��1 5�7�47
<br /> when prohibited by law,Trustor agrees to pay atl vf Benefi�iary's expenses if Trustor hr�ache�any co�enant
<br /> in this Security Instrument.Trustor wil�a�so pay on demand any arnount in�urred by Beneficiary�or
<br /> in�uring�inspecting�preser�ing vr otherwise protecting the Property and Beneficiary's security intere�t.
<br /> These expenses wil�bear interest fr�m the date of the payrnent un�il paid in full at�he highest interest rate in
<br /> effect as prvvided in the term�of the 5e�ured Debt.TruStor agre�s ta pay all cvsts and expenses incurred by
<br /> Benefi�iary in�ollecting,enfor�ing or prote�ting Beneficiary's rights and remedies under this Security
<br /> lnstrument.This amount may in�lude,but is not limited ta,attorneys'fee�,court casts,and ather iega!
<br /> expenses.Thi�5e�urity Instrument shall rernain in effe�t untii released.Trustar agree�tv pay fvr any
<br /> recordatian easts of su�h release.
<br /> 17. ElVVIR4NIVIENTAL LAWS AND HAZARD�US 5U85TAN�ES.As used in thi�sectEon,��}
<br /> En�ironmental Law means,withaut limitation,the�omprehensi�e En�iranmentai ReSponse,Compensation
<br /> and Liability Act��ERCLA,4�U.S.C.96�1 et 5eq.�,and all other federal,state and Iocal 1aws,regulations,
<br /> ardinance�,tourt arders,attorney general apinions nr interpreti�e ietters�oncerning the public health,safety,
<br /> wetfare,en�ir�nment or a hazardous 5u�stance;and�Z�Hazardaus Substanee means any toxi�,radioacti�e ar
<br /> hazardous rnaterial,wa5te,po�lutant or tontaminant which has characteristics which�ender the substance
<br /> dangervu5❑r patentialiy dangerous to the publi�health,safety,welfare�r en�irvnrnent.The terrn inciudes,
<br /> without limitation,any substan�e5 defined as"ha�ardous material,""toxi��ub�tan�es,""hazardous waste"or
<br /> "hazardous substan�e"under any Environmental Law.
<br /> Trustor represents,warrants and agrees that:
<br /> A. Ex�ept as prQ�iousiy disclosed and acknowledged�n writing t❑Beneficiary,no Hazardou�Substanc�is
<br /> ar will�e 1v�ated,stored or released on or in the Property.ThiS restriction does not apply to small
<br /> quantitie5 vf Ha�ardous Substance�that are generally rec�gnized to be ap�ropriate f�r the normal u�e
<br /> and maintenance�f the Prvperty.
<br /> B, Except as pre�ivusly di�cfosed and ackn�wledge�in writing to Benefi�rary,Trustor and every tenant
<br /> ha�e been, are, and sha11 remain in fu11 compliance with any applicab�e En�irnnmental Law.
<br /> �. Trustor sha11 immediate�y notify Beneficiary if a release or threatened relpase of a Ha�ardau�Sub�tance
<br /> oCeurs on,under❑r abaut the Property or there is a�tolat�an of any En�ironmental Law concerning the
<br /> Property.In su�h an event,Trust�r shall take al�nece�sary rernedial action in accordan�e with any
<br /> En�iranm�ntal Law.
<br /> D.Trustor shall immediateiy notify Benefic�ary in writing as soon as Trust�r ha�reason to belie�e there is
<br /> any pending or threatened inves�igation,claim,or pra�eeding r�lating to the release or threatened
<br /> release❑f any Hazardous Substance or the Wiolation of any En�ironmental Law.
<br /> "18. C�NDEMNATI�N,Tru�tor will gi�e Benefi�iary prompt natice of any pending o�threatened actian,by
<br /> private or pubti�entities ta purchase or take any ar al1 af the Propertythrough candemnation,erninent
<br /> domain,�r any other means.Trustor autharizes Benefieiary to inter�ene in Tru�tar`s name in any of the
<br /> abave described actions or elaims.Trustar assigns tv Benefi�iary the proceeds of any award ar claim�ar
<br /> damages cannect�d with a condemnation or�ther taking af all or any part of the Property.Such proceeds
<br /> shail be�ansidered payment�and will be applied as pra�id�d�n this Security In�trument.Th'ts assignrnent�f
<br /> pro�eeds i5 sub�e��ta the term�of any prior mortgage,deed of trust,se�urity agreement❑r other lien
<br /> docum�nt.
<br /> 19, INSURANCE.Trustvr shall keep Property insured a�ainst 1asS by fire,�lood,theft and other hazards and
<br /> risk�reasonabfy associated with the Property due ta its type and In�at�fln.This insuranc�shafi be maintained
<br /> in the amounts and for the periods that Beneficiary requires.What B�nefi�iary rQquires pursuant to�he
<br /> preceding twv sentences can change during the term of the Secured Deht.The insurance carrier pro�iding the
<br /> insurance shall be chosen by Trustor sub�ect ta Beneficiary's appro�al,whi�h shall nat be unreasonab�y
<br /> withheld.If TruStor fails to rnaintain the�o�erage des�ribed aba�e,Beneficiary may,at Benefi�iary's option,
<br /> ❑btain co�erage to protect Beneficiary's rights in the Property according to the terms of this 5e�urity
<br /> Instrument.
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<br /> 1994 Wolters Kluwer Financial 5ervices-Bankers Systems W Farm U56-REDT-NE 9111 fil2�"k 2
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