<br /> ��15��835
<br /> 2. CDNVEYANCE.For gaad and�alua�le consideratian,the re�eipt and suffi�ien�y of which is
<br /> acknawledg�d,and t❑secure the Se�ured Debt�defined below}and Trustor's per�orman�e under this Se�urity
<br /> Instrument,Trustor irre�ocably grant�,c�n�eys and sells tv Trustee,in trust for the benefit of 8eneficiary,
<br /> w�th power of�ale,the fnllowing des�ribed property:
<br /> See attach ed Exh i bit"A"
<br /> The property is l�r.ated in .HA�I,.�4�1.N T.Y....,............................................. at ............................
<br /> (Cour�ty�
<br /> ..4��.E.P..LU.M.�.T..„.E�QNIPHAI!l....................................,......................., Nebraska �$$��-���3
<br /> �Address} (Clty) �2lP Code7
<br /> Together with af1 ri�hfis,�a5ements,appurtenances,royalties,mineral rights,ail and gas rights,all water and
<br /> ripar�an rights,ditches,and water staCk and all existing and future impra�ements,stru�tures,�xture�,and
<br /> replac�ments that may now,vr at any tirne in the future,be part vf the real estate d�scribed abo�e tall referred
<br /> to as"Prvperty"}.
<br /> 3. MAXIMUM aBLIGATI�N LlN11T.The total principal amount secured by thi�Security In$trument at any
<br /> one time sha11 not exceed$ ..�.D,a�4.Q�....••••••••-••••••••••••••••.• •This limitation of amount daes not include
<br /> interest and�the�r fees and charges validly made pursuan�to this 5ecurity Instrument. Also, this limitation does
<br /> not apply to ad�ances made under the terms of�his Secur�ty Instrument to proteCt�eneficiary'�security and to
<br /> perfori�l arly of the co�enants cantained in�his Security Instrrument.
<br /> 4. SECURED DEBT aND FIfTURE A�3VANCES. The term"5ecured Debt"is de�ined as fai�aws:
<br /> A.Debt in�urred under the terms of ali prornis�ary note��},contra�t�s�,guaranty(ies}or ather e�idence af
<br /> debt des�ribed below and ali their extensions, renewals, modifications ar suhs�itu�ions. �When
<br /> referencing th�debts below it rs suggesred�f�ar you inc�ude items su�h as borrvwers'names,na�e
<br /> amaunts,rnterest rates,maturity dates,etc.�
<br /> Borr�wer�s}: RUSSELL LEVIIIS and JENNIFER LEVti11S
<br /> Prin�ipallMaximum Line Amount: 2�,���.�0
<br /> Maturity Date: D91��12�2�
<br /> Note ❑ate: 091�91��15
<br /> B. A11 future advan�es from Beneficiary to Trustor or other future abligations of TruStflr ta Beneficfary
<br /> under any pramissvry note,�ontra�t,guaranty,or other ev�dence af de�t executed by Trustor in fa�or
<br /> �f Benefi�iary af�er this 5e�urity Instrument whether or not this Se�urity Instrument is spe�ifi�ally
<br /> referen�ed.If more than one person signs thi�Se�urity Instrument,each Trustar agrees that this
<br /> Se�urity lnstrument will se�ure ail future ad�ances and�uture abligat+ons that are gi�en ta or in�urred
<br /> by any ane or mare Trustor,�r any�n�ar more Trustor and other�.All future ad�an�es and other
<br /> future abligations are secured by thi�5ecurity instrument e�en thaugh a!i or part rnay not yet he
<br /> ad�an�ed.All fu#ure ad�an�es and other future abligations are 5e�ured as if made on the date of thi�
<br /> Se�urity Instrument.Nothing in this Security Instrument shall�anstitute a commitrnent to make
<br /> additional or future loans ar ad�ances in any amount.Any such commitrnent must be agreed to in a
<br /> separate writing.
<br /> C, A�i obligations Trustar owes tv Beneficiary,which may later arise,to the extent nat prvhibited by 1aw,
<br /> intluding,hut not limited to,liabilities for overdrafts relating to any deposit aC�ount agreement
<br /> between Tru�tor and Beneficiary.
<br /> D. A11 additianal sums advan�ed and expense�incurred by Beneficiary for insuring, preserving�r
<br /> atherwise protect�ng the Prope�ty and its value and any other sums advan�ed and expenses incurred by
<br /> Beneficiary under the terrns of th�s Serurity Instrument.
<br /> , (pa9e 2 vf Tj
<br /> 1994 Wolters Kluwer F€nancial 5ervices-6ankers 5ystems � Form U5B-kEl7T-NE 1111 fil��l�
<br />