��1 5�7���
<br /> �at�sfa�ti�n, p�avi�ed�hat such inspectian sha��be undertaken promp��y. Lender may pay far the repairs
<br /> and re�toratian in a s�ng�e d��bursemen�❑r in a ser�es of p�rog�-ess payments as�he vc�ork�s c�mpl�t�d.
<br /> Unl��s an agreernent is made in wr�ting ar�Lpp�icable Law requ�res in�eres�to b�pa�d on such
<br /> Mis�:ellan�ous Pr�c��ds, Lender shall n�t be requ�red to pay Borrower any �nteres�or�arnings�n su�h
<br /> Misce�laneous Pro�eeds. �f the resta�rat��n or repa�r�s �zot economzca���r f��s�b�e or L�nd�r's s�curity�v�u�d
<br /> be�e�sened, the M�sc���an�ous P�oceeds sha�� be app��ed to the sums�ecured by�his Securi���n�trumen�,
<br /> whethe�r o�r na��hen due, with t�ae exc�ss, zf any, paid t�Barrower. Such Misce�laneaus Praceeds shali b�
<br /> app��ed�n the orde�pravided for in Sect��n 2.
<br /> In the event of a total�aking, destruction, or loss in value af the Property, the Miscel�aneou� Proceeds sl�ali
<br /> be appli�d to the sums secured by this�ecuri�y�nstrumen�, whether or no�then du�, with the exc��s, �f ar�y,
<br /> �aid�o Borrow�r.
<br /> �n the event of a par�ia��aking, des�ructi�n, or loss in value of th�Proper�y in which th�fa�r market�a�ue of
<br /> �he Prap��y imrnediateiy befare�he p�r�ial taking, destruct�an, or lass in�alu�is equal to or g�reater�han the
<br /> amount�f�he sums s��ured by this Security�ns�rument�mmediate�y befor�the par�ia�taking, ��StI tIG�1�n, or
<br /> �oss in value, un�ess Barrawer and Lende�o�herw�se agree zn wr�ting, the sums secured by this Security
<br /> �nstrument shal�be reduced by the amoun�of the Mis�c�laneous Proceeds mul�ipli�d by the fo��owing
<br /> fract�on: �a}the�ata� amoun�of�he surns secured immed�ate�y before th�partial tak�ng, des�ruc��on, or Io�s
<br /> in�alue di�id�d by�b}�he fair rnarket�a�u�af the Prop�r�y xrnmed�a�e�y befare the par�ial taking,
<br /> de�truction, �r loss zn va�u�. Any baZance sha���e p�id ta Borrow�r,
<br /> In�he even�of a part�al�ak�ng, destructx�n, �r l�ss in valu��f th�Property �n which the fair rnar�e�value�f
<br /> the Praper�y�m�rn�d�at�ly before the partia� taking, destruc�ion, ar Ioss in�a�u�is less than the amount of the
<br /> sums secured zmmedi�t�ly befare�he partiai taking, destruc�ion, or�ass�n�alue, unless Br�rro�er and
<br /> L�nder atherw�se agre�in wr�ting, th�Misc�llaneous Prace�ds sha��be app��ed�o �he sums secured by this
<br /> Secur�ty Instrument whe�her ar n��the sums are then due.
<br /> �f the Proper�y�s abandoned by Borrower, o�r�f, af�er n�tice b�r Lender�a Barrow�r that th��ppas�ng Par�y
<br /> �as def�ned�n the nex�s�ntence}affers to make an award�a settle a�laim far damages, Borrower fai�s ta
<br /> respond to Lend�r wi�hin 3�days after�he date the nat���zs�i�en, L�nder i�autharized to co��ect and appl�
<br /> th�Misceiian�aus Proc�eds�zther to r�storation or repa�r�f the Proper�y ar to the surns se�ured by this
<br /> Security Instrumen�, v�heth�r❑r n�t then due. "�ppos�ng Par�y" mea.�s the�hxrd par�y that awes Borrow�r
<br /> Mis��llane�us Praceeds or�he party agains��vhom Borrav�rer has a right of ac�ion in regard�o M�scellar�e�us
<br /> Pra�eeds.
<br /> B�rrower sha��b�in default if any actian ar proce�ding, whe�her civil or�rimina�, is begun that, zn Lender's
<br /> judgment, could r�su��in forf�itur�of th�Pr�perty or o�her materia��mpa�rmen�of Lender's int�rest in the
<br /> PrQperty or rights under thzs�e�u��ty �nstrurnen�. Barr�wer can cur�such a defau��and, if accelera�ion has
<br /> accurr�d, reinstate as pro��ded zn Sectian �9, by causing the actian or pra�e�ding�o be d�smissed with a
<br /> ru��ng that, in Lender's judgment, pre�ludes forfeitur�af�he Praper�y ar o�her ma�eria� impa�rment of
<br /> Lender's intere�t in�he Praperty or rights under this Securit�Ins�rument. The proc�eds of any award ar
<br /> claim for damages that are a�tributable t�the impairment of I.�nder's �nterest in th�Pr�perty are hereby
<br /> assigned and shall��pa�d to Lender.
<br /> At� Miscel�aneaus Praceed�that are na�applied to res�ora�ion ar repa�r of�he Property shall be applied �n�he
<br /> arder pra�zded far in Sectian�.
<br /> NEBFiASKA-Sir�gte�amily-Fannie Ma�lFreddie Mac tJNI�ORM INSTRUMENT Form 3D28�IDi
<br /> VMP� VMP6tN��413Q2�
<br /> . Wolters Kluwer�inan�ial 5er�ices P�g�1p vf'�7
<br />