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. . ��15�6959 <br /> ' �ic� i.o Borrovver r�vid�d f�r �n this Security �nstrument sha�l be g�ven,by deli�erir�g it �r by <br /> N�txces. Any no p <br /> mailing it by f rs�class ma�1 unless App�i�able Law requires use of another m.eth�d.The notice sha��be direc�ed�a <br /> �he Praper�y Address or any ��l�.er address Borrawer desibnates by natice�o Lender. Borrower agrees:�o pra��de <br /> Lender with Borrorn�er's mo�t current maiiing address, as �� may change frorn time-��-t�me. Any nflt�ce to L�nder <br /> sha�1 be g��en by first ciass mail to Lender's address sta�ed herein�r any��her ad�ress.Lend�r des�gna�es by notic� <br /> t�Bon ovver. Any naticc p�ovided fo�in�his Security��sl�rumen�shall�e deemed�Q have be�n gi�en�a�3orrovsrer <br /> ��Lender when given as pr�v�ded in this parag�raph. � <br /> Gaverning Law; Se��ra�ili���.Thxs Security�nstrument shall be g��erned b�federa�law and the Iav�rs af the sta�e <br /> of Nebraska. �n �he eWent tha� any provisioi� or ciause af this Securit� Instrum�nt or the �[ot� canflicts with <br /> App�icable Law,such�onf[ict shall not affect o�her pravisions of�his S�curi�r�nstrument or the Note which can be <br /> gi�r�n effect vvi�hou��he conf�ictin�pravision. T��his end the pr�v�s�o�s�f thrs Secu�rity�nst�-ument and�h�Note <br /> are declared to be se�era}��e. . - <br /> Barrov►�er's�opy:Borr�wer s�a�l be given on��opy af this Security�Instrumen�. <br /> Transfer of the Property ur a �enef�c�ai In�eres�in �3�rro�er. If all or a�y part af the Fr�perty 4r any intere�t <br /> in i� is sald or � �or if a benefic�al interest in Barr�v,�er �s so�d or �rarisf�rred and Borr�wer is nat a <br /> r�a�ural persan} unless �he N�te shaws �h�.t Borrower's �oan is assumabl�, Lender�may, at i�s option, requ�re <br /> imrnediate paymen� in fi.xl� �f a�� surns se�ured b�r �l�is Secu�•�ty Instrumen�. Hawe�er, �his op��on shal� n�t be <br /> e�ercised by Lender if exercise is prohihited by federal lavv as of�he date of�his S�curi�y Instrurnen�. �f�he Note <br /> sl�o��s�hat Borrower's Ioan is a�sumab�e,Borrawer must ab�a�n Lender's wrritten permiss�on�or an assurnptian and <br /> foliaw any Qther re�uirements of Lei�der rela�ed�o an assumpt�on. �f B�rrawer d�es n���.o s�,Lender may require <br /> �mmediate paymen�i�ful�of a��surns secured by this Security Instrumen�. <br /> rf Lender e�ercises �his o ti�n, Lender sha�� g��e Borrower �atic� of acce�eratian. The nati�� shali pro�ride a <br /> p <br /> period of not less than �he n-��n�mum ��umber�of days estahlished by Applicabie Law from the da�e the n�tic� is <br /> deli�ered or ma�led within w:hich Borrower mus�pay al[ surns se�ured�y this Security Instrument. �f B�rrawer <br /> fai�s to pay these sums pr�or ta �he expira�ion of this period, Le�der may invoke an�remedies permit��d hy th�s <br /> Secur�ty Instrumen��with�ut f��r�her n�tice ar dernand�n B�rrotiver. <br /> BUCroweC'S Rl ht �o Reins�ate. �f Bo�zovc�er meets cer�a�n-c�nditions, Barro�ver shali ha�e the right to have <br /> � <br /> enforcement flf�h�s Securi� �nsixument discon�in��ed at any�ime prior ta the ear��er�f.: �a} 5 days �or such other <br /> period as Appi�cable Lar��v ma�r spec�f��f�r reinsta�ement�before sale of the Properry pursuant�o any power of�a�e <br /> contained �n t�is Security Ins�rumen�; flr �b} entry �f a �}udgnient enfarcing th�s Se�urity �nstrument. Those <br /> G�nd��ions are that Barrov�er: ��a} pays Lend�r al� sums which then would be due und�r th�s Securi�y Ins�rumen� <br /> and�he Note as �f no acceleratian had accun-�d;.(b� �ures any default af any�ther cti�enan�s vr a�reements; �c� <br /> pay�all e�.penses incurred in�nfflrci�b�his Secu�i�y Ins��2tmen�,includi�ag,but n�t l�mited t�,reasflnable a�torneys' <br /> f�e�t�t�e ex�en�t perrni��ed by�avv; and�d} such acti�n as Lender may reas�nably requXre�� assure'that the <br /> lien�f th�� Se�urity Ins�rume��,Lender's righ�s�n�h� Proper�y and Barror7ver's�b�i�ation to pay the surns secured <br /> b�t��is Secu�ity �nstrumen� s�a11 continue unchanged. Upon re�ns�a�ement by B�rro��ver, this Securi�y �nst.�umen� <br /> and th� ab�igations secured hereby shall remain fully e�'re��ive as if�xfl acceleratian had accurred. Hawev�r, �his <br /> ri�ht�v reins�ate sha��no�apply in�the case of accelerati�n under�he sec�ian ti�led Transfer of the Pr�perty�r a <br /> Benef�ciai�n�erest in �arrower. , <br /> Sal� ❑f I�ote �hange �f Loan Ser�icer. The �o�e or a par�iai �nt�rest in �he Nflte ��oge�her�vith�his Secur�.�y <br /> �nstrum�nt}may be�old one a�m�re�imes vvith�ut�rio�r nntice t❑Borrower. A sa�e ma�result in a change�n the <br /> enti�r ��n�wn as the "Loara S�r�icer"� tha� c�llec�.s perio�ic �a�m�nts due under the Note and �h�s S�cur�ty <br /> Instrument.There a�s�rnay iae ane ar m�rre cha�ges vf the Loan Ser�icer unrelat�d to a sale of the�t�te.If.there is <br /> a change af the Loan Ser�i�er, Borr�wer will be gi�ren�rritten notice of the change in accordance wi�h the sec�ion <br /> ��t��d Nntices and Applica�le Law. The��ot�c�will ��ate the na�ne and address af the new L�an Servicer and th� <br /> address �a which pay�nents should Ue made. The notice v�ri�l a1s� cc�ntain any oth�r infar�natxfln required �y <br /> A�pl�cable Lav�. <br /> Hazardous Substances.B��r��n�er sha�l not cause or perm���he presence,use,d�sp�sal,s�orage,�r r��ease�f any <br /> Hazard�us Substanc�s❑n or�n the Pr�per�.�3orrov�er shail not da,nor al�Qw anyan�else to do,anything affe�ting <br /> the Property t�aa� is in �ioiation af any En�ironmentai Law. Th� prec�d�ng�wo sentenc�s sha�I not a�ply to the <br /> . presen�e,use,or s�orage on�he.P�•ape�-ty of sma11 quan�i��es af Haza�rdaus Subs�ances�ha�are genera�l�re�agn�zed <br /> to be appropr�a�e�o nar�na�r�sidentia�uses and t�rnaintenance of�l�e Proper�. <br /> Borrower shall pr�mptly gi�ve Lender.��v��tten no��ce of any inWes�igati�n,�laim,demand,ia�vsu��or��h�r action by <br /> any go�ernmental or�-ebula��ry agen�y �r pr�va�e par�y in�olving ���e Prop�rty and any Ha�ardous Substance ar <br /> En�ironmen�al La�v of which B�rrawer has actual l�nowledg�. �f Borrovver Iearns, ar is n�t�fied by any <br /> ga��rn�nental or regulatory au�hority, that any removal or o�her r�me�iation of any Ha�ardous Subs�ance affecting <br /> the Property �s necessary, Barrower shal� p�romp�Iy ta�e al� necessary rem�dial actions in accordan�e vv�th <br /> En�ironmenta�Law. <br /> As used in th�s para�raph, "Hazardous Substances" ar�those substanc�s defined as taxic ar hazard�us sub�tanc�s <br /> by En�iranmen�al La`� and �he fol�ov�ring su�stances: gasoline, kero�ene, a�her flammable or ta�ic �etra�eum <br /> �roducts, t�xic pesticides and herbicides, �o�ati�e �ol�ents, ma�er�a�s conta�n�ng asbes��s ar f�rma�dehyde, and <br /> ra�iva�tive materials.As used�n this para�raph, "Envir�nmentai Law"m.�ans federai Ia�s and�a��of th�state of <br /> Nebraska�hat rela�e��heal�h,safe�or environmental protec��on. <br /> Acceleration; Remedi�s. Lender shal� gi�re notic� to �arrower priur t� ac�eleration f�ll�wing Borr���r's <br /> breach of any co�r�nan� or agreement in this Se�uri�y InStrum�nt �but nat pri�r�a acceler��ion under the <br /> C3 2�042�I 5 Coni�li�nce Systen�s,Inc.A6E3C-fi]9C-20I 5.3,5.1�64 <br /> Cansumer Reai Estate-Sec�rity Instrurnent DL2�35 �'age�of5 www.�or�-� <br />