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��1 5�7�94 <br /> in�eres� frorn the date of dis�aursernent at �he same rate assessed on ad�an.ces under the Con�ract and shall be <br /> payable,v►�ith interest,upfln natice fram Le�der t�Borr�vver�reques�ing paymen�. <br /> Inspection. Lender or its ager�t rnay ma.�e reas�nab�� ent�zes upon and�nspec�zans of�he Prnperty. Lender shall <br /> give Barrov�er notice a�the time af ax priar to an��specti�on speczfy�ng reasonab�e cause for�he inspec��an. <br /> �andemna#ion. The proceeds of any a,t7va�d ar claim for da�nages,direct ar consequentza�,�n canncctiori u�ith any <br /> cond�mna��an�r flther taking of any part af th� Proper�y, ar f�r cvnveyanc� in lieu of condemnati�n, are h�reby <br /> assigned and sha��be paid�a Lend�r. <br /> In the even�of a ta�al tak�ng of�he Property, �h�proceeds sha�� be app��ed to the sums se�ur�d by �his 5ecur�ty <br /> Instrumen�, whe�her ar no� �her� due, w�.�h any excess paid �o Borro�rer. �n �a� event af a partial tak�ng af�he <br /> Proper�ty in�vh�ch the fair marke�value �f the Property irnmediat�ly before the tak�ing is equal ta or greater thaza <br /> the amoun� of�1ie sums secured by this Securi��nst�ume�at immediately before �he taking, un�ess Borr�wer and <br /> Lender a�hez�v�se agree in wri�ing,�he sums secured by this Secur�ty Ins�rument shall be redu�ed b�the amount of <br /> the proceeds rnu�tip�xed by the fol�ovv�ng fraction: �a��he to�a�arn�ut��af�he sums secured�mmedia�e�y befare�he <br />, divided by �b} �he fair mar�et va�ue of the Propert�r immed�afiel�before the tak�n.g. Any ba�an�e shall be <br /> paid �o Larrow�r. �n the even�af a partia� ta.k�r�g of thc Froper�y in which the fa�r market value of�he Property <br /> immedza�ely before the tiak�g is less than �he am�un�of�he sums secured immed�a�ely before �he taking, unless <br /> Barravv�r and Lender o�herwise agr�e �n�vriting ar ux�.�ess Applicable Laycr otherwise provzdes,�he proceeds sha11 <br /> be applied�a�he surns secur�d by this Security Instrument whe�her or no�th�sum�ar��hen due. <br /> If�he Property is aban.doned by Barrower, or if, after notice by Lender ta Barro�wer�ha��he condemnor affers t� <br /> ma�e an ativard or settl�a�Iaim far damages,Borravv�r fails fo respond ta L�nder wi�hin th�m�nimum nurn�ber of <br /> days es�a�Iished by App�icable Lavtr af�.er the da�e�he na�ice is g�vcn,Lender is autharized to�a��ect and apply�he <br /> praceeds, a� its op�ion, either to restorat�an or repair of t.�ie Proper�y ar to the sums secured b� th�s Security <br /> Instr�ument,whether ar nat�then due. <br /> Unles�Lender and Barrov�rer atherwise agree in u�riting, any applicat�ar�of�raceeds�o�rinc�pa�sha�l�at ex�end <br /> or pas�pone�he due da�e of�he paymen�s due under�he Can�ract ar change the arn�unt af su�h payrn.ents. <br /> Borrawer Not Relea�ed; Forbearance By L�nder Nflt a Waxver. Ex�ens�on �f the �im� for paymer�t or <br /> madificatzori of am�r���a�ion af the sums secured by�h�s Security Ins�rument granted by L�nd�r �a Borra�rer or <br /> any successor in zn�eresC of Borrawer shall no� op�rate �a re�ease the ��abi�ity af the ariginal Barrovt�rer oz <br /> Barrawer's succ�ssar� in interest. Lender shal�no�be�o cornmence proceedzn�s agai�.st a�y successor in <br /> interest az refuse�o extend��me for paymen�or other�vise rnodify amar�iza�ion of the surns by this Securzty <br /> Instrumen�b� reason of any demand mad� by th� �ri�ina� Borrovver or B�rr�vver's success�rs in in�eres�. Any <br /> farhearance by L�nder in exerczsing any r�ght or remec��shall no�be a wa�ver of or prec�ude�he exercise�f any <br /> right or remedy, <br /> SucCesstirs and Assigns Baund; Joint and Several L�abili�y; Accammodat�an Signers. The cavenan�s and <br /> agreements of th�s 5ecur���ns�rurnent shal�hznd and benef�t tihe successors and ass�gns of Lender and Borrawer, <br /> sub�ec� ta the provisians of section ti��ed Transfer of �he Property ar a Senef�iax In�erest in Barrower. <br /> Borrawer's c�venants and agreemen�s sha��be joint arid severa�.Any persan wha co-si�ns this 5�curity Ins�rumen� <br /> but has na personal I�ab�Ii�y ux�.der �he �an�rac� �"Accommoda�ia�. 5igner"�: {a} is co-signzng this Security <br /> �ns�rument anly �o mnr�gage, grant a�d canvey that Ac�ammodation S igner's in�ere�t in the Prap er�y und�r the <br /> ��rrns af th.e 5ecur�ty Ins�rument; �b} is not �aerso�.a�ly obliga�ed to pay �he sums secured by this S�curit�r <br /> �nstrument; and�c} agrees that Lender and any ather Borrower may agree to e�tend,m�d�fy,forbear or ma�e any <br /> accommada�ions with regard ta the�erms af this Securi�ty Ins�rument ar�he�on�ra�t,t7vzthau��hat Accomm�dation <br /> S�gner'���r�seri�. <br /> Laan Charg�s. If the ��an secur�d by this Securi�y �nstrurnen� is sub�ect ta a �aw vvh�ch s��s rnaximum laan <br /> charges, and�hat lativ�s f na�Iy�nterpre�ted s�tiha�the interes�or ather Ioan charges ca��ec�ed ar tfl be col�ec�ed in <br /> cant�ec��an with the I�an exceed the permitted l�mits, then: �a� any such laan charge sha�l be redu�ed by �he <br /> amoun�necessary�o reduce�he charge to�he permi�ted�imits and�b} an�sums already c�l�ected fram B�rr�wer <br /> which exceeded permi�tted l�m�ts v�rill be refunde�i to �orrower. Lender rnay choose to rnake �his refund by <br /> reducin� th�princ�pa�owed under the �ontract or by makrng a d�rec�paymerit t� Borrower. �f a refund reduce� <br /> princ�pa�,the reduction vvil�be treated as a par��al prepayment under the Con�rac�. <br /> Not��es. Any �xa�zce ta B�rrower prav�ded far in �his 5ecur��y �ns�rument shall be g�ven by deliv�r�.ng it or b� <br /> rnaz��ng��by firs���ass mai�ur�iess Applicable Law requ�res use of another rne�had.The not�ce�ha11 be directed�o <br /> the Pr�perty Addr�ss or any other add.ress Borro�ver designates by ria�ice�a Lender. Barra�ver agrees t�pravide <br /> Lender�v�th Borro�aer's mas�current rnailing address, as i�may change fram t�me�t�Wtirne. Any not��e �o Lerider <br /> shall b�given by first class mail�o Lender's address stated herei�or any n�her add�ress Lender deszgnates by nat�c� <br /> �o B arx oWer.An�n��ice pro�ided for in this 5ecuri�y Instrument shall be deemed ta have�een give�.�o BorroWer <br /> or Lender when given as provid�d in this paragraph. <br /> Govern�ng Law; Severability.This S�cur�ty�ns�rument sha��be gaverned by federal laur and the�aws of the s�at� <br /> of N�braska. In the event that any prav�.sion or clause of this S ecur�ty Ins�rumen� or�he Con�raG�confl�c�s wi�h <br /> App�i�able Law, such canflict shall n��affe��❑ther pravisions of�hzs 5ecurity Ins�rumen�ar�he Contract whic� <br /> can be given effect vv�thou�th�conflzc�ing pzo�ision. Ta�his end the pro�is�ons of th�s Security Instrument and the <br /> Con�rac�are dec�ared ta be s�verable. <br /> Borrawer'��apy.Bflrrotiver sha�t be g�ven ane capy af this Secu�r�ty Iristrument. <br /> Q 2404-2d]5 Comp�iance Systems,Fnc.A6SC-SCES-2415.3.5.1454 <br /> Consurner Reai Estate-Sec�rity Instruznent DL263G Pa�e 3 af 5 <br />