d�r ma�commen�e,jair�,�r be���ne�to�r�y j�.�dici�.��ctio��as ei�her�r�
<br /> x�.d�vidu�.l Iitigant or the ra1�n�.ber of�.c�ass}�ha�arise�from th�ather�ar�y's ac�xans pursuant�o�h�s
<br /> Securi�y Instrument�r that���eges th���h���her party has breached�r��prov�szon of, or�.ny du�y owed
<br /> by re�.son of,this S�curity Ins�rumen�,un��1 such Barrourer or Lend�r has no��ficd the other p�.r�y�v►T��h
<br /> su�h no�ice give�in�amp�ianc��vz�h.�he requirernen�s of Sec��o�.1.5}of such�.�lege�.bre�.c�i and aff�rded
<br /> �h�oth�r par�y hereto a r���.so�.ab��pe�.od af�er�;h�g�ving af such no�ice���ake carxective ac��on, If
<br /> App��cab�e La�r pra�ides a tsrne��r��d v�hich rnus�e1�.pse�ef�r�cer�ain action can.be ta�er�,that�ime
<br /> p�riad����b�c�eeme�.��be reasan�.ble for pL�rpases of�his p�.ragra.�h.The notice af acce�era�ion and
<br /> oppoz�uni�y ta cure g�v�n�o]3�rraw�r pursu ax���� S ec�ian�2�.r�d�he n�t�ce�f a��e�er�.tion given�o
<br /> Borrower puxsuant��Sectxan 1 S sha�l be c�e�m�d�o sa�isfy the�atic��.nd a�partu�ity to�ak�correc��ve
<br /> a�t�o�pr�vision���f thi s S ec�ion 2�.
<br /> �'1. H��ard a�s Su bstar��es�.As u.sed�n��a.�s Sec�ion 2�o �a� "Hazardous Subs��c�s"are t�aase
<br /> suhs��.r�c�s de��ec�as�ox��or�azardous subs��.x�ces,po��utan�s,or was�es�y Enviro�mex����Lativ and
<br /> �he fo�lo�ving substances:gasa�i�a.e,�e�'osene,otller flan�lab�e�r�oxic pe�roleum praduc�s,toxic p�s��cides
<br /> an�herbxc�des,valatile salver��s,xnater.ia�s con��.ir�ing as��s�os ox farmal�.ehyde,ar�d r�.dio�.G�i�e mat�rials;
<br /> �1�� "�x�v�romrnen�al Lav�"rnear�s f�der�.l laws and.laws of�he�u���sdzction v�llere the P�•aperty i�loca�ed�.
<br /> tha��e�a�e�a hea��h, safety�r env�ronme�tal pro�ec�io�; �c} "E�.vironmen�al����.nup"��.c�u�:es�.ny
<br /> r�sponse ac�ion,rexnec��a�ac�i�n, or. remov�I act�or�, �:s define�.in E�zv�r�xa�.a.e�ztal Lavv; and�d}ar�
<br /> "Enviranment��Cor�c����on"m��.r�s a candi�iax�th�.�can c�.ti�s�,cantribu�e�a, or at�ierw�se�r�gger a�
<br /> Environmen�a�C�eanup.
<br /> Borro�Ve�sh�,�l na�c�.use o�°permi�th�prese�.ce,use,c�.isp�sal, storage, or re�eas�af any Hazarc�aus
<br /> Su�sta�ces,��r thre�.t�n�o.rele�.s�any H�.7ardous Sub��ances, �n or�n the Fropex�y.Borrawer sha11��t
<br /> da,nor a1lo�ax��one e�se�o c�o,a�.y�hi�g affe��ing�he Prap�rty�a�t�i�.t is�n��ol�.��o�o��.ny Environmerit�:l
<br /> Lavv,�h���rh�ch cr�ates an Fx�vir�nrr��n�al C�nd�t��n,ar��}�hich7�U.ei LQ������S�IZCl�7 use,�r re�ease of
<br /> a Ha��.rdou.s S��bs�a�ce,crea��s a�on�.x���n�ha�adverse�y a�fects�h�value of'�he Praper�y,The prec�ding
<br /> tw r.���nt�n�,�s sha11 no�ap�Iy to�h�p��s ence,us e, or s�t;�rag�on the Prop ert�a f smal�c�uant�tzes of
<br /> Haz�.rd�a�.�s Subs�ances�h�:�:are ger���°a1.ly�recogru.2e�.�o be app�opriate�a�.orrnal residen���.�uses and t�
<br /> m�.i�t�n�.nce of the l�r��erty��nc�ud.�n�,�ut not��mited�o,�i�.�ardous su�s�an�es in�onsu��r prociuc�s}.
<br /> BorroVvex sha11 prompt�y give Lend.er. �vr���e�.r�o��ce af��.} ��y in�restig�.��on,claim, de�na�.�,�awsu��or
<br /> ot��r�.c��on by any gov��n.rnen�al ar�egul��ory a�genc�or priv�.�:e par�y xn�o�ving�he Pr�per�y a��any
<br /> �Ia��.�°�.��.s Sub��anc�or En�iro�nen��1 La�v of��rh.�ch Bar�ovver has ac�ua����vvledge, �b� a��y
<br /> ��viro�men�a�Cor�d��xon,i�.cluding bu�not Iim.ite�.to, �.�y spil��ng,�e�.��.�g,discharge,re�ease ar�hr�a�
<br /> af re���.se of an.y Haz�rdaus S�.�s�a���, a�d�c� �.n�c�n�.iti�r�c�.used by the prese�ce,u�e or release af
<br /> a H�.zard�Lis Su�bs�ar�ce�vhx.ch adv�rs�Iy affec�s th.e v�.1ue of��e Pr�per��,If Borrow�r�earns,or is no�if�ed
<br /> by�.ny g��ernme�.�al ar regul.���ry��xth.����,or�y pr����e party,t�a�any remov�.I or other rexne�.ia��or�
<br /> ����1��Ia'L�.�C�4Li5 SLlbS��.�1Ce�f`��C�L�1���1�P�'�����'�5�1�C�5S�.1"y,Borro�ver sha��prom���y 1:��e a���.�cessary
<br /> r�rnedi�.I actions�n�ccard�nce�ri�h E�.var�nment�.�La�.No��v.�g he�ein sha��cre�te any abliga��on o�z
<br /> Lende�°.for an Envi�onmenta���ea�.�po
<br /> N a�d U n ifio rm ���e n a nts. l��rra�v�r a.n�:Lender fur�her caver�a.n�a.z�.d agree as fallovv�:
<br /> �2a �I,cce�erati�n; R�m�die�q I���ader �hall give notice to E�rrawer priar to ac�elera���n
<br /> f�lla���g Eorrnwer's brea�h vf a�xy coven�.nt or agr�err�e�t in this Se�ur�t�r Instxuxn��.t �but
<br /> HCFG-04359
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Fanr�ie��IaelFreddl�Mac UNIF�RM INSTRLIMENT Form 3fl28'f107
<br /> VMP�7 d31�5
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Financlal 5er�ic�s �0�51 Q08�5,2:2,3298-J�4��O�OGY Pag�14 of�7
<br /> *3�8 3384�52� *
<br />