��1 5�71 ��
<br /> ma�rec��u-zre. B�rrav��r's obligatic�n.�r�m�.k��uch��aymer�ts a�ld�a prov�de�eceip�s sha11 for�.11 pu�rp�5es
<br /> �e deexr��d to be a ca�enar�t�nd�.gree�ent��r�tainec�.�n�his Security Ins�ruznent,as the�hr�.se"cov�nan�
<br /> and agr��exnent"�s use�in S�ctian 9.If I3a-rrov�er x5 obligat�d��p�.y Escrow Items di��c�I�,pursuazz��o
<br /> a w�.iv�r, a�.d Borra�er fail�to p�.�the�mount due�`�r�.n Escrow I�em,Ler�der may�xercise i�s r�gh�s
<br /> . t�nder S ec�ion 9 a.nd pay such am�un�and Bnrr��w er sha�l ther�be�b��gatied tt���.�r S ectron 9 ta re�ay�a
<br /> Lender ar�y such amount.Lender may re��1�e the wa�ver as to any or a�l�scrow Items a�any t�rn.e by a
<br /> no�ice g�ven i�n accorc�ance v�i�h Section �S arnd, upon suGh revocati�an,Borro�e�sh�.��pay ta Leza.�er a��
<br /> �`un��s, �:11�111 StilG�1�.I71�1.1.�1�5,�h.a�a�e�hen require�.under�his S ect�an 3.
<br /> Lender rna�, a�any�im�,ca�.���1:and hold Fu�.c�s ir�an amoun��a�su�Ficiezzt�o perm��I-.encler to aPp�Y
<br /> the T'�.�nds a�t�e�ime spe��f�ed under RESPA., anc�{b��.o��o excee�.the ma�imum amflunt a lender c�.n
<br /> r�quire under�ESPA. Lender sh�.11�stirn�.�e�he arnount�f I`unds c�ue o�l the basis Qf cur��n�d�.�a and.
<br /> r�ason�.b�.e es�ima�es af exp�n�.itur�s of fu�ure Es�ro�v Items ar otherw�se in aCcor�.an�e��i��..�.pp��cab�e
<br /> I��.�.
<br /> Th�Funds s�i�ll be h�ld in a�x�ns��tu�ion v�rhose c�eposits�.re���s�.��ed by a fe�era�agency,�nstrumenta�ity,
<br /> or ent����ir�cludi�g Le�.der, �f L�nd�r is an�x�s���uti�n�hose dep��i�s�.re so�n.sur�d�ar in any F'ederal
<br /> Ho�ne I�oar�B�.nk.Lenc�er Sh�.II�pply�the Fun.ds to pay�he Escrow Items no�a�er th�.n the tirne specified
<br /> u.nder l�SPA.,Lend�r shal��ot ch����B�rraw�r for h.o�d�ng and�.pply��.��he Funds,�.nnually an�.lyz�r�g
<br /> �h�escrow a�cou�.ti, or v�rifying the Escrov�I�e�z�,t��a�ess L�nder pays I3orraw�r�n�er�s�an�he Fun�.s
<br /> and Ap�lic�l�le Lav�p ermi�s Le��.e�•to rn�:��e such a charge.Ur�les s an agreement is rn�.d��n vvriting�r
<br /> A�p1ic�.ble La�r re�uires�nterest ta}��paid�r�the Fu�1ds,Lender sh�.��not be requi�ec�to p�.y Barrower
<br /> �.ny interes�ar e�.�-ni.ngs on the F�.nds.i3orrow�r and L�r�de�°can�gree in v�r�t�ng,hov�ever,�h�.�in�erest
<br /> sha�1 b�p�.��.an the�un��s.Len�.er sha�l g�ve to B�rro�ver; �i�hou�charge,an annual�.ccounting of�he
<br /> �'u.nc�.s �.s requir�d by RF�PAe
<br /> If��.ere�s a st�r��t�s af Ft�r�ds held in�scrow,�.s def�n�d�.�nder RESPA,I�e�d�r Sh�.II a��t�un�t��B�rr�wer
<br /> fa�r t�.�exccss funds�n.�.cc��d�.nc�w��th RE�PA.If there is�sho��.ge��Fux�ds he��.�n�scravv,as�.ef�ned
<br /> und�r R.ESPA, Lender sh�Il notify Barr��ver as rec�u�red by RESPA, �.nd F3orrc���r shall p�.y�o Lend�r
<br /> �h��.xr�oun�n�ccssar���make up�he sh.ar�age Tn ac��rd�.r�c��ith I�ESP.n.,�u�in na rnor��h��.��mo�.�hl�r
<br /> p�ymer��;s: If there is�defici��cy af F�x�.ds held in es�roW, �.s clef�ned under RESPA,Lc���.�.�r�hall na L�ly
<br /> Bor°rower�,s r��ui�red by RESP1�., �.rz�.B�rro�er sh�.��pay to i.e�der�he arn.flunt r�ecessary t�rn��e up
<br /> �he c�ef��iency in accordance with RESPA,bLit�n nn m�re thar�I 2 munt��Iy�aymer�ts.
<br /> �p��.paymetit�zz fu��o f all suYns se�ured by thi�S ecur�ty Ir�strurnen�,Lenc�er sh�.l�promptly rcfi,lnd to
<br /> Borrower a�y Funds h��d�by L�ndere
<br /> 4.p�h�r�e�; Lrens.Borrow�r sha�l p�.y�11 tax�s,ass�ssm�nts,ch�.rges,fines,�n�.impos����ns�.t�r��u�a�ble
<br /> �o th�Prop ertiy�hich cax�a�t�.�n priority ov�r this S ecur��y Ins�rume�t,�eas��.o�d p�.ym�n.�s or gr�unc�
<br /> ren�s on t�ie P�aperty,if any; �.nc�Camrnunity Associ�.��o�.I7ues,Fees, and Asse��ments,�f any.Ta tl�e
<br /> exten��th�t�hes e�tems�.r�:�s crov�I�ems,B ar�ra�ver sha11 p ay tihem�n the rn�.xa�.r�.er prov�d�d in S�ction 3.
<br /> Borrovvex sh�.l�p�omp��y d�scharge any lxen tivhi�h h�s p�.ari�y aver this Securxty�nstrumen�LYnless
<br /> I3orra�e�°:��.�ag�ees zn�vr��ir�g tfl t�ie payr�ze�zt tif the�U1ig�.tian secure�.�y�he��e�i�a ma�er�cce�tia�b�e
<br /> t�L�n�.er,�u.#:anly so long as I�or�ower zs perfa�m�n�such agr�ement;��}cor��es�s the lien in goQc�f�.ith
<br /> �y, ar�.efer�cls �:g�.�nst enfarcement of the�ien i�l, leg�.1 proceedings tivh�c�.i�Lend�r's ap�nion ape��.�e
<br /> HCFG-d0359
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie Maelf�reddi�Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT FQrm 30�811b9
<br /> VMP�rJ Q31��
<br /> Walters Kl��ver FinancEa[Services 2015�0���5.�.�.3298-J���5D50�Y Page 5 nf 17
<br /> *35177 D 2 0*
<br />