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� • ..i ,� ', - .... , . <br /> - -� �. . ��. � �.� �� - rn <br /> - , : � m � � � <br /> � � � � �m Q y ITI <br /> R7 = . .. � - _� :. � �� � �� ,� <br /> v � _ : - . . �� � C� Q I"rl IV rn <br /> cn � � .. . .. ,-� .�. �� rn � C� Q � <br /> � � . . � - oz � � z� � <br /> � � . . . —� � � �Z C31 C� <br /> � , �r � �m � � <br /> �,,' _ . . � � , ... �� D � D� � C� <br /> � - - :. - .. , �� rn � �� � � <br /> � . - . . - . . ,. -.. rn m rn � =y CS1 �U <br /> � . -.� ;.� .�' ' , - � D y CI] W � <br /> � . . . . . . �� � � r� � <br /> _ ' . � � ± �a p � rn <br /> . : v .�.� � <br /> . o r'�' � U] <br /> . . , � v� R] Uy � <br /> � � � � � � <br /> . ' . , � <br /> . , <br /> � � . • �. � _ <br /> THIS INSTRLTMENT PREPARED BY: � . � � � <br /> AFTER R��pRDIN�RETURN TD: � <br /> Hom�F�dera�Sa�ings&Lvan Associa�ion of Home Federai Sa��n s&Loan Ass � <br /> �rand Island � g aciation af <br /> _ Grand IsIand � <br /> �21 South Lacust Stree# - . ,. 221 Sou:�h Loc��s�S�reet <br /> GRAND I�LAI�D,NE�8gp1 . - �RAND�ISLA�D,NE�688�1 . <br /> S ace llbave This � - -� : :`. . <br /> . .� � P Lii�e Fo�-Recording Data), �, � ` � �� <br /> ��MME��IAL�EAL�STATE:DEED ��'�'Ri1ST <br /> This C�NL�ERC�1L REAL ESTATE DEED �F TRUST "Secur' f� � � � � <br /> b the � � ��Y�s�'�������"� z� n�ade on Augus� �5, 2U15 <br /> y grantor�s) I�CD RENTALSa LL�, a�Nebraska L�m���d Liab��lty Cotnpany, �rhos�e addr�ss is 5445 N <br /> 110TH RD.,Dannebrog,I�Iebraska�G$831 �"C'r.rantor"). The t�•us�ee is Arend R.Baack�At�orne Vv . <br /> 15 P.�. Box 794, �rand Island, Nehraska 6$SOZ "Trustee" . T �-� - _ � 3' ��ose addiess <br /> � �. .he benef c�ary �s Home Federal Sav�ngs & <br /> Loa��Assvciat�an of Grand Is�and wl�ose address is 221 Sauth I.loc«st Street, �ra��d Is�and Ne <br /> �"Lender"�, which is �rganized �Il�. e�IS�Ip under the �a�vs � � braska 68$�1 <br /> g . �f the Unxted� S�ates af Amer�ca. Gran�ur in <br /> c�nsidera�ion af I�ans ex�ended by Lender up �o a maxunum prui�ipa��"atnount of Tl�ree Hnndr ' <br /> Thousand and��01104�v��ars �LT.S. $315,0�4.�� "Maximum � ed k'1f�een <br /> , � � Pr�n��paI Iiadeb�edness"}, and for other�raluable <br /> consideratron,the re�e�pt vf�v�-�Ych is acI{nowledged, u re�vocali�y��-an.[s, canve s and assx ns to Tru <br /> wi�h power of sale,�he fa��owzng described ro 'ei Iacated in�he C � � . s�ee, zn�rust, <br /> p � �Y aunty�f Ha��,S�a��af Nebraska: <br /> Address:Various Addresses See At#ached Ex�xu�t,A,,��,��ISLAND�Ne. , � <br /> , , braska 588U1. <br /> Legal Descrrp��on:See a�#ached Exh2bz�A � � �_ � .� . • � <br /> ,. <br /> T�gether alI easemen�s, appurtenance,s abu�ti�l �streets . � . <br /> g and al�eys, �mpro�em�nts, bu�ld�ngs, f�xtur es, <br /> tenements,hereditamen�s, equipment,ren�s, in�ome,prof�ts and.rayalt�es, p�rsona�goads af v�ha�e�er descr� ti <br /> and all other righ�s and pri�iiieges in�luding a11 mYnerals, ail, gas, wa�er �v���_ethe�• �raundwater u � �n <br /> otherv�r�se�,water r�ghfs�whe�her rz arian, a ro riate or othe � � . � � b�e�ranean a� <br /> � pp p rvtr�se, and whe�her or no�appu7tenan�to�h�aboveW <br /> described rea� prope�-ty�, wells, we�i perm�ts, d���hes, di�ch righfs, reservairs; reser�oYr��r� hts re e• �' . <br /> starage rights, dams and wa�er s�ock th�t may nflw, or a� a�i ���ne �i�the�future g � s x vo�r s�tes, <br /> Y , be �a�ated on andlar�used rn <br /> connectzvn v��th the ab�ve�descri�ed reai prope�-�.y, payYnen� avvards; amou��ts re�e�zved fi��n e�nin�n��domain <br /> amaunts received�fronm any and a��xnsurance payments,and timbe�•whxch may-�aov�or later be�ioca�ed si�ua�ed or <br /> affixed on and used in conn.ection�:herewxth thereinafter caiied the"Pro er " . - ? : _ <br /> , . P �' �• .. . <br /> ; <br /> RELA�`ED Da�UMENTS,. The v��rds "Rela�ed Do�umen�s" mean a�i� �-amiss� n�te� securi ' <br /> rY�r mort a es p rY � ty agz eements, <br /> I� g g , pr�or deeds �f�'L15�,�pr�or deeds �o secure debt, business.�1aan agreem�n�s, cons�ructian l�an <br /> agreements, reso�u�ions, �uaran�ies, en�rir�nrnen�aX�agceernents, subord'ina��on-agreements, assiglunents of�Ieases <br /> and rents and any other�dvcuments or agreements e�ecu�ed in� connec�x�on��i.�ii tl�is Indebtedness and Sec ' <br /> ur�ty <br /> Instrument,�hether nowv�or hereafter exzs��ng,including any mvdif cati�ns,extenszQ�as subs�xtu�ions�r rene <br /> any af the f�regoing. Th�_Relate� Dacumen�s are hereb �made'a- ` - �' waIs of <br /> y ,part of�his Securxty j Ins�r�um�nt by reference � <br /> thereto,�rrth the same force and effe��as zf full�se�for�h here�n.�_ -�- � � . � <br /> , <br /> INDERTEDN�SS.This Security Instruznen�secures the rincr aI a� . • <br /> t . p. p n�unt shown.aUo�re as:m�.y be ev�denced by a <br /> pram�ss�ry n�te or notes nf even, prior or subse9uent da�e hereto, iri�iuding fi�ture advances and e�e� athe• <br /> �nd�btedness �f any and eve�-y k�nd no�v or hereafter ��ving:fiorrt���D RENTAY►S -LLC�= � � <br /> Savings & Loan Assacia�ion of Grand�Island �h�vvsoever'c � � �- '�� �•�• �� Home Federa� <br /> - . .. . � ��eated-�or ar.�s ing,=whethet-.�runa��, secondaYy ar <br /> can�ingent, �og�ther with any in�eres� or�vided in ar arisin,g vut�.of such in��bted��ess as well�as the <br /> agreements and�ovenan�s of�h�s Securxty Ins�h urnent and aIl ReXa�ed.Dncunients�hereiza�.fter ail refe��ed�o as the <br /> "Indebtedness"�. � : . - , . - � : . � . . <br /> . � - , , . . . .. . _ � . . • . . . . - <br /> FUTURE AI]VAN�ES.Ta:�he e��ent permi�ted�b �aw �his Se�uri. �ns � �'� � • <br /> Y � ty tt-umen����1 se�ure future advances as xf <br /> su�h advances were made on�he da�e af�his S��uri�,y�nstrumen�regai-d�Iess of the fac��ha�fi-axn�:irne t�t�m��he e <br /> r <br /> may b�na ha�ance due under:�he na�e and�regardless of wh�thel-�Lender is ab7igated��o�rna��e su�h fu�ure advan�e <br /> 5. <br /> �R�SS C�LLATERA.LIZATI4N. I� ��s the expressed in�en� af�Cz arit����ta ��ross co�la�er ' <br /> . a�ize ai� af �ts <br /> Indeb#edness and obixgati�ns ta�Lender, ho�soever ar�sing and whensoe�er incurr�d e�ce � an ��1� ati <br />�r ar�sing again�t�he pruacipa�dwe��ing of any Grantar. . a p . y g an <br /> . . � . .. , <br /> Q 2�d4-2�I5 Cnmplia�ce$ystems,Inc.3A7D-EEIJS-2015.3.5.984 � . <br /> Carrunercial Real Estate Security Instn�ment-I]CAp07 Page I vf5 �� � � � ' <br /> , _ , _ w��w.campiiancesystems.cvm <br /> . . . .. <br /> . . . - r <br /> • .. • � <br />