��1 5�71 �3
<br /> to re��rve �t refunc� af �r�y Mor�g��e Insur�.nce prem�ums tb�.t vv�re une�r�ed at the time of
<br /> su�� cancex�at��n or termi�.�t�on.
<br /> ��1��►ssignm�nt af�111�scel�aneou�F'r�ce�ds; F�rfe��ure..�l-�.1�Mxsce��a�eous Pr�ce��.s are hereby
<br /> assrgn�d�o and sha1�be pa�d��I.��nder.
<br /> If�he Praper�y�s damag�d, such 1Vlisce�laneous Proc�eds sh�Z1 be appl�ed�o res�ora�ion or repair�f��e
<br /> Proper�y,if the restora�ior�.or.��p�.ir is ecanamica�ly fe�.sible and Lende�'s��cu���y�s nat l�ss�ned..Durir�g
<br /> such repa�r and rest�r.at�ar�per�od.,Ler�der sk�a�l hav�th�ri�ht to hald such Misce��aneaus Proceeds u�ti1
<br /> Lender has ha�.an op-�artu��ty to i�spect suc�F�op��t�to e�.s�.re the v�or�has beer�comp�e�e�.�a Lend��r's
<br /> sa�isf�.c�ian,prov�ded.th�t such insp�c�i�n sh�.�l bc L�.�.dcr��ker��ramptly,Le�der may p�.�r for�he repa�rs
<br /> a.rid r�storatio�.ixa �.s��.g�:��.�s�ursem.en�ar�.n�s�r�.es of progress payme�.ts as the�ar�is cornpletec�.
<br /> Un1�ss an agrccrncnt�s rx�.adc i.x�.wr����.g or App�i�a�ble I�avv requires�n�cres�ta i�e��.id or�such
<br /> M�s�e��axa.eous Proceeds,I�e�d�r s��.1�not be rec�L�ired to pay Bo�-ro�ver�.ny interes�or e�,rnir�gs o�such
<br /> M�scc�laneaL�s Pra��eds.If��.�rEs�orati�n a�rcp�.ir is na��c��omically feasiblc or Lex�d�r's securi#:�
<br /> wo��Id�b�lesse�ed,��e M:is�ell�neous Praceeds sh�ll�be�pp�ied to the surns secL�red�y�his Sec�.�rity
<br /> I�stru.men�,`�vhe�her or x�o�ther�due,�i�h the exc�ss, if any,paid to Barrower. Such Misc���ancous
<br /> Pr�ceeds sh�11 be applied in�h.�orc��r provi�ec�fo�°i�.S ect��n 2.
<br /> In the eve�zt of a to�a��a���.g,destruc��o�z, or�oss�n v�:1ue of��ie Pro�er��,�he Mxsce��aneous Proceeds
<br /> sh�.11�e appl�ed-�a�he sums securec��y this Secur�l�y Instrumen�,v�he�h.�r ar na��h.en dt�e,wi�h�he e���ss,
<br /> if�:�.y�,p a�c�t�]3 orrow�r.
<br /> I��he��e�t of a p�.rt�a���.��.�a.g,destru��ia�,or�a s s in�a�L�e�f the Prop�r�y�n�rhich the fair m�.rket value
<br /> �f the Proper�y�mrnediate�y before the par��al�al�ing, destruc��an, ar�oss�x�v��ue is ec���al to or gre�.�er
<br /> thar�th�amo��:�of���sum.s secu�ed by th�.s Sec�.rz�y Itls�rumen��mmed��.�e��1�efore�he par�ial��.kir�g,
<br /> destruc�xon,�r�oss z�.v�.lue,u�.1.��s BQrrQ�r�r and.�end�r�th�rv��s��.gree��yvrit�ng,�he surns secu.r��
<br /> by�his S�cur�ty I�.str�xner��;s�ia��.be redu�ec��by the�rnount of�he M�sc��l�.n�aus Pr�ceec�s mul��pl��d by
<br /> the fol�o�r-�ng fraction: �a}t�.��o���amoun�af�he sums secur�d�mmec�z����y before t1�e p�.r�ia�t��ir�g,
<br /> �.e5�ruc��an, ar�ass��.valt�e d�v�ded by�b��he faix rn.arket v��ue�f�he Prop�r�y�n�m�d�ate��r beforc�hc
<br /> par�ial�akin.g,�es�ruc�:i.�n, �r�.oss xn�a�ue.Ar�.y b��anc�sh�1�be pa�c��a Barrovv��o
<br /> In the evexlt�f�,pa����.���.1�a.ng,destruc��o�a.,or�.oss�.1 va�ue of the P�ope�y x�a.vv�a.�c1��l�e fair rna�l�et v�.�ue
<br /> af�he Proper�y�rnrn.ed��.te�y before the p�.r�x�.��a���:g,des�r�.tct�an,o�r loss zn�v���u�is less than the arnoun�
<br /> af the sus�ns 5ecur�d imrlledia�e�y before t�1e par�ial�al���g,destruc�ian,or loss ir1.v�.Iue,un�ess�orra�ez
<br /> a.n.d L�nder o�herwise�.gree�n vv�i�in�,�he Nlis�el���eous Frocee�.s sha�l be a�pliec��o��e sums secu�ed
<br /> b�t�iis S ecu�ity Instruxr�.e�.��he�her�r na��h�sunls�.re�he�d�:�e,
<br /> IF th�Prape�ty�s aba�d��ed b�Borr�v�er, o�ii; ai�er no�ice by Lend�r��Bo�ro�v�r tha��he�pposing
<br /> Par�y�as defined in the�.ext sen�ence�affers t�mak��.n award��settl�a claim��r damages,Borr�tiver
<br /> fa�1s ta respor�d to Lex�der v�ith�r�3��.�.��s�.f`ter�h�d�.�e�h�na�i�e is�iven,Lender�is�.u�hor�zed to�ollec�;
<br /> a.nd apply tihe Miscel_l�n��us Fra��e�:s either to res�or�.tian t}r re��:ir of�:he Pr�p�r��r or t��.hu surns secure�
<br /> �y this Securi�y I�.s�r�xm.en�,�����her�r not then�.u.e. "�pposing Pa�y''rne�.�.s the third par�y�h�.t a�ves
<br /> l�orrov�er M�s�e���.neo�.�.s Pracee�:s or�h���.r�y�.��.inst vvham�-3�rr�v�er�.as a right flf acti�n in reg�'d.�o
<br /> M�scellaneot�s Proceedsa
<br /> HCF�-DD359
<br /> NEBRASKA-Singl�Family-Fannie MaelFCeddia Mac UNIFORM INSTRUIVI�NT � F�i�m 30�8 1l01
<br /> VMPCJ 031�5
<br /> Walters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices 20�514�8�5,2,2,3298-J�0'�5D506Y Page�0 af�7
<br /> � 489338� 522 �"
<br />