��1 5�6877
<br /> Payment of Principal and Interes�; ��her�harges.Bflrrawer shall pr�mptiy pay when due th�principal�f and
<br /> interest on the de�t awed under the�on�ract and late charges or any ather f��s and char�es due under the Con�ract.
<br /> App��cable Law. As used in this Secur�ty �r�strum�nt, t��e tenn "A�plicab�e Law" shal� mean al� can�ralling
<br /> appl�cab�e federa�, �tate and l�cal s�atutes, regulations, ordinances and administra�ive rules and orders �tha�ha�e
<br /> �he effe�t�f lav��as well as al�app�i�able�fina�,no��-appealable�u�ic�a��pin�o�s.
<br /> Charges; Liens. Borrawer s�all pay aIl taxes, assessments, �harges, f nes and impas�tions a�tributab�e to the
<br /> Property�hich may a�ta�n priar�ty�a�er th�s Security Ins�:rum�nt, and leaseha�d paymen�s or ground rents, if any.
<br /> At�he request of Lender,Barrower shall promptly furnish to Lender rece�pts evidenc�ng�he paymen�s.
<br /> B�rrower sha��prompt�y d�scharge a.ny l�en�h�ch has p�r�arity��er�his Securi�y�n�trum�nt unless B�rrower: �a}
<br /> agrees in writing to the payn�en� �f the obligation secured by the �ien in a manner accep�able �o Lender; �b}
<br /> �on�rests in g�od faith the l�en by, or defends agains� enf�rcern�nt of the lien in, 1egal proceed�ngs vvhich in th�
<br /> Lender's op�nion �perate �o �revent the enforcemen� of the �ien; �r �c3 secures from the holder o�the tien an
<br /> agreemen�sat��fac�ory t� Le���r subordinating�he lien ta this Secu.��ty Instrumen�. If Lend�r determines that any
<br /> part of�he Property is suhject to a lien vsrhich inay a�tain priori�y v�er this Se�urit}r Instrument, Lender may give
<br /> Borr�wer a na�ice iden�ifying�he �i�n. B�rr�wer sha11 sat�sfy�he �ien or�ake ane ar rnore Qf the actitins set forth
<br /> ab��e v�i�hin 14 days�f�he g�u�ng af n���ce.
<br /> Haz�rd nr Property InSurance.Borro�ver sha11 keep�he improvements now ex�s��ng or hereafter erec�ed an th�
<br /> Proper��nsured against l�ss by fire,hazards included v���hin th�term"e�tended coverage"and any o�her hazards,
<br /> inGluding flaods or flnoding, f�r which Lender requ�res insurance. Thxs insurance shail be ma�ntained �n the
<br /> amounts and for the periods th�.�Lender requires.The insuranc�Garrier pr��iding the insurance sha�l be chosen by
<br /> Borro��er subjec� �� Lender's appr��al whi�h sha�l nflt b� unr�asariably withheld. If Borrov►rer fails �o maintain
<br /> cowerag� descr��ed ab�ve, Lender may, at Lender's opti�n, obta�n cn�e�age ta protect Lender's r�ghts �n the
<br /> Pr�per�y�.t�acc�rdance with sectian�itl�d Pro�ection of Lend�r's Right��n the Pro�erty.
<br /> A�1 insurance po�icies and re�ewals shal� be a��eptahle t� Lend�r and shall include a standard mor�gage clause.
<br /> Lender shail ha�re the righ�to hold�he pol�czes and re�e�vals. If.Lender requ�res, BQnrower shall promptly give��
<br /> Lender a�l receipts �f paid premiulr�s and reneti�al notices. �n�he even�af lo�s,Borrvwer sha�l give�rflmpt�otice
<br /> to the insuran�e carrier and Lender.Lender may make pro�f of los�if nfl�made pramptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrawe� o�hervvise a�ree in ��ting, insurance �roceeds shall be app�ied ta restorati�n ar
<br /> repair�f the Prflperty damaged, if, in Len�er's so�e d�scre�i�n, the res�oration or repair is econom�cally feasible
<br /> and Lender's security is n�t lessen�d. �f, in Lender's sale d�s�re�ian, the restorat��n or repair is no� ecfln�rr�ically
<br /> f�as�ble�r Lender's security r��u�d be lessened,the�nsurance prflc�eds sha�X be ap�a�ied�fl th�sums secured by this
<br /> Security I�.s�rumen�, r��he�her or not thexx due, wi�h any excess paid t� Barrower. rf Borrov�er �.bandons the
<br /> Property,or does not answer v�ithin the nurnber of days pres�ribed b�r Applicabie Law as se�t forth�n a n��ice fram
<br /> Lender to Borrower tha�the insuranc�carrier has Offered to settle a��a�m, then Lender may ��11e���he insuranc�
<br /> praceeds. Lender rnay��se the pr�ce�ds��repa�r or rest�r�the Property or�o pay sums se�ured b�t��s Security
<br /> In�trumen�,whether�r nat then due.The period�f�ime for Barrawer to answer as se�for�h in the na�ice vvill begin
<br /> when the noti�e is gi�en.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrfl�ver atherwise agree in�vr�i�ing, any applica�i�n�f praceeds�o pr�n�ipal sh��l not extend
<br /> or postpone the due date of the payments due under the�antrac�or change the amount�f the payments. If under
<br /> the sect�on tit�ed Acceleratiox�;.R.ernedies,�he Property is a�quir�d by Lender, Borrvw�r's right to any�ns�rance
<br /> palicies and proGeeds resu�ting from damag� �o the Prvperty prior�o �he a��uisitivn shail pass to Lender t�the
<br /> exten�af the sums secured by this Security Ins�rumen�imrnediateiy priar�o�he acquisitian.
<br /> PreS�rva#ion, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Borrower's Loan Applica�i�n; Leaseho�ds.
<br /> Sorro�v�r shal�not destr�y,damage or�mpair�he Proper�y,a11aw th�Prop�rt��o de�eri�rate,or commit was�e on
<br /> the Property.�3arrflwer shal�b�in�efault if any farfeitur-e actian or proc�ed�ng,whether ci�i�ar cr�minal,is begun
<br /> that in Lender's g��d faith judgment cau�d result in forfe�ture of�he Praper�y or otherv�zse mater�al��impair the
<br /> �ien cr�a�ed by th�s Security �ns�rurnent or L�nder's securi� �nteres�. Barraw�r may cure such a defaul� and
<br /> reinstate, as�r��ided in sect�on titled Bnrrawer's��ght�a R��nstat�, by�aus�ng�h� act��n�r pr�ceeding ta be
<br /> disrnissed w�th a ru�ing�ha�,i��Lender's good faith de�ermina��on,precludes f�rfeiture of�he BQrrower's�nterest in
<br /> the Property or o�her mat�rial �rn�a�rrn�nt �f�he l�en crea��d by th�s Security �ns�rurnent �r Lender'� se�urity
<br /> interest.B�rrower shall alsfl be in default if Barrower,during the loa��p�r�ication process,ga�e ma�erially f�.lse�r
<br /> �naccurate �nf�rrnati�n or s�atements to Lender [or fai�ed ta pro�vide Lender with any materia� infflrmation� in
<br /> cQnnectxan w��h the l�ar►eW�d�nced by�he �on�ract. �f th�s Security Ins�rumen�is an a leasehold, B�rrower sha1�
<br /> camp�y wi�.h a���he pr��isions of the lease. If B�rra�er acquires fee titl��o the Property,�he leasehold and the fee
<br /> title shall n��merge unless Lender agrees�a the merger��wri�ing.
<br /> Pro��c��on nf Lender's Itig�ts in �h� Proper�y. �f Borr��rer fails to perfarm �he co�renan�s and agreemen#s
<br /> conta�ned in this S�curity�ns�rumen�,ar�here is a legal pr�ceeding tha�may s�gnifCant�y affec�Lend�r's righ�s in
<br /> �he Property �su�h as a pr�ceeding in ban�cruptcy, pro�a�e, for candemna�i�n or f�rf�iture or to enfarce laws ar
<br /> regula�ians}, �hen Lender rnay do and�pay for v�rhatever is necessary to pro�ect the value �f the Proper�y and
<br /> Lender's r�ghfis in�he Prope�-ty.Lender's a��ions rnay inc�ude paying an�sums se�ured by a l�en whiCh has prior�ty
<br /> a�er�his Securi���ns�rumen�,appear�ng in court,pay�ng reasonable attarneys'fees and entering an the Pr�perty to
<br /> make repai�rs.A��th�ugh L�ende�rnay take ac�ion under this secti�n,Lender daes not ha��ta do sa.
<br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under this secti�n sha�� beCame add�ti�na� debt af Borrav�er secur�d by�his
<br /> �ecurit� �mstrument. Ur�less I-�orrawer and Lender agree to other terms of�ayment, these amounts sha�l bear
<br /> Q 2004-2G15�ompliance Systems,lnc.A6BC-B4FD-24f D64
<br /> Car�surr3cr Real Estate-5ecurity Insfrur�-ient DL2D36 Fa;e 2 aF 5 www.cornptiancesyster�s.cotn
<br />