��1 5�6877
<br /> Transfer�f the Prnperty nr a Benefic�a��nterest�n Borrower. If a1�or any part af the Pr�perty�r any interest
<br /> in it is soxd or transferred ��r if a beneficial �n�er�s� in Borrower is sfl�d or transferred and Borro�er is not a
<br /> natura�person} vv�th�u� Lender's pr�Qr �rri�ten consen�, Lender may, at i�s option, require �rnmediat� payment in
<br /> full af al� sums secured by �his�Security �nstrument. Hflwever, �his opti�n sha�l no� be exercised by Lender if
<br /> e�erc�se is pr�hi��ted by fed�rai�aw as af th�date af�h�s Security Ins�rurnent. .
<br /> �f Lender �xercises th�s apt�an, Lender sha�� gi�e Borrower natzce of acceleration. The not�ce shall pro��de a
<br /> period af n�t less than the rninimum number af days establ�shed b� Applicable Law fr�m the date�he nfl��ce is
<br /> delivered ar rnai�ed within whi�h Borrower must pay al� sums secured by this Security �nstrument. If Borrflwer
<br /> fails to pa�these sums prior ta �he ex�ira��c�n of�his�period, L�nder may in�r�ke any remedies perm�t�ed by this
<br /> Security ins�rument withaut fur�her no�ice�r demand on Barrawer.
<br /> Borrawer's Righ� ta R�ins�ate. If B�rra�nr�r meets certain c�nd�t��ns, Borrawer shall ha�� the right t� ha�e
<br /> enf�rcernent�f this Security �ns�rument disc�ntinued at any tin7e prior to the earlier af: �a��5 days�ar such a�her
<br /> period as Appl�cable Law may�spec�fy far re�nstatemen�3 before sa�e of the Property pursuant��any p�wer af sale
<br /> con�ained in �his Securit� Ins�rument; ��r �b) �ntr� af a jud�;m�nt enforc�ng �his�Secu�i�y �nstrumen�. Those
<br /> �onditxons are tha���Borrawer: �a� pa�s Lender a1� sums wh�ch then w�uld be due under this Securi� �n��rument
<br /> and th��on�ract as if na acceleration had o�curred;�b}cures any default�f an�o�her co�enan�s or agr�emen�s;�c}
<br /> pays all�xpenses incurred in�nfarcing this Security�nstrumen�,�ncluding,but n����m�ted t�,reasonable�at�arneys'
<br /> fe�s to the�xtent permitted by law; and {c�}�akes su�h a�tian as Lender may reasonab�y require to assur�that the
<br /> �i�n of this Security Instrum�nt, Lend�r.'s r�bhts�in the Praperty and Barr�wer's�b�igat��n to pay the sums se�ured
<br /> by�his Securi�y Instrumen�s�all continue unchanbed. Upon reinstate�ent�by Borro�ver, �his Se�uri�y Ynstrurnent
<br /> and�he obli�ations secured hereby shall remain ful�y effecti�e as if no acceleratifln had occurred. Howe�er, �his
<br /> rigl���o reins�a��shall not apply in th��ase of accelerati�n under the sec�ivn titled Trar�s�er of the Prvpert�or a
<br /> B�ne�cia��nteres�ir�B�rrar�er. � � �
<br /> Hazardous Subst�nces. Barrovver shall nn�cause or perm�t the presence,use,disposa�,sto�age, �r rel�ase�f any
<br /> Hazardous Sub�tances on or in�he Pr�per�y.B4rro�rer shall n�t d�,nor a�l�wr any�ne else��do,anything affecting
<br /> the Praper�yr tha� is in vio�ation af any Er�viranmen�al Law. The precedin� two sen�en�e� shall n�t apply to �he
<br /> presence,use,or s�orage on the Pr�per��of srnall quant��ies�f Hazardaus Subs�ances�hat are genera�ly rec�gn�zed
<br /> ta be appropriate to norma�res�dent�al uses and ta maintenance flf the�r�perty.
<br /> B�rrower shall proxnptl�give Lender wr�t�en notice of.an��n�estiga��on, cla�rri,demand,�awsu�t ar o�her ac�ifln�y
<br /> any governm�n�a1 ar regu�atary agency �r�private part� �nvol�ing�h� Proper�y and any Hazardflus 5ubstance ar
<br /> En��ronmen�al Law af �uh�ch Borrower h�s ac�ual �nov�ledge: �f �3arr�vv�r �earns, �r is no��f�d by any
<br /> go�ernmental�r regula�or�au�har�ty,that any re�no�al or other rernediation of any Hazardflus Subs�ance affe���ng
<br /> the Prop�rty is nec�ssary, BQrrawer sha�l promp�ly �a�e al� necessary remedial actions in a�ccordance ���h
<br /> Environmen�al Law.
<br /> As used�n this paragrap��, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are�hose subs�an��s defined as toxic or hazardous substances
<br /> by Enviranmen�al Lavv and �he fo�iflwing�subs�ances: �as��ine, kerosene, o�her flamx�able �r �oxic pe�ra�eum
<br /> produ�ts, toxic pest�c�des and herbicides, volat�le solWents, materials can�aining asbestas �r formaldehyde, and
<br /> radiaact��e ma�er-ials.As used in�h�s paragraph, "En�ironrnen�al Law"means federal taws and�a�s of the s�a�e�f
<br /> Nelaraska�hat relate to health,safe�y or en�iranrnenta�pro�ec�ion.
<br /> A�celerati�n; Rernedies. L�nd�r shall gi�e n�tice �o Barrower pr�ar t� acce�era�ia� f�llawing Borr�wer's
<br /> breach af any co�enant or�greement in this Secur��y�nstrum�nt nr the Contract under�vh�ch accelera��un
<br /> �s permi��ed[but nat priar��accelera�i�n under�h�sec��an titl�d Transf�r of�he l�r�per�y or a Ben��cial
<br /> Interes��n I3orrovver, umles�Appiicable Law prvvide5 ��herw�se). The notice sha�l specify: �a� the defaul�;
<br /> �b} the ac��on required �to� �u re �he de�auZ�; (c} a date, n�t less than the minimum number of days
<br /> estab�ished hy,�pplicable Law fr�m the dai�e the nn�ic�is given tfl Borrower,hy wh�ch the default rnu�t be
<br /> cured; a��d �d} �ha1: fai�ure to cure the defau�t on nr 1a�fflr� �he �ate speci�ed in the notice r�ay result in
<br /> a��e�era�ion of the sums s�cured by th�s Secu�i�y Ins�rument and saie of the Property. Tv the extent
<br /> permitted by �av+v, the nntic�shal�fu�r�h�r i��forin Borrower❑f t��e right to reinstate af�er acceleratin� and
<br /> �he righ�ta bring a cnurt act�on to assert the r�on--existen�e af a defau�t ar any atfier defense�f Borro►�er ta
<br /> a�celera��on and sale. �f the defau��is not cured an �r before the da��specified in�he n�t�ce,Lender at�ts
<br /> opti�n may requ�re unmedi�te pa�ment in ful� of�il sums sec��red by �his Secur��� T�strument withou�
<br /> further deman� and m�y invoke the.power of sa�e and any other rQmedies perrnit�ed b� Appl�cable Law.
<br /> T� the e�tent p�rmitte� by �aw, Lender shal� be ent�tled tQ collect a�l e�cpenseg in�urred in pursuing the
<br /> remedies pro�ided in �h�s Sec�ion,inciuding, but�o�Iimi�ed to, reasanab�Q a��orneys' fees and casts af�itle
<br /> ev�dence. � �
<br /> If the pa�ver nf sa�e�s in�oked,Trustee s�al� record a n���ce of defau�t in�ach e�unty in which any part of
<br /> the Praperty is located and sha�l�nai�cop�es vf such notice�n �he manner prescribed �y Applicable L�w t❑
<br /> 13orrawer and t� the other pers�ns pre�cribed by Applicahle L�vv. Aft�r �he tirn� r�quired by Appl��ab�e
<br /> Law, Trus�ee shal� give public notice af salQ to the persor�s �nd �n �h� manner pr�scribed by App�icable
<br /> Law. Trus�ee,vv�thou�c�em�nd an Snrrower,shal�se�l�he Pr�perty a�pub��c auction�o the highest bidder
<br /> at the tim�and place and u��er�he terms desi�nated in�he notice of saxe in one ar mare parcels and i�any
<br /> order Tru���e d�termine�. Trus�eQ may postpone sai� �f al� ar any parcel of �he Property hy public
<br /> announcemen�at�he tim�and place of an�pre�ivu�ly schedu�ed sale.Lender�r its de�ignee may purchase
<br /> �he Praperty at any sa�e.
<br /> vpon receipt of payment af the price �id,Trustee sha�l del��er ��the purcha�er Trustee's d�ed cvnveying
<br /> �he Prnper�y. The rec�tals ir��he'I'rustee'�deed shall�e �rima facie evidence�f the truth n�the s�atera�ents
<br /> �2fl(]�-2d15 Compliance Systezns,Inc.ASBC-B4FD-2�I5.3.5.146�
<br /> Cvnsumer Reai Eslate-Security Instruzner�€DL2U3fi Page 4 of 5 www.c�mpliancesystems.cam
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