��1 5�7�4�
<br /> 12. A551GNNIENT DF LEASES AND RENTS.Trust�r irrevocabfy grants.conveys and sells t�Trustee,in
<br /> tru5t fo�the�enefit of Beneficiary,as addit�onai security all the ri�ht,title an�interest in and to any and ai�
<br /> existing or future leases,subleases,and any vther written or v�rbal agreements far the use and ac�upancy of
<br /> any partion o��he Proper�y,in�luding any extenSivns,renewals,mvdifi�atians or substitutions of su�h
<br /> agreements�all referred to as"Leases"}and rents,issues and profi�s�all referred to as"Rents"}.Trust�r wiRl
<br /> prornpt�y pr��ide Bene�i�iary with true and�orre�t copies of all existing and future Leases.Trustor rnay
<br /> tolleet,reeei�e,enjoy and use the Rent$so lang as Trust�r is not in default under the terms of this Se�urity
<br /> Instrurnent.
<br /> Trustor acknowledges that this a5signment is perfected upon the recording of th�s Deed of Trust and that
<br /> Beneficiary is entitled to natify any of Trustor's tenants to rnake payrnent of Rents due o�to became due to
<br /> BenefiCiary.Howe�er,Beneficiary agr�es that only nn default will�eneficiary nvtify Trust�r and Trustar's
<br /> tenants and make demand that all future Rents be paid directly to Beneficia�y.On recei�ing notice of default,
<br /> Trustor will endorse and deli�er ta Beneficiary any payment vf Rents in Trustor's posse�sion and will recei�e
<br /> any Rents in trust for Beneficiary and wifl nat comm�ngle the Rents with any other funds.Any amaunts
<br /> colle�ted will�e applied as pro�ided in this Se�urity�nstrument.Trustor warrants that no default exists under
<br /> the Leases or any applicable landlordltenant law.Trustar also agrees to maintain and require any tenant#a
<br /> cornply with the terms of the Leases and appli�able law.
<br /> 13. LEASEHaLDS;��NO�MINIUMS;PLANNED UNIT DEVEL�PMENTS.Trustor agrees to comply
<br /> with the prv�isions�f any lease if this Security Instrurnent is an a leasehald.If the Property incfudes a unit in
<br /> a�ondominium vr a pfanned unit de�eloprnent,Trustor w�il perform all of Trustor's duti�s under the
<br /> co�enant5,by-�aws,or regulations of the��ndorninium or planned unit
<br /> de�efopment.
<br /> 14. DEFAULT. Trustor will be in default if any party obligated on the Secured❑ebt faifs to make a ment when
<br /> PY
<br /> due.Trustnr will be�n de�ault if a breach oc�ur�under the terms af this Security lnstrument or any ather
<br /> dacument exe�uted for the purpo�e of creating,se�uring or guarantying th�Se�ured Debt.A good faith belief
<br /> �y Benefi�iary that Beneficiary at any tirne is inse�ure with respe�t to any persan vr entity obEigated an the
<br /> Secured aebt❑r that the prospect of any payment or the value of the Praperty is impaired shall also�onstitute
<br /> an e�entof de�ault.
<br /> "I 5. REMEalES�N DEFAULT.In sorne instances,federal and state law will require Beneficiary to provide
<br /> Trus�ar with nati�e vf the right to�ure or�ther noti�es and may estab�ish tirne$�hedules for foreclo5ure
<br /> actions.Subject ta the5e iimitations,if any,Beneficiary may a�celerate the 5ecured Debt and fvreCla�e this
<br /> Se�urity Instrument in a manner pro�ided by law if Trust�r is in default.
<br /> At the option of Beneficiary,al!or any part of the agre�d fees and charges,accrued interest and prin�ipaf
<br /> shal�beearne immediately due and payable,after giving notice if required by�aw,upan the accurren�e vf a
<br /> default❑r anytime thereafter.in addition,Beneficiary shall be entitled ta all the remedies pro�ided by law,
<br /> the terms of the Secured Debt,this Security In$trument and any reaated documents,including without
<br /> lirnitation,#he power t�sell the Properky.
<br /> If th�re'rs a defau�t,Trustee shall,in addition to any other permitted remedy,at the request of the
<br /> Beneficiary,ad�ert��e and sell the Praperty as a whale or in��parate parcels at public auctinn to the highest
<br /> bidder for cash and can�ey absolute title free and clear af a!I right,title and interest of Trustor at�u�h tirne
<br /> and pla�e as Tru�tee designate�.Trustee shall gi�e notice of safe in�ludin�the time,terms and place af$ale
<br /> and a descripti�n vf the praperty ta be sold as required by the appli�able law in effe�t at the tErne�f the
<br /> proposed sale.
<br /> Upfln sale af�he Property and to the extent not pr�hibited by�aw,Trustee shall make and deli�er a deed to
<br /> the Property�old which conveys absolute tit�e t❑the purchaser,and aft�r fErst paying all fees,�harges and
<br /> �asts,shall pay to Benef�ciary alf moneys advanced for repairs,taxes,insurance,liens,assessm�nts and priar
<br /> encumbrances and interest ther�on,and the principaf and�nterest on the Serured Debt,paying the surplus,if
<br /> any,ta T�u�tor.Benefi�iary may pur�hase the Property.Th�re�itals in any dQed of can�eyance shall be
<br /> prima fa�ie e�idenee of the facts set forth therein.
<br /> A�i rernedies are distinct,cumulative and not exclusiae,and the Beneficiary is entitled�o all rernedies
<br /> pro�ided at law vr equity,whether vr not exp�essly set for-th.The acceptan�e by Benefi��ary vf any sum in
<br /> payment ar partia!payrnent on the 5ecured Debt after the balance is due or i�a�celerated vr after foreclosure
<br /> proceedings are filed shall not cvnstitute a wai�er of Benef�ciary's right ta require�ornplete cure of any
<br /> existing default.By not exer�ising any remedy vn Trustar's defau�t,Beneficiary does not wai�e Benefi�iary's
<br /> rEght ta later cansider the e�ent a default if it eontinues or ha ens
<br /> Pp
<br /> again.
<br /> {page�of 7}
<br /> _�994 Wolters Kluwer F1nanCial 5ervices-Bankers 5ystemt " Form U5B-RE�T-NE 111161�0�2 � �
<br />