��1 5�7�4�
<br /> 2. C�NVEYANCE.For good and�aluab�e consideration,the re�eipt and sufficiency of which is
<br /> acknvwledged,and to secure the 5ecured Debt(defined below}and Trustor's perfarman�e under this Security
<br /> Instrument,Trustar irrevo�ab�y grants,�an�eys and sells ta Trustee,in trust for the benefit of Beneficiary,
<br /> with pvwer of sal�,the following descri�ed praperty:
<br /> See attach ed Exh i bit"A"
<br /> The proper�y is I ocated in .NA�l,.��U�TY.................................................. at ................,...........
<br /> �County)
<br /> ..TI��T.�J.1J�1.�1`1[�.fJ�.f.�l?�ai 7�J�.+..�iVJ�f dl di.+.....�.......�..�..........�.......�..�............, Nebraska �:{�Y�.��.Y�.
<br /> �Address� (City} �ZIP Code}
<br /> Together with a11 right$,easements,appurtenances,royalties,mineral rights,ail and gas rights,a�l water and
<br /> riparian rights,dEtches,and water stock and alf existing and future impra�ements,stru�tures,fixture�,and
<br /> r�placernents that may naw,or at any tirne in the future,be part of the real es�ate described aba�e�al�referred
<br /> to as"Property"].
<br /> 3. MAxlMUM�BLIGATI�N LIMIT.The total principal amount secured by this 5e�urity Instrument at any
<br /> one time shall not exceed$ ..�.�,���.a�............................... . Thi�limitation af amount does not include
<br /> interest and other fees and charg�s�al�dly made pursuant t❑this 5ecurity Instrum�nt. A1so, thi�limitatian d�es
<br /> not apply to ad�ances made under the t�rms of this 5ecurity Instrument to prat�ct Beneficiary's security and to
<br /> perform any of the cv�enants cvntained in this Security Instrument.
<br /> 4. SECURED DEBT AN�FUTURE ADVANCES. The term"Secured Deht"is defined as follaws;
<br /> A.De�t incurred under the terms of alf promissory note�s},contract�s},guaranty�ies}ar other ev�dence of
<br /> debt described belovv and all their extensions, renewals, modi�'icatians or substitutions. ��Nhen
<br /> referen�ing rhe debts 6e�aw i�rs sUggested thatyou in�lude items such as borrowers'names,note
<br /> arnounts,interest rates,mQ�urrty dates,et�.}
<br /> Sarrower�s}: DEBRa DALT�N
<br /> Prin�ipallMaximum Line Amount: 17,2��.�D
<br /> Maturity Dat�: 1�10�12�35
<br /> N�te Date: D91241�a15
<br /> B. A1!future ad�ances frnm Beneficiary tv Trustor or other future abligations of Trustor to Beneficiary
<br /> under any pr�misS�ry note,contract,guaranty,or other e�idence of debt executed by TruStvr in fa�or
<br /> of Beneficiary after thiS Se�urity In�trum�nt whether or not this Security lnstrurnent is specifically
<br /> referenced.ff more than an�person signs�his Security InStrument,each Trust�r agrees that this
<br /> 5e�urity Instrument will secure alE future advances and future❑�ligations that are given tv or in�urred
<br /> by any one vr more Trustor,or any one or more TruStar and athers,All future ad�an�es and❑ther
<br /> futur�abligatians are se�ured by this Se�urity Instrument e�en though all or pa�t rnay not yet be
<br /> ad�an�ed.All future advan�es and vther future obligativns are se�ured as i�made on the date ofthis
<br /> 5�curity lnstrument.Nothing in thi5 5ecu�ity fnstrum�nt�hall��nstitute a�arnmitrnent to rnake
<br /> additianal or future Ioans or advances in any arnount.Any su�h cammitment must k�e agreed ta in a
<br /> s�parate writing.
<br /> �. A�i obligations Tru�tor awe�ta Ben��iciary,wh��h may later arise,to the extent no�prohibited by�aw,
<br /> including,but n�t limited tv,lia�ilitie$for averdrafts relating t�any deposit a��ount agreement
<br /> between Tru�tor and Beneficiary.
<br /> D, AI�additional sums ad�anced and expenses in�urred by Beneficiary for insuring, preser�ing ar
<br /> otherwise prate�tin�the Proper�y and its�a�ue and any other sums ad�an�ed and expenses incurred by
<br /> Ben�fieiary under the term�af this 5ecurity Instrument.
<br /> �pag�2�f 7
<br /> _�994 Wolters Kl�wer Financi�f Ser�i�es-Bankers 5ystern5 * Farrn U56-REDT-NE 111161�0�2 � "
<br />