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��1 5�7�47 <br /> . <br /> . <br /> Mortgagar or Grantor will pay those verifying and totaling assessments and bi11s. <br /> amounts ta Lender unless Lender�e11s H�we�er, Lend�r rnay charge Martgagar or <br /> Mortgagar ar�rantor, in writing, that Grantor for�hese ser�ices if Lender pays <br /> Mortgagar or Grantar da�s nat have t�da Mortgagar�r Grantor interest�n the Funds <br /> so,or unless the Iaw requires otherwise. and if the law permits Lender to make such a <br /> Mortgagor�r Grantar wi�1 mak�those charge. Lender may require Mortgagor or <br /> payments at th�times required by Lender. Grantnr ta pay a one-time charge f�r an <br /> independent real estate�ax reparting ser�ice <br /> Lender wili estimat�frnm time ta tizne u��d hy Lender in a�cordance vvith the <br /> Martgagar ar�xrantor's yearly taxe5, Secured Dehts,unle�s appli�able law <br /> assessments,leasehold payments or ground pro�ides❑therwise. Lender will nat be <br /> rents and insuran�e prernium�, whi�h will be required t�pay M�rtgag�r�r Grantor any <br /> ca�led the Escraw Ytems. L�nder will use interest or�amings�n the Funds unless <br /> existing assessrnents and bi11s and reasonable eithex�i}L�nder and Martgagor or Grantar <br /> e�timates of future assessments and bills.The agree iri writing, at the time Mortgagor or <br /> arr�aunts that Mortgagor ar Grantar pays t� �rantar signed this Security instrument, tha� <br /> Lender far Escraw Items under this sectian L�nder will pay interest on the Funds; or <br /> wi�i be called the Fund�. Lender wi�l call�ct �ii}the law requires Lender to pay interest on <br /> and hald Funds in an amaunt not ta exceed the Funds. <br /> the maximum amount a lender f�r a federally <br /> re�ated mor�gag�loan may require for If the Funds held by Lender exceed the <br /> Mortgagor ar Grantor's escraw accaunt amounts permitted ta be held�y applicable <br /> under the federal Real Estate Settlem�nt 1aw, Lender wi11 accaunt to barrow�r f�r the <br /> Pracedures Act af 1974�as arnended},unless excess Funds in accardance with the <br /> anather law that applies to the Funds sets a requirem�nts of applicable 1aw. If the amount <br /> lesser amount. If so, L�nder will callect and o�the funds held by Lender at any time is <br /> hold Funds in the lesser arnount. not sufficient ta pay the Es�raw Ytems when <br /> Lender will l�eep the Funds in a sa�ings or due, Lender may natify borrower in writing, <br /> banlcing institution which has its deposits or and, �n such case,borrower w�11 pay to <br /> accounts insured or guaranteed by a federal Lender the amaunt necessary to make up the <br /> or state agen�y. If Lender is such an shortage or deficlency. Borrower sha1�make <br /> institution, Lender may h�ld the Funds. up��shortage or defic�en�y as Lend�r <br /> Lender will use the Funds to pay the Escrow d1�Q���, sub�ect to the requ�rements af <br /> Items. Lender will gi�e Mnrtgag�r or applicabi�law. <br /> Grantor,withaut charge, an annual <br /> a�counting❑f the Funds. That accounting If, by reason of any defauit under thi� <br /> mu5t shaw all additions to and deductions 5ecurlty Instrument, Lender d�clares ail <br /> fr�m�he Fun�iS and the reason far each 5ecured Debts due and payable, Lender may <br /> cleductivn. then apply any Funds agauis�the 5ecured <br /> Debts. <br /> Lender may not charge Mortgagar ar <br /> Grantar for ho�ding or keeping the Funds, When Mort�agor ar Grant�r has paid all nf <br /> for using the Funds to pay Escraw Items, the sums secured, Lender wil�promptly <br /> for analyzing Mortgagor or Grantor's refund to Mortgagar�r Grantor any Funds <br /> payments of Funds,❑r for re�ei�ing, that are then being held by Lender. <br /> Mart ge Rider USB-MTG-R 3125J241Q <br /> VMP�Bankers SystemsTM <br /> Walters Kluwer Financial 5er�ices�2��9 Page 2 of 3 <br />