<br /> E IT A
<br /> 1�1�S r J.JV V L.i��i.l L.�Grand Is�and,I�TE d 8��1 �
<br /> Lot�ne(1},in�al.ack T�rQ t�},i�a.Better Homes Subdi�isi�n,in tlie��ty af�'`rran,d Isl.and,H�.11 Coun�,
<br /> �eb�asl�a;��ep�the fallov�.g described tra�t�f 1and: Be�nni�g at the S�utheast�orner of said Lot�ne
<br /> (1},B1ock�"�ro��};t����e�ox�her�.�on an assumed a�imuth o���D°��",a d.is�ance�f 5�.��feet ala�ng
<br /> th�East li:�e of said Lot�n��1�ta the Nor�aeast comer of said Lot;then�e�esteriy on an�rxxuth of
<br /> 27D°3 S",�.distance af�.�D feet along f.�a.e Nar�i line of said L�t�n��1};thence�outher���n�n.a.2imuth
<br /> of 1 S�°�D", a distance of 5�.fl�feet t�a p oa�.t on t��S outh li.�e�f said Lat�ne�1};thence E�ster�y��
<br /> a.n.aziluuth of���°3S",a distance�f 2.��feet alang the SQut�line of sa.id Lot�n��1�to the point of
<br /> l��ginning conta�nang 14�.04 squar�fe�t,mor�or��ss.
<br /> l�1 f S.L��u.st St.,Grancl Islanc�,NE �$S�1 .
<br /> Lot T�rv���,B�ock TvSr����,B��t�r Homes Su�bdivi.si�n,in the�xty of�rrand Is�.and,Hall�our�.ty,
<br /> I�Tebrasl�a excepi�ag therefromn a tract of�.and�aore particular��descr����.in.Warranty I�eed in BQo��64,
<br /> Pag�17.
<br /> 1���S.L�cust St.,Gran�.Is�.and,I�E ���D 1
<br /> Lot Tbree�3},in B1ack T�ro�2},in Better Hames Su1�di�si�n.,in the��.ty of�`rrand Is�and,H�.11�au�ty,
<br /> I�e�ras�a.
<br /> 907�.A�.a St., Gran.d Is�a.rj..d,1�TE �SS�1
<br /> The East�rly Fifty�5�)feet Qf th��esterly Qne Hundred 1�inetyWE�ght�198)feet�f fra�tional Bloc�
<br /> Se�en.�een iti.�i�dol.ph�.ddit�.on ta the City of C�rand Is�and,Ha11�aunty,Ne�raska.
<br /> � 31�E 1��St.,CXrand I s�an�,l�E �8�b 1
<br /> Lot Eight�S�in Elock Eighty-two�S�]in�Vhe�����Een�rxet�'s 4tu Addi�.�n to the�xty of Crra-��I Is1a�d,
<br /> H�1�ou.n��.y,Nebraska.
<br /> �9�4�. 1��'St.,C`rrand Isla�.d,I� ����33
<br /> Lot E�even�11�,�1oc�EJ.ev���11),B agg;s and H�ll's Addi#�on t�the�ity of�ran�.Island,Ha�l.Caun.ty,
<br /> �e�raska.
<br /> 41'l--419 S.Vine St.,G�ra�d Is�a�n.d,NE 68��1 .
<br /> A part of B�.o��T�o��}�f I�aeh��-Subdiv���.on af a part of the Sou��as��uarter of the Southwest
<br /> Quarte��SE��� S��/�-}of Sec�iox�Fif��en�15�,i�a Tovvnship E�even�l l)I�or�h,Range�i�e�9�,West of
<br /> the 6�1i P.M.,Hall�ounty,l�Iehras��, an�.�.part af LQt Faurteen�14}of the�Qu�ty Subdi�rision of the
<br /> �est Ha1f of the Southvvest�uarter %z S�'/��vf�ectian F�een�15)in To�nsh�.p E1e�ren�11)
<br /> �
<br /> l�Tox�,Range Niue�9��est�f�he 6 P.M.y Hall�Qunty,Ne�braska,mare pa�ti.�ula��.y descr�bed.as
<br /> follav�s,tv�it: �ommen�i�ng at the Sauthwest conaer of said B�ock T�vo��),x�t�nning the�a.�e I�Tor�h a1o�g
<br /> and up4n t�e't�Test boundary liue�f sa�i�l Block Twa��}f�r a distaa�xa..ce of 114.3 Fee�,-r��nning th�n�e East
<br /> parallel w�.th the�a�th bounda�y li�.e of saxd Bl�ck for a d.�stance of 16�F�et�.�.r�g thence Saut.�. -
<br /> parallel�vith the�est ba-undary li7a�.e of said��.oc�f�r a�.istan�e of 39.�Fee�t�the I�or�heasterly
<br /> boundary lin�of th.e belt line of th��hicago�3urlington&Quin�y Railroad�ompany n�.�g thence in a
<br /> S outh��ster���rect�on along anc�up on th�Narther�y boundar�r line of s ai�.�e�t line��r a c�i.s�axice�f
<br /> �.7 5.3�eet#o�he p�a�e o��b��u�n�ng.
<br /> 1 S 22--15 24 S Sy1�a�.St.,�rand I s�.anc�,NE 6 S 841
<br /> Lot T�vvo�2�,B o�b Sub div�sio�.in th��x�y�f�'`rraud Island,Hall C au.nt�,Nebraska.
<br />