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��1 5��8�8 <br /> If the�power vf sa�e is invaked�Tru�te�shal�rec�rd�nati��af default in eaCh c�unty�n�hi�h any <br /> part�f the Property is located and shall mai�copies af such natice in the manner prescribed by <br /> applicable law to B�rrvwer and to the vther�ersans preseribed by applic�ble law,After the time <br /> requlred by applicable law}Trust�e sha�l give public noti�e of sale ta the p��san�and in the rnanner <br /> prescribed by�pplicable law. Trustee,without demand vn�4rrower,5ha11 sell the Praperty at public <br /> auCtioa to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms�esignated in the nQtiCe vf sale <br /> in one ar more parce�s an�in any arder Trust�e deterr�nines.Trus#ee n�ay p�stpone sa�e of al!Q�an�y <br /> parc�l af the Property by publfc ann�uneemen�at the time and place vf an�prev�ausly s�he�luled sal�. <br /> L�ender or its designee ma�purChase the Froper#y at any sale. <br /> If the L�nder's interest in thi�Securit��Ins#rument is held bv the Se�retary and the Secretary requires <br /> imrr�ediate p�yr��nt in fu��under Paragraph�,t�e Seeretary may i��o�.e the nonjud�cial pQwer vf s�x� <br /> pro�ided in the Single Family Martgage Forec�asur�Act of 1�94 {"Ac#"}�12 L�.S,�, 3751 et.�e�.} by <br /> requesting a farecl�sure camrniss�oner des�gnated under the Act to c�mmence fvr�clasure and to s��t <br /> t�e Prap�rty as p�rovided xn the Act.�vthing in the pre�.eding sen�enc�ghall depri�►e the Secretar� vf <br /> any rights otherwise a�ailable ta�.I�ender under this Paragraph 1$or appli�abI�l�w, <br /> UpQn rece�pt�f payment vf the pr�ce bid,Trustee sha�l deliv�r tv the purchaser Trustee`s deed <br /> con�ey�ng the Fraperty,The reci�als in the Trustee's d�ed shali be prirna facie ev�dence vf the truth af <br /> ��e statenten�ts rnad�therein.7'rustee shal�ap�al�the proceeds�f the sale in�he f�llo�ving order: (a}tQ <br /> al��asts�rnd expenses af�xer�ising the power of sale,and the sale,including the payment af the <br /> Trustee's fees actua�ly incurred and reason�b�e attorneys'�ees as permitted b,y Applicab�e Law;�b}to <br /> alI sums secu�ed b�th�s Se�u�rity Instrument;an�(c)an�ex�ess to the persan ar persons�eg�il� <br /> entitled t4 it, <br /> 1 J. Re�an�eyan�e.LTpan payment of al l sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shal�request <br /> Trustee to recon.�ey the Property and shalt sunen�er this Security I�strurnent and ai1 notes evidencin�debt <br /> �e�:ured by#.hi�Security�n�trumen�xo Trustee.Trustee shall recanvey the Property v�rithou��arrar�ty and <br /> �ithout charge to the person or persons l�gal�y entitle��a�t. Such per�on�r per�ons shalt pay any <br /> recorda�ion�qsts. <br /> 2D. SubstituteTrustee.Lender, at its option, may from tirne to time remave Trustee and appaint a s��ccessor <br /> trustee to any Trustee appointed�iereunder b��an�nstrument re�arded in th�county in wh�ch this�ecurity <br /> Instrument is recarded.�Vithout con��yance af th� Fr�p�rty,the succ�ssor truste�sha�l succe�d ta al!the <br /> title,power and c�uties conf�rred upon Trustec hercin and�y appiicable lat7v, <br /> 2'I. Requestfor IVot�ces,gor�awer requests that copies of th�noti�;es of default a�.d sale be sent ta Borro�ver's <br /> address vvhich�s the Property A�dress. <br /> ZZ. Ridersto th�s��curity lnstrument.lf one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorc�ed <br /> toget�.er�vith this Secur�ty In�trum���t,t�e cc�venant�Qf eacl��uc�rider shall be inco�p�rat�d intv and sha�l <br /> arnend and supp�ement the c�venants and agreements of thas S�ci�rity Instrument as if the rid�r(�}wer�a part <br /> af�his Security Instrument, rGheck applicable bax��s}�. <br /> 0 Condominzum Rider � Grrowing Equity Rider � (�ther sp��ify <br /> [� Planr�ec�Uni�De��lopment Rider Q Graduated Payment Rider Leg a� �t ac h e <br /> FHa Mortgage WITH M�RS-NE Revised d196 <br /> VMP C VMP41J{h1E)(134�},Q4 <br /> Walt�tis Kluwer Financi�l Services Page 8 of�Q <br /> qo��43��z��� oz�� ��s osio <br />