<br /> DEE�] �F TRU�T
<br /> Lvan Na; `I�7 Z���44 {Continued� Page 5
<br /> Exis�ting Lien. Th� li�n of fihis Qeed of Trust securing the Indebtedness may be secondary and inf�rior to an
<br /> existin� lien. Trustor �xpr�ssfy co�enants and agre�s to pay, or see fi� the payment of, �he Existing Indeb�edness
<br /> and to pre�ent any default on such indeb�edness, any default under the instruments evid�ncing such indebtedness,
<br /> ar any d��ault under any s�curity documents f�r such ind�btedness.
<br /> No Modif�cation. Trustor shall not enter int� any agre�rnent with the halder af any mar�gag�, deed of trust, ❑r
<br /> o�Cher security agreem�nt which has priority o�er �his Deed of Trus� by Which that agreem�n� is madifi�d,
<br /> amended, extended, or renewed wi�hout �he prior written �ansent �f Len�er. Trus�or shal� neither request nor
<br /> acc�p�any future ad�ances under any such security ag�eem�nt without the prior written cansent of Lender,
<br /> CONDEMNATI�N. The follawing provisions rslating to condemnation procaedings are a part of this ❑e�d of Trus�:
<br /> Prviceedings. ff any proceeding in candemna�tion is fil�d, Trusfi�r shall promp�ly notify Len�fe� in `rvriting, and
<br /> Trustor shalE promp�ly take such st�ps as rnay be n�cessary to defend the actian and abfiain the award. Trusto�
<br /> may be the nam�nal party in such proc��ding, but Lender sha41 b�en�itled to participate in the proceeding and t�be
<br /> repres�nted in the pr�ceeding by caunsel o� its own chaice, and Trustor wi�� d�li�er or caus� ta be d�liv�red to
<br /> Lender SUCII instrumen�s and dv�umentafiion as may �e requested hy Lender �rom time ta tim� ta permi� such
<br /> participation.
<br /> Applica�kion o�F Ne#Proc�eds. Ifi all ar any par�❑f the Property is condernned hy eminent domain proceedin�s ar by
<br /> any proceediny or purchase in lieu af candemna�ivn, Lender may at its�lectian re�uire that al1 or any por�ian af the
<br /> net prviceeds a� thQ award be applied to the Indebtedness �r the r�pair or restara�ion af the Property. The n�t
<br /> proc�eds of the award sha�l mean �he award after payment vf all reasonable casts, �xpenses, and attorneys' �ees
<br /> �ncur�ed by Trustee ar Lend�r in connec�i�n with the candemna��on.
<br /> IMP�SITI�N DF TA7CES, FEES ►4ND CHARGES BY GaVERIVIVIENTAL AUTH�RIT'�ES. The ��Ilow�ng p���isions relating
<br /> to governmental taxes, fees and�harges are a part of this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Current Taxes, Fe�s and Gharges. Upon request by Len�er, Trustar shall execute such documents �n addi�kion t�
<br /> this ❑eed of Trust and take whatever other ac�ian is requested by Lender t� perfect and cantinue Lender's lien an
<br /> the Rea� Property, Trus�or shall reimburse Lender far all taxes, as des�ribed below, �ogether v►rith all expensss
<br /> incurred in recvrding, p�rfectin� or cantinuing this Deed �f Trusfi, in�iuding wi�hvut lirnitation a�l taxes, f�es,
<br /> documentary stampsr and❑fiher charges for recording ❑r registering this Deed of Trus�.
<br /> Taxes. The �vllowin� shall constitute taxes to whiGh �his se�tion app�i�s: ��} a sp�cific �ax up�n this type of
<br /> De�d af Trust or upan all or any part vf the Indebtedness s�cured by this Deed of Trust; (�} a specifiic tax on
<br /> Borrawer which Borrower is au�thar��ed or required to deduct from payments fln the lndebtedness s�cured b��this
<br /> type of Deed of Trust; �3} a tax an this type of �eed of Trust chargea�le against the Lender or�he halder a�the
<br /> iVofe; and {4} a spec��i� tax on a!I or any por�ivn of the Indebtedness ar on payrnents af principal and interest
<br /> made by Borrov►rer,
<br /> 5uhsequent 7"axes. lf any ta�c to which this section applies is enacted subs�quent t� the date ❑f this �eed vf
<br /> Trust, this �v�nt shall have the same ef�e�� as an Ev�nt �f ❑efault, and L�nder ma� exercise an}� or al� o� i�s
<br /> aWaila��e rem�dies fo� an E�ent af De�ault as pra��d�d below unless Trustvr either ��� pays the tax befor� it
<br /> becvmes delinquent, ar {�} contes�s the�ax as pro�ided af�o�e in th�Taxes and Liens sect�an and depvsits with
<br /> Lender cash or a sufficient�orporafie surety bond ar vther security satisfactory to Lend�r,
<br /> SECURITY A�REEMENT: FINANCING STATEMENTS. The following pro►�isions relating to �his Deed o# Trust as a
<br /> se�urity agreement are a part of this Deed of Trusty
<br /> 5ecurity Agraement. This ins�rument shal� c�ns�itu�e a 5ecurity Rgr�emen� ta the extent any �f the Property
<br /> �onstitutes �Fix�ures, and L�nder shall ha�e all of the righfis �f a s�cured par�y under the Uni�arm Commercial Cade
<br /> as amended from time ta time.
<br /> Se�urity Interesfi. �pon request by Lend�r, Trusf�r sha�l tak� v►�hate�er actE�n is request�d by Lender �❑ perfect
<br /> and continue Lender's s�curity interest �n the Rents and Persvnal Prap�rty. In addition t❑ recording this Deed af
<br /> Trust in the real proper�y records, Lendar may, at any time and withou� fur�ther authori�ation from Trustar, fE[e
<br /> executed �aunterparts, copies ❑r reproductians af this ❑eed a� Trust as a finan�ing statement. Trustar shal[
<br /> reimburse Lender for ail expenses incurred in per�fecting or continuing �his security interes�f. Upvn defi�ult, Trustor
<br /> shail not remoW�, se�er or detach the Personal Property fr�m �he Property. Up�n defaul�, Trustor shall assemble
<br /> any Personal Proper�y no� a�fix�d t�the Praperty in a manner and a�a place reasanably con�enient�o Trustor and
<br /> L�nder and make it a�ailabie to Lender wi�hin �hree (3� days a�Fter re�eipt ❑�F rrvritten demand from Lender to the
<br /> extent permitted by applicable law.
<br /> Addresses. The mailing addr�sses of Trustor tdeb�ar� and Lender �secured party} �rom uvhich inf4rmation
<br /> cvncerning the security interest granted by this Deed af T�-usf may be obtained {each as required by the Uniforrn
<br /> Cammercial Cade} are as stated❑n thc first pag�afi this �eed flf Trust,
<br /> FURTHER �►55URANCES; ATTORNEY-[N-FA�T, The fiol�owing provisions rela�ing fv #urther assu�-an�es and
<br /> at�orn�y-in�fa�t are a pa��of this ❑eed of Trust:
<br /> Further Assurances. At any tirne, and trorn time to time, upon request of Lender, Trustor wi�! mak�, execute and
<br /> defiWer, or will cause to be made, executed ar deli�ered,to Lender�r to Lender's designee, and when requested by
<br /> Lender, cause to be filed, recarded, refiled� or rerecorded, as the case may be, at such times an� in such �ftices
<br />