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��1 5��8�8 <br /> �ecu�ity Instrument.��vritten sta.ternent of any auth�or��ed agent ot th�Se�r�tary da�ed subse�uent ta <br /> 60 da�s from the date hereof.,�eclining to�nsure this Se�urity Tnstrument and the Note, shall be <br /> deemed conclusive proof of such�neligibility.�Votwithstand�ng the foregoing,this opti�n may nat b� <br /> exercised by Lendcr when the una�ai�ability of insura���is s�lely d��t���ender's�'ailur�to�em�t a <br /> mortgage insurance premium to the Secretary. <br /> "I q. R�instatement.Bor�-awer has a ri�h�to be rcinstatcd if Lender has required immed�a#e payment in full <br /> because af�orr��.v�r's failr�r�t�pay an dmount c�ue unc�e�r the Nate or th�s Security�nstrument, Thi�ri�hE <br /> applies even after foreclasure p�ace�ding�are institu�ed.To rei�state the 5e�urity Instrument,Borrower shali <br /> tender in a lump�um all amaunts required ta bring Barrov�rer's aicaunt�urr��it inG�tidir�g,ta the ext�nt they <br /> are a�liga�ions of Borrawer under th�s Secur�ty Ins#rument, fo�eclosur�ca�ts and reasonable and�ust�mary <br /> attorne��'�ees and expens�s properly as�o�iated with the forecl�sure proc�e�ling. Upon reinstia#�ment'by <br /> �orro�ver,this Security Ins#rument and the o��igatians that it�ecures shall r�main in ef�eGt as if Lend�r had <br /> not required immediate payment in fui1, Ho�ve�er,Lender is n�t required to perrnix r�inst�atem�nt�f; �i} <br /> �,ender has accepted r�instatement a�f�er th�c�rnmencernent of foreclosure proceedings�vithin two years <br /> immediate��prcced�n�thc commencement of a ct�rrent forec�osure pro�eeding,�ii)reins�atement wil� <br /> pre����de foreclostire on d��`ferent graunds in the future,or(i�i)rein�tatement wi��ac�ver�ely affect t�ie <br /> pridr�ty of the�ien crcated by t�ais Security Instrutrtcnt. <br /> 11, BnrrawerNvt Released;Farbearanc�8y LenderNnt a Vl�ai�er.�Extensic�n of thc tirnc of paymcnt or <br /> m�dificatian of amartizatian of the sums secured by�his Se�urity Instrument granted by Lend�r to any <br /> succ�ssor in interest of Borrower shali n�t operate tc�release the liab��ity of the origi�.al Borrower or <br /> Bonower's suCCessor in intere�t.Lender shall not be requrr�d ta commence proceedrngs against any <br /> successar in interest ar refuse to�xtend�irne far pa�yment or vther�t�se madify a.morti�atio�of th�sur�s <br /> secured by this Se�urity instrurnent by r�ason of any demand mad�by�h�origin�l Barrawer�r Barrawer`s <br /> successors in int�r�st.Any f�rbcarance by Lender in cxer��sing any right or remedy shail not be a wai�er af <br /> or pree�ude the e�ercise of any right ar remedy. <br /> '�Z. Suc�es�arsand Ass�gns Baund;Joint and Severa�Liab�lity;Co-5�gn�r�.Thc co�cnants and <br /> �greem�nts of th�s Security Instrument shalt hind�.nd hene�t the successars and assigns af Lender and <br /> B�rrower,subject to the pr��isions�f paragraph 9(b}. Borro��er's cover�an�s and agreements shal�be joint <br /> and�evera�. Any F3arro�r�r�rha co-signs this S�curity Ir�s�ru�ment but dc�es not execute the Nc�te:�a}is <br /> co-signing this Security Instrument on�y to m�rtgage,grant and can��ey that Borrower'�interest in the <br /> Frc�perty under the terms of this Securit�r.Instrument;�b}is��ot personally a�ligated�o pay the sums secured <br /> by t��s��curity Instrument;and�e}agrees t�at Lend�r and any other�arra�er may agree ta e�tend,madify, <br /> forbear or make any accommodat�ans with regar�#o t�e terms of this S�curity In�trurncnt or thc Notc <br /> �vithout that Borrower's cansent. <br /> 'i 3. Nvti�es.Any notice to B�rr�wer pra�ided f�r in this Security In�trurnent�hal�be�i�en by deli�er�n�;it or <br /> by mailing it by first cl�.s�n�ail u�n.1e�5 applic�ble lav�re�u�re�use c�f an�ther methad. The no#ice shall be <br /> directed to the Proper�y Ad�ress ox any ather ad�iress B�rro�er desigriat�s by na�ice ta Lender. Any notice <br /> to Lender shall be given by�rst cla�s mail ta Lender's address stated herein ar any address Lender <br /> designates by notice to Bar�o�ver.A�y nati�e pro�ided for in�his�ecurit�Instrurnent sha11 be deeme�to <br /> have been�iven t�l�oxrower ar Lender�hen given as pravided i��this paragraph. <br /> '14. �a�rerningLaw; 5e�erability.This �e�u�-ity Ins#rument shalt be ga�erned b�Federal law and the law of <br /> t�e jurisdic#ion ia�vhi�;h the PrUperty is located.In the event tha�any provision ar clause of this 5ecurity <br /> lnstr�ment or the l�ote�onflicts wit.h applicable 1avv,such conf�ict shal�not a�feet other pro���ions of this <br /> Security instrument or the I��te which can be giv�n effect�vithout the conf�icting pro��si�n, Ta this cnd the <br /> provi�ions of this Securi��nstrument and th�Note are dcclared ta�hc sevcrable. <br /> FHA Martgage WITH MERS-NE Revi�ed 4196 <br /> VMP C� VMP4N(NE][1302].4Q <br /> Vrlolters}t�uwer Financia�5ervices qp3 34375�38 3 Q�3 3 648 qGl� Page 6 of 14 <br />
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