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��15���58 <br /> not pr�or ta acce�er�t�an under �ect��n 18 unl�ss AppZ�i�abic Law pravid�s other��s�}, The <br /> natic� �hall sp���fy: (a� the defauxt; (b} th� actian requxrer� ta cure the def�ult; (c� a c�ate, not <br /> ���s th�.n 3� d�.ys from t�e date th� not�ce xs given to Borro�ver, by which the defau�t must <br /> �e cur�d; and �d} th�.t f�xl�rr� to cur� the d�fauZt on or before the date �p�c�f��d Yn tl�e notice <br /> �rn�.y� result in �.ccc��rat�on vf th� surns se�ured by this Security Ins�rumen� a�d s�1e of the <br /> Property. The n�t�ce sh��l further infarm Eorravver af the r�ght to reinstate after acceX�r�.txvn <br /> �.n� the right to brzng � court �ctYon t� �ssert the n�n��x��ten�e �f a def�.u�� o�.- any other <br /> c��fense of Borravver t� acceleration �nd saXe. If th� default is nat cured vn ar �efar� the d�te <br /> Specif��d in the not�ce, �e�.d�r nt xts �ptxon may requ�re immed��te �aymenf: in fi�X� of all �ums <br /> s��ur�d by this �ecurxty Instrument withaut fi�rther demand anc� rna� �nvol�e the p���r of <br /> s�.ie �nd any other remec��es pexm�tted by Appl�cable Lavv, Le�der sh�xX be ��t�t�.ed to collect <br /> �.�� expens�s aincurred in pursu�ng the remedie� pro�ided in this Se�tian 22, inc�ucling, but not <br /> lxrn.xted tog reason�ble att�rne�rs' fees and �ost� flf ti.t�e �viden�e. <br /> If th� power af sale �� xnv��ed, Tru���e sh�.�l re�ard a n�tic� of def�ult in �a�� county �n <br /> �v�Y�h any part �f the Propert� i.s xacated a��.d �hnXx ra�ail �opi�s �f su�h not�ce in th� mnnner <br /> �r�scribed by Applicable I.�v� to ]3orrower and ta th� vther persans prescrxbed b� Applic�b�e <br /> L�vv. A�.fter the t�me r�qu�ired by Ap��i�ab�e Law, Trust�� �h��l give publ�c �at�ce of ��le to <br /> the persans and in the xr�anner prescribed by .�ppZicable Law. 'I�rustee, �v�ithout dema�c� �n <br /> ��rrower, shall sell the Properl.y �#: pubiic auction �o the highest l��dder at th� time and piaCe <br /> and unc��r the terrn�s des�gnated Yn the notice of s�Ie i.n vne ar more pnrccls �.nd xn �.n� ordc� <br /> Tr�xste� determYne�. Tru�te� gn��y pn�tpone 5al.e of ��� ❑r any p�.r�eX of the Prapert� by pub�i� <br /> annvu�ce�n�nt at the time a�d p�ace of any p�e�iously schedul�d s€�Xc. �c�de�° a� i�s �e�ign�e <br /> m��}� purchas� the Prop�rt� at a.ny sal�. <br /> lJpa� re�eYpt of paymen� o�'t�e pr��e b�d, Tru�tee sh�ll deliver ta the pur�haser T`ru�te�'� <br /> deed. ���a�eying th� Propert�; Th� rec�t�ls in the T`rustee'S deed shall �e pria�a �acie �v�iden�c <br /> of tb� truth of��� staterr�e�ts m.ade therern, Trustee sha�� apply the praceeds of the sa�e in <br /> th� fa�low�m� �rd�r: �a� to �.Z� ���ts an�. expenses of e�er�Ysing the power� af sai�, ��d the �ale, <br /> �nc�.ud�ng t�e payment o�° the �•uste�'s f�es actu�l�y x�curred and reason�,�le �.ttorney�' fees <br /> as permYtted by Applicabl� :I..�a�v; �b� ta a�� sums secu�•ed by th�s Security Instrument; �.nd ��� <br /> any e�cesS to the persv� �r person� Xeg�.�Xy entitXed �� it. � <br /> �3� FZ��onv�yan�e.Upor�paymen�of�.��sr:�m.s secured�y�his Secur��y Instrumex��, Lenc�:er sh�.�� <br /> request Tr�.�s�ee�o recan�ey�he Proper�y and sh���surrender this Secur��y Ir�strument ar�d a��notes <br /> evidencir�g;debt s�cL�re�.��r�h�5 Secur��y Ins�rume�.�to T�t�.s�ee, Trus�ee sha��reco��.vey tlze Proper�y <br /> Withot��wa�•r�nty ta�he perso�.ar pe�rsons�eg��ly e�.���1ed�a it. Such persan ar persons sh���p�.y�:�y <br /> r��ordatian cos�s. Lend�r may charge such persan or persons a fe�for rec�nve��ng the Proper�y,�ut <br /> or�ly�f�he fe��s��.id�o �.thir�p�.r�y�such�.s th.e Trus�ee�for servi�e�renderec�.�.nd the�harg�ng of�he <br /> f�e is permit�ed ur��.er App�icabl�L�.v�, <br /> �4R Su�stitute T�'us��eb T..end�r,�.�i��ap�ion,m�.y from�:irne����xne rernove Tru�tee a�ad appaxn��. <br /> 5u�c�5sc�r trust��to any Trus�:e�appoin�ed by�.n�ns�r�men�r�cor�ec�in�he coun�y in wh�ch <br /> t��s S ecuri�ty Ir�strurnen��s re�or�ed.�i.thou�cax�veyance of the Proper�y,�he s�.�ccessor�rus�ce sha�� <br /> succ���d t�7 a�l th�ti�Ie,povver a�nd c�u�ies c�nferred upon Trustee h�rein�.nd�y A�pXic�.bl�Lav�r. <br /> HCFG-00359 <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingie FamilyMFanni�MaslFreddie Mac UN[�aRM INSTRUMENT Form�D28�10� <br /> VMPU <br /> 43115 <br /> Woiters Kluwer Financiai 5ervices 20�5�002�5,2.0.3�37�J20�5�506Y Page�5 af�7 <br /> * Zi 9* <br />