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��1 5�7�4� <br /> Edward E. Bri�k, Suc�essar Trustee, ref�rred ��as �rantar, in c�nsidera�ion of$d�,12S.11 and ather <br /> �aluable cansidera�ion rece���d fr�m �c�ven Loan S�rvicing, LL�, Benef ciary, daes grant, bargain, sell, <br /> c�n�ey and c�nf�rrn unt� �cw�n Loan Ser�icing, LLC, the f�iiawing described real �roperty in Hal� <br /> Caunt}�,Nebraska: <br /> The Sauther�y �3 fe�t �f��t Four �4�, in Block [�ne Hundred Fvrty-one �1�1}, in Union <br /> Pacific Railway Company's Secand Addition ta the City of �-rand Is�and, �Ia�l ��unty, <br /> Nebraska. <br /> cammon�y knawn as 913 �Tor�h S�camore Street,Grand�s�and,I�E 6$g�1. <br /> Ta ha�e and to ho�d�he above-des�rib�d premises���eth�r with a��t�nemenf.s, hereditaments and <br /> appur�enances be�ar�ging un�a�cwen Laan Servicing,LL�, fareWer. <br /> �R�N'I'�R makes�he foltawing co�enants w�th�cwen Loan Servicing,LL�: <br /> l. Heather E Brodigan and Joseph R. Vitali, as Trustnr�s�, failed to pay �he Beneficiary payments <br /> which were c�ntra�tually due, and the �`rra���or, at t��e request �f the Benef�ciar�, ele��ed �o <br /> declare the ent�re unpaid principa� balance, t�ge�her with interest at �n�e im�n�dia�ely due and <br /> payable. <br /> 2. A N�ti�e❑f Default was record�d by�rantor�n May 19, ?��5, in�he re�ards �f the Re�is�er of <br /> Deeds vf I Iat l �ounty, Nebraska, as In strurn�n���I 5�3�13. W i�hin �� �ays�hereafter, a capy af <br /> the rec�rded ��ti�e of Defaul� �va� mai�ed by ce�tified mail, postage prepaid, to all parties <br /> �ntit��d ta not�ce, pursuapt to the Deed�f Trus�:and in compliance�vith I�eb. Rev. Sta�. �76-100$ <br /> �Reissue��D3�. <br /> 3. Heather E Brodigan and J�seph R Vitali failed t� �ure the default referenc�d in �he Natic� �f <br /> Defau�t w�thin thirty�3�}days after recvrding�f the Natice of Default. <br /> 4. A Nat�ce af Trustee's Sal�vt�as executed �y �ra.ntar. At least �� days prior�o the schedu�ed date <br /> af sa�e, a capy�f the Notice of tin�e and p�ace of the Trus�ee's Sale�vas mai�ed by certificd mai�, <br /> postage prepaid, �a all par��es entit�ed to natice, pursuant�o�he Deed of Trust and in c��npiian�e <br /> with�eh. Re�. S�at. �7�-1��8 �Reissue 2�D3}. <br /> 5. �`rra��tor publishe� �he Notice af Trustee's Sa�e, v�hich was held an September 15, 24�S at 1�:�� <br /> �.M, at �h� Lower Lobby of the Hall County �aur�hause, Grand �sland, Ha�� �ounty, Nebraska, <br /> vvhich Natice was pub�ished in �rand �stand �nd�p�ndent, once a w�ek for 5 cor�secu�i�� weeks, <br /> com.mencing on August S, ��15. The last publication was a� leas� I� days prior to�he sche�uled <br /> Trustee's Sale�f Sept�mber �5,��15,and�he scheduled sale da�e wa�not�ater thar�3�da�s after <br /> the las�publica�ion�f I��ti�e. <br /> �. �rantor c�ndu�ted the saley �hrough his att�rney, �f �he real property at pu�Iic auction an <br /> Sept�mb�r �S, Z�15 at or ab�ut 1�:D� AM, a��he Lower Lobby �f the I�all County Courthouse, <br /> Crand Island, I-�a�� Count�,Nebra.ska. �rantor acc�pted �he bid af�cwen Loan Serv�cing, LL�, <br /> Beneficiaty, 111 t�I� 5�.11I1 Df���,128.I 1 as tl�e l�ighest h�d upon the real prope�-ty. The Grantar has <br /> campli�d with�he r�quirements af Neb.Rev. Stat. �7���D�� thraugh �76-1 D 1 S�Reissue�0�3}, �n <br /> the exercise of the sa�e of �he real property described abave at the trustee'� Sale that was <br /> �cheduled and puhlished�o be heid,and actually conduc�ed,�n Sept�mber �5,2��5. <br /> Fi1e Na. 174754 <br />