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��15��858 <br /> �. I�Aonthly Payment of Ta�c�s, lnsuranc�and�th�r�ha�ges.Barrower shall includ�in ea�h manthly <br /> p�yYnent,together�ith th�principaZ and xn��res�as set f�rth in the I�Iote and an�late�harges,a su��ar <br /> �a}�axes�nd specia�a�ses�menta levi�d ar t�be levi�d agains�the Property,(�b)Ieas�hold payments or <br /> ground rents on the Fr�perty,and�c}premiums for insurance required under paragraph 4.�n any year in <br /> whic�the Lender must pay a mortgag�insurance premium tQ the Secr�tar�r t�f Hvus�ng and Urban <br /> Developm�n�("S�cretary"},or in any year i.n whi�h such premium would have been requir�d if Lender stitl � <br /> held the�ecurity Instsumen�,each monthly payment shall also include either:[i}a sum for the annual <br /> mortgage in.surance pr�mium to�e paid by Lender�o the Secretaxy,or�ii�a r��nth���harge inst�ad af a <br /> martgage insuranCe premium if this Security Instrum�nt is held by�he 5ecr�tary,in a reas�nable amount to <br /> be determ�ned by the Secr�tary.E�cep�far�he rnonthly charge by the Secretar}�,these item�are cal�ed <br /> "Escrow�#�ms"�nd th�sum�paid ta Lend�r are cal�ed"Escrovv Funds," <br /> I�e�der may,at any time,�ol�ect and hold amounts for Escrot�Items in an aggregate am�unt not to e�ceed <br /> the maximum amount that rna}�be required for Borro►ver's escra�v account under the Rea1 Es�a,te Set�ternent <br /> Procedures Act of�97�, �2 U.S.C. Secti�n 2��1 et.s��►. and implementing regula�ioqs, �2 G.F.R, Part <br /> �424,as�hey may b�amended from time to time("1�ESPA"�,exc�pt that the cushion�r reserve permitted <br /> by RE�PA f�r unanticipated dis�ursem�nts c�r disbursements b�fore the Borrotiver's pa�rrnents are av�i�able in <br /> the account ma�no#be�ase��n amounts due f�r�he m�rtgag�insuranc�premium. <br /> If the amounts he Id by Leader f�r E scrow ItemS exc e ed the amounts permiited to b e he�d by ItE 5 PA,�.ender <br /> sha11 accaunt ta Borrt�wer far the ex�ess funds as requued by RESPA.If th�amounts of funds held by <br /> L�nder at any time are n�t sufficient to pay the Escr�w Items�he�due,Lender may notify the Borr�w�r <br /> and require I�orrower ta na.a�e up the shortag�as permitted by RESPA. <br /> The Escrow Fun.d�ar�pledged as additianal security far all sums secur�d by this Security�n�trument, <br /> If Borrow�r tenders�o i.ender the fu��pa�men�of a��such sums,Bvrrower's acc�uat�ha��be e�-e����d with <br /> �he�alance remaining for a11 installment items(a}, �'b},an��c)and any mortgage insurance premium <br /> insta��ment that L�nder has not be��me�bliga�ed ta pay to the�e�retary,and Lender shal�pramptly <br /> refund any exces�funds to�3orrovver.Irnmediat�ly pri�r�o a foreclosure saie of t���'roperty or its <br /> a,cquisition by Lender,Borrower's accoun�sha1�be cr�dited with any balance remaining for a11 installrn�nts <br /> for items�a�,�b�,and(c}. <br /> 3, Appi��ationvf Payments.Al�payments under paragra�ahs 1 and� shall be applied by Lender as folla�vs: <br /> First tv the rnortga�e insurance premium to b�paid by Lender to the 5ecretary or to the monthly charge by <br /> the�ecreta.ry instead of the monthly mortgage in�uraace premium; <br /> SecQne� �o any taxes, spe�ial assessments, leaseh�ld payments or ground rents, and fvre, flaod and oth�r <br /> ha�ar�i insurance�remiums,as required; <br /> Thir to inter�st du�und�r the No��; <br /> �ourtl�. to amor�iza�ion of the principal af�he Nate; and <br /> Fif�h. ta Late charges�iue�under the l�ote. <br /> 4. Fire,F I aod and�th�r Hazard�ns u ran ce.BQrrower shall insure a�l improvements on the Property, <br /> whether now in existence or subsequently�rected,agaiast any ha�ards, casualti�s,and contin��ncies, <br /> inc�uding fir�, for which��nder r�quires insuranc�,This insur�.nce sha�l be maintain�d in the amounts and <br /> f�r th�p�riods�ha�Lender requires.Borrower shall a�s��nsure all improvemen��on the Pr�perty,whether <br /> now in existenc�or subsequently erected,against loss�y floods to the extent required by the��cretary.All <br /> insuranG�shall be c�.rried wi�h compan�e�appr��ed by Lender.The insurance policies and any renewa�s sha�1 <br /> be he�d by Lende�r and shall in�lude Iass ayable cl�us�s in favor of,and in a form acce table to,Lender. <br /> FHA Martgage WITH MERS-NE Re�ised 4f98 <br /> VMP� VMP4N[NE}{1342}.44 <br /> Wolters Kluurer Flnancial Se�rices qQ33458841$� ��33 31�' 031U Page�of 1d <br />