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��1 5�7��3 <br /> 11. El�F'VIR�NMENTAL LA'WS AND HAZAR17aUS SUBSTAI�TCES. As us�d in thxs s�ction, <br /> �1} Environmental L�.w means, withou� l�mi�atzon, t.h.e Comprehensiv� Environmental Response, <br /> Campens ation and Liability A�t �CERCLA, 4� U.S.�. 9��1 et seq.�, and all other federa�, state and ]a�al <br /> laws, �re�u�ations, ord�nan�es, �flurt orders, at�orn�y general opinions or interpretive le�ters concern�ng the <br /> pubii�health, safety, �ueifar�, enviranm�nt or a hazardous substance; and�2} Ha�ardous SubsCance means any <br /> toxic, radxoactive ar ha�ardaus ma�erial, waste, p�Ilutant �r c�ntaminant which has characteristi�s whi�h <br /> render the sub5tance dangerous or p�tentia]ly dang�raus to the public health, saf�ty, ��lfare or en�ironmen�. <br /> The �erm in�lud�s, without limitation, any substances defined as "ha�ardous rnaterial," "taxic subs�ances," <br /> "ha�ardous waste" or "hazardous substance" und�r any Environmental Law. <br /> Trustar represen�s, warrants and agrees that; <br /> A.Except as previously disclosed and a�knowledged in writing to Beneficiary, no Hazardau� Substance is <br /> or will be lacated, stored ar released on ar in th� Fraper�y. This restrxction daes not apply to srna.11 <br /> quantities of Hazardous 5ubs�ances that are �enerally recognized to b� appropriate far the norrna� use <br /> and maintenance of the Property. <br /> B. E�cept as pre�iausly disclosed and acknawl�dged in writing to B�neficiary, Trustar and e��ry t�nant <br /> ha�e been, ar�, and shall remaxn�n full compl�an�e with any appXicable Envxronrnental Law. <br /> �.Trustor shall immediately notify Senef��iary if a reiease ar threat�ned release af a Ha�ardous 5llbs�an�e <br /> occurs on, under or about the Property or there is a�idla�ion gf any Environmen�al Law�oncerning th� <br /> Proper�y, In such an event, Trustor shall take all n�c�ssary remedial action in accordance vvith any <br /> Environmen�al Law. <br /> D.Trustar shali immed�ateiy natify Beneficiary �n writin� as soon as Trustar has reasan ta b�I�eve ther�is <br /> any pending or threatened investigat�an, claim, or proceeding re�ating �o the re� ar threatened <br /> release of any Hazardous Substance or the vialat�on af any En�iranmental Lavv. <br /> 1�. ESCRQ�V FUR TA�ES A�D I�SU�ANCE. Unless atherwrse pr�vzde�i in a separate agreem�nt, Trustor <br /> wi1l nat he requzred ta pay ta�en�f�ciary funds far taxe�and�nsurance�n escrow. <br /> 13. J�INT AND YN73IV�I]UAL LYABILITY; C��SI�I�ERS; SU�CESS�RS AND ASSIGNS B�U'�. Ail <br /> duties under this Security In�trument are jaint and 'zndivzdual. Yf Trustnr sY�ns th�s Security Instrumen� but <br /> does not sign an ev�dence flf debt, Trus�ar �l�es �a Qnly to mar�gage Trustar's interest in the Prap�rty tfl <br /> secure paymen�af the Secured Deb�and Trustar does not agr�e ta be personally]iable an the Secured Debt. rf <br /> this Secur�i�y �nstrument secures a guaranCy �etween Beneficiary and Trustor, Trustar agr�es ta wai�e any <br /> rights �hat may pr��vent Beneficiary from bringing any act�on or claim against Trustar or any par�y in�ebted <br /> under the ob�igation. These righ�s may inc�ude, �ut are n�t lzmi�ed ta, any antx-defiG�ency ar�newaction laws, <br /> The du�ies and benefits af this Security �nstrument shall bind and benefit the successor� and assigns of Trus��r <br /> and Ben�ficrary. <br /> 14. S�VERABILITY; IN�I'ERPRETATI�I�I�. This Security �ns�rument �s complete and fully xntegrated. This <br /> Security �nstruxnent may no� be arn.ended or mod�f�ed by aral agreement. Any �ec�ian in this S�curxty <br /> Instrument, attachments, or any agreement related to the Secured Debt that conflicts v�rith applicable Iaw wx�l <br /> not be effective, unless that law expres�ly or impliedly permits the �aria�ions by u�ritt�n agre�ment. Zf any <br /> section of Ch�s Securit� �nstrument cannat b�enforced a��ordua.g to its terms, that section will be severed and <br /> will not affe�t th� enforceabilrty of the remarnder �f this Security �nstrument. Whenev�r used, the singular <br /> shall include the plura� and the plural the singular. Th�captions and hea�ings of�he se�tions af this 5ecurity <br /> Znstrument are for �on�en�ence oniy and are not to be used to interpret or defin� th� �erms of this Se�urity <br /> Instrurnent. Tixn�is�f the��sen�e in this S�curity Instrum�nt. <br /> 15. S�JCCESS�R TRiJSTEE. Beneficiary, at �eneficiary's aptxon, may from time to time r�mo�e Tru�te� and <br /> appaint a successar trustee�vi�haut any a�h�r farmality than the deszgnatian in writxng. The successor trustee, <br /> without canveyance of the Praper�y, sha�I su�ce�d ta alI the title, pow�r and dutxes conferred upon Tru�tee by <br /> this Security�ns�rum�nt and appii�ab�e Ia�w, <br /> 16. N(]TICE. Unless ❑therwise required by Iaw, an�� natice �hall be given by d�li�ering xt or by ma�ling it by <br /> first class mai� to the apprapria�e party's address �n page 1 of this Securxty �nstrument, or to any other <br /> addr�ss designated in writing, l�atice ta on� trustor will b� deemed ta be natice to all trustors. Trustar and <br /> Beneficiary hereby request a copy af any nflt�ce �f default, and a copy of any notice ❑f sale th�r�under, �e <br /> rna�Xed to each party at the address far such part� set farth an page 1 af this S�curit�Instrument. <br /> 17. WAIVERS. Except ta the extent prohibi�eci by Iaw, Tru�tor vvaives a11 appra�sem�nt and homestead <br /> exemptiQn rights relating to the Prop�r�y. <br /> 1$. LI1�TE OF CREDIT. The Secured Debt Yncludes a reval�ing line �f�r�dit. Aithough the S�cured Debt may <br /> be redu�ed to a zera balance, this Security In�trument wiil remain in eff�ct u.ntil released. <br /> S�curity lnstrument-Open-End-Consumer-N� ❑CP-REDT-NE 7121201'I <br /> VMPD Sankers Systems'�^ Vh'lf'-C��a=NEy �1 1 D��.OD <br /> Woi�ers Kluwer Financial Ser�ices m"I 934,��1� Page 5 of 6 <br /> � <br />