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��1 5�687� <br /> 11. ENVIR()I�IMEI�TAL LAWS A1�D HAZARI}QUS SUSSTAN�ES. As used in this sectxan, <br /> �1� Enviranrnental I�a� means, wxChout limi�ation, th� Compr�hensive En�ironmentai Resp�nse, <br /> �ampensation and L�abiiity Act (�ERCLA, 4� U.S.�. 9��I et seq.}, and a�i other federal, state and loca� <br /> 1 aurs, regul ativns, ordinanc�s, court arders, at�orn�y generai op inions or interpretive 1 e�ters concern�ng the <br /> pubii�health, safety, urelfare, en�zronm�nt or a hazardous subs�ance; and ��} Hazardous Substance means any <br /> taxi�, rad�oactxve �r hazardous material, vvaste, pollutant or contaminant whx�h has characteristxcs which <br /> render�he �ubstance dangerous or potentrall� dangerous to �he public health, safety, weifare ar environmen�. <br /> The term xncludes, wi�hout �imitatian, any substances defined as "ha�ardaus material," "ta�ic substances," <br /> "hazardous vvaste" or "hazardous substance" under any En�ironmental Law. <br /> Trustor r�presents, �varrants and agrees that: <br /> A.Exce�t as pre���usly disclosed and acknawledg�d in writing ta Bene�ciary, no Hazardous Substanc� is <br /> or will be located, stored or releas�d ❑n or in th� Property. This r�stri�tion does not apply to smail <br /> quantities of Hazardous Substances that are gener�lly recagniz�d ta be appr�priate f�r �he normal, use <br /> and maintenan�e of the Prap�rty, <br /> B. Except as previously disciosed and a�knflulledged in writing ta Benef�ciary, Trustor and e�ery �enant <br /> ha�e been, are, and shali r�main in fuii�ompliance vvith any appli�abl�Environmen�al Law. <br /> C.Trustor shal.l immediately notify Beneficiar�if a relea�e or threatened release of a Hazardous Substance <br /> occurs an, under or abaut the Praperty or there is a�iolation of any En�iranmental Law�oncerning the <br /> Propert�. Zn such an even�, Trustor shall talce a1.1 necessary remediax action in accardance with any <br /> Environmental Lav�r. <br /> D.Trustor sha�l immediately naCify B�ne�ciary in�vriting as saon as Trustar has reason to belr�ve there is <br /> any pending or threatened in��stigation, claim, or proceedzng relat�ng to the release or thr�atcned <br /> rel�ase af any Ha.�ardaus Substan�e or the vi�lat�on af any Environrnental Lav�. <br /> 12. ESCR�'4�Y' F�R TA�ES AND IN5iJ1�ANCE. Un.Iess atherwise provided in a separate agreement, Trustar <br /> �v�11 not be r�quYred to pay ta Benef�ciary funds for taxes and insurance�n escro�v. <br /> 13. J�INT AND I�I]IVI�3UAL LIABILITY; GQ-�I�I�ERS; �UC�ESSpRS AN�] ASSIGNS S�L]ND. AX1 <br /> dut�es under this Security Instrum�nt are j oint and individual. If Trust�r s�gns this Security In��rum�nt �ut <br /> does not sign an evzdenc� of debt, Trustar does so only tv mor�gage Trustar's interest in the Pr�perty to <br /> secure paym�n�af the S�cured D�b� and Trus�or does nat agree to be personally liable on the S�cured Debt. Zf <br /> this Security �nstrument secur�s a guaranty be�ween. Beneficiary and Trustor, Trustor agrees ta v�ai�� any <br /> right� that ma� prevent Benefi�iary from bringing an� a�tion ar clarm agaxn�st Trustor or any party zndebted <br /> under the o�l iga�ion. These rights may includ�, but ar�not 1 imited t�, any anti-d�fz�iency or ane--action 1 aws. <br /> Th�duties and b�nefit� �f th�s Se�uriCy �nstrument shall bind and benefit Che succe��ars and assigns flf Trus�ar <br /> and Benef�c�ary. <br /> 14. SEVERABIL�TY; �NTERPRETATI�N. This Security Instrument is camplete and fu11y intebrated. This <br /> S�cur�ty Instrument may not be amended or modified by aral agre�ment. Any secti�n �n this Security <br /> �nstrument, a�tachments, ar an� agreement related t� the Se�ured Debt that canflicts w�th applrcable Iaw w��l <br /> not be eff�ct��e, un�ess tha� law expressly or impliedly permxts �he �arratxans by �vritten agreement. Yf any <br /> section of thzs S�Gurity Instxurnent�annot be enforc�d aGcording to its t�rms, that sectian u�il�be se�ered and <br /> wi,I� nat affect th� enfflrceabxlzty of th� rernainder of this Se�urity �nstrum�nt. Whene�er us�d, th� sxngular <br /> shait inGlude the plural and the plura] th� sin��lar. Th� cap�zons and headings af the �ectians af this Security� <br /> Instrument a�re for c�nvenience anly and are not �o be us�d to interpret or define the �erms of�his Securx�y� <br /> zns�rumen�. Time is of the essence in this Securxty �nstrumen�. <br /> 1�. SUCCESSaR TRUST�E, Benefic�ar�, at Beneficiary's option, may from �im� ta ti�me remove Trust�e and <br /> appaint a su�cessar trustee w�thou� any other forrnality than the designatron in writing. The successor tru�tee, <br /> withaut canve�ance of the Praperty, shall succeed t� all the tzt�e, power and duties ��nferred up�n Trustee by <br /> thi�5ecurity Instrument and appli�able Iaw. <br /> 15. �T(]TIG�. Uniess otherwise required by Iaw, any notice shall be given by del�vering it ar by maiiing i� by <br /> fir�t class mail to the apprapriate par�y's addres� on page 1 af this Securzty zns�.rurnent, ar tfl any other <br /> address designated in wr�ting. N�tice ta ane trustor wi11 be deemed ta �e natzce to all tru�tors, Trustor and <br /> Beneficiary hereby request a capy �f any notice of default, and a copy of any natice of sale thereunder, be <br /> marled to each party at the address f�r such party set forth an page 1 af thas Security Instrument. <br /> 17. WAIVERS. Ex�ept �o the extent prohibited by law, Trustor waives a11 apprazs�ment and hom�stead <br /> �xemp�ian r�ghts relating Co the Property. <br /> 1S. L�NE �F CREDrT. The Secured Debt includes a r�volvxng line �f credit. �.�though the �ecur�d Debt may <br /> be reduced t�a zero baiance, this Security Instru.rnent wYll r�main in effect until released. <br /> 5ecurity lnstrument-Dp�n-End-Cansum�r-NE ❑CP-R��T-N� 71�12��1 <br /> VMPQ gankers SystemsTM VMP-C4�5�NE7 �1 1 D7}A4 <br /> Walters�{luwer�inan�ial Scr�ices ts�1 584�20�� Page 5 vf S <br />