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<br /> The praperty is lacated in �al l ... . .. ..... .... ......... . �j ..................................
<br /> ��r � ♦v �r. .�. .•• .�.r.r• .�. .�. ��. {.i� .�.
<br /> �Cpunry}
<br /> � 588�4
<br /> 6�3 �asis Pla�e �airo h�ebraska
<br /> ...� .. . . .. . .........................., ... . .....�.........�..,.,....�....., .. . . ...,......
<br /> �Addr�s�} (City j ��IP Cod�}
<br /> T�g�th�r�xth all rights, easements, appurtenanGes, rayaltres, min�ral rig�z�s, ail and bas rights, all water and
<br /> riparian rz��.ts, ditches, and water sto�l� and a1X existing and futur� impro�•em�nts, �tru�tur�s, f�x�ures, and
<br /> replacemen�s that rnay now, or at any time in the future, be part of�he r�a1 estate d�scribed ahove�all referred
<br /> ta a� "Property"}.
<br /> 3. MA��MUM �LLIGA►.TI�N LIMIT. The total principal amaun� secured by �hxs Securrty �nstrument at any
<br /> ane tzn�.� shall not exceed $ 2 5 r,o.o�:.�.a................................... . ThYs lYmx�ation of amaunt daes not
<br /> Ynclu�e in��rest and othez- fees and charg�s �alidly made pursuan� ta this Securzty Ynstrument. Also, th�s
<br /> lirn�ta�i�n daes not apply to ad�rances mad� under �he terms of this Securzty �nstrumen� to pratect
<br /> B�neficiary's se�urity and t�p�rf�rm any�f the couenants contained in this Securxt�Znstrum�n�.
<br /> 4. SE�URED DE�3T AND FC_TTiTRE ADVA.�'�T�E�. The term �'Secured Debt" rs defined as fallows:
<br /> A.Debt in�urred under the terms of al� praxnis�ary note(s}, c�ntractts�, guaranty�ies� or ath�r ev�dence of
<br /> debt described below and al� th�ir extensians, renewal�, modifYcatrans or substitutxons. �You must
<br /> speczfically ident�ify�h�debt�s�secured ar�d�ou sh�uld i�ccZude�he fir�al maturity da�e of such debt�s}.�
<br /> Note Dated Sept�mber 15� 2�15 Zn Th� Arnount �f $��� QOO,D�
<br /> Accruing At .A Varlable Rate With A Maturit�r,Date �7f �September 2 5, ��2�
<br /> Said Loan In The Name�s� �f Wayne Hongserm�ler
<br /> And Secky S Hong�ermeler
<br /> B. AII future ad�ances from Bene�ciary ta Trus�or or other future obligatians �f Tru��or tfl Benefx��ary
<br /> und�r any prom��sory� no�e, ��n�ract, guaranty, �r other evidence of debt executed by Trustar in fa�or
<br /> �f Beneficiary after this Security �ns�rument whether or not thxs 5ecurrty Instruxn�nt is specificaily
<br /> referenced. If more than on� person signs this Security Instrument, each Trust�r agrees that this
<br /> Security �nstrum�nt wiXl se�ure a1i future ad�an�e� and future obligatians t�at are given ta or incurred
<br /> by any one or rnore Trustar, or any on� or rnore Trustor and ather�. All future advances and other
<br /> fu�ure ohligatxans are se�ured by �his Security Ins�rument e`ren though ail or part may not yet �e
<br /> ad�an�ed. All futur� advances and other future oblzgatrans are se�ured as if mad� ❑n the da�e of this
<br /> Se�urit� In�trument. N�thxng in this Securi�y Znstrum�nt �hal� constxtute a cammx�ment to make
<br /> additiona� or future laans or advanc�s in any amount. Any such commitment must be agreed to xn a
<br /> s ep arate v�ritrn�.
<br /> C.AII o�her �bligations Trustor awe�to B�neficiary, which may later arise, ta the extent nat prohi�ait�d by
<br /> law, includxng, but nat limxted �o, liabilities for overdraft� re�ating to any deposrt account agreement
<br /> betv,�een Trustor and B�neficiary.
<br /> D.All additzonax sums advanced and �xpenses �ncurred by Benefic�ary for insuring, pre�er,ving ar
<br /> atherwxse prot�cting �he Propert� and its�a.�ue and any a�her sums advanced and expenses incurred l�y
<br /> Benefxciary under the�erms of this S�cur�ty Instrum�n�.
<br /> �n the event that Benefz�xary fails to pro�xde any r�quir�d notice af the right�f res�issi�n, Beneficiary vvazves
<br /> any subsequent securi�y xnterest rn the Trus�or's prin�ipal dwelling that is created by this Security�nstrument.
<br /> 5. DEED �F TRUST ��V��IANTS. Tnxstar a�re�s that the cnvenants in this sectinn ar� materia� obligat�ons
<br /> under the Secured Debt and this Security Znstrument. �f Trustor breaches an� co���nant in Chis sectian,
<br /> Beneficiary rnay r�iuse t� make additional extensions af credit and redu�e the credzt l�mzt. By nat �x�rcising
<br /> either remedy� on Trus�or's breach, �eneficiary does not �uaive Beneficiary's right to later consider the���ent a
<br /> breach if it happens again.
<br /> Paymen�s. Trus�or agrees that all paymen�s under the Se�ured �3ebt vcrill be paid when due and zn ac�ordance
<br /> wzth the terms of the Secured Debt and this 5ecurity Instrument,
<br /> Prior Security Interests. �ith regard t� any other mor�gage, d�ed af trust, securit� agreemen� ar ather Iien
<br /> document tha� �rea�ed a prior s�curi�y znterest or encumbrance an �h� Praperty, Trustor agrees to make all
<br /> payments v�hen due and to perfarm or comply wi�h a�l cavenants. Trustor also agrees not to a1�ow any
<br /> modzfication ar ex�ension af, nvr to request an� future advances und�r an� note ar agreement secured b� �he
<br /> lien document withaut Beneficiary's prior�v�rritten appro�al,
<br /> Claims A�ainst Tit�e. Trustar wil� pay aII taxes �includ�nb a.ny rax �SS�55�C� to this Deed of Trust},
<br /> assessments, liens, en�um�rances, Iease payments, ground r�nts, util�t�es, and ather ch�rge� r�Ia�in� to the
<br /> Property when due. Benefi�iary may require Trustor ta pr�vide to B�n�f�c�ary copies of all notices �hat such
<br /> amounts are due and the receipts evidencing Tru�tar's payment. Trustor will defend �itl� ta the Pr�perty
<br /> against any claims �hat would rmpair the lYen of this Se�urity �nstrument. Trustor agrees ta assign to
<br /> Benef�c�ary, as requested by Benef���ary, any rights, claims or defenses Trustor may hav� against parties v�rha
<br /> supply labor�r material�to mazntain ar�mprove the Property.
<br /> ue�urity Instrument-Open-End-Cor�sumer-N� DCP-R�C7T-N� �1�12�'��
<br /> VM��Bankers Systems'�' VMP-C4�5{NE� i1 1❑7l.DJ
<br /> Wo:ters Klu�ver Financial Services D1 994,20'1 Pag��of 6
<br />