<br /> �]EED �F T'RLJST'
<br /> Loan No: 7���5986� ����ti�ued} Pa�e 9
<br /> Time is af#he Essence. Time is af the essence in the performance of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> 1Naiver af Homestead Exemptit�n. Trustar hereby rel�ases and wai�es all rights and bene�fi�ts o� the homestead
<br /> exemp�ion�aws of the 5tate of Nebraslca as t❑all]nde�t�dness seGured by this aeed af Trus�.
<br /> DEFIN1TiOIVSa The f�llowing�rvords shall ha�e the�o1l�wing meanings when used in this Deed❑f Trust:
<br /> Beneficiary. The word "Benefi�iary" rneans Fi�e Paints Bank,and its successars and assigns.
<br /> Borrawer, The ward "Borrower" means GARY D FRE�ER[�CSEN and �ncludes alf �o-sign�rs and ca-rnakers signing
<br /> the Nat�and aI[their successars and as5igns.
<br /> �eed of Trust. The words "Deed of Trust" mean this ❑eed ❑f Trust among Trustar, Lender, and Trust�e, and
<br /> includes without limita�ian all assignment and security interest proWisians refating to the Personal Property and
<br /> Rents. .
<br /> Envirvnmental Laws. The w�rds "EnWironmental Laws" mean any and all sta�e, federal and local statutes,
<br /> regulatians and ordinances �e�ating to the pratec�ion af human health ar the en�iranment, includin� withou�
<br /> limitation the Comprehensi�e Environmental Response, �ompensationr and Liability Act af �9��, as arnended, 4�
<br /> 1J.5.C. Section 96��, et seq. �"�ER�LA"}, �he Superfund Amendments and Reau�hvrization A���f 1986, Pub. L.
<br /> IVa. 99--499 �"SARA"y.the Ha2ardous Materials Transparta�ion Act,4� �.5�C. Secti�n �8D�,et seq.,�he Resaurce
<br /> C�nserva�ion and R�cavery Act, 4� U.S.�. Section 69��. �t seq,, or other applicable s�ate or�Federa! laws, rules,
<br /> or regulatians adopted pursuant theret�.
<br /> E►renfi a�Default, The words "Even�t of Defaul�" mean any af the e�ants of default set forth in�his ❑eed of Trust in
<br /> the even�s of default sec�ion❑f�his Deed af Trust.
<br /> Guaranty. The wa�d "Guaranty" means the guaranty from guarantor, endorser, surety, ar accommodation party t�
<br /> Lender, inc[ucling without lirnitativn a guaran�y of a�[or part of the No�e.
<br /> Ha�ard�us Suhstances. The rrvords "Ha�ardvus Substances" mean rnaterials that, because vf their quanti�ty,
<br /> concentra�tion vr phys�cal, chemical or infectious chara�teris�ics, may cause ar pvse a present ar patsntial ha�ard
<br /> to human health ar�h�enviranrnent when improp�rly us�d, treated, stored, disposed vf, generafied, manufaGtur�d,
<br /> transported ❑r atherwise handled. The wvrds "Ha�ardous Suhs�an�es" ars us�d �n their�ery broadest sense and
<br /> include with�ut limitation any and a�l hazardaus or toxic substances, materials vr waste as defined by or listed
<br /> under the Enviranmental Laws. The term "Ha�ardaus 5ubstances" also in�ludes, trvith�ut�imi�ation, petroleum and
<br /> petrvleum by-praducfis or any fraction therevf and asbestos.
<br /> Improvements. The w�rd "Impravements" means al[ existing and �uture impro�ements, huildings, strucfures,
<br /> mahil� homes a�f�ixed on �h� Real Praperty, facili�i�s, additions, replacements and vther canstruction on �he Rea�
<br /> Property.
<br /> Indebtedness. The word "Indebtedness" means al� principal, interest, and vther am�unts, �asts and expenses
<br /> payable under the Nat� or Related Documents, �ogether with alf renewais of, extensions o� m�difica�ions �f.
<br /> � � p ��������� �
<br /> cvnsolida�Cians af and substi�u�ians for the Na�e �r Related Do; �'� n,,-�a-�_�.0 �-• ,xp n ed r advanced �
<br /> ���a�.���������1� ����- �:� y
<br /> Lender to dischar G TCLl5t4r�5 abli ations or ex �nses in���r�ed'�� � ��¢u"P``5 3,1;r�enc�_er '?�� en or�e Trus�or's
<br /> obli atians under �this Deed of Trus g to ether wE p in � �y��p�r""�������`�
<br /> g � g t terest � �, �i�mQ�r���.���r���id,���d.in th�s�aeed af TrUst,
<br /> 5pe�ifically, with�ut limitation, Indebtedness inc�udes the �iu.1:u,����a;d�aii�:�s�-se�t==���c�ra�l��in-���h�`�����ure AdWances
<br /> proyision of this De�d a�Trus�, to�ether with all in�erest thereon.
<br /> Lender. The word "Lender" rneans Fi�� P�ints Bank, its successors and assignse The wards "successvrs or
<br /> assigns" mean any persan or company tha�acquires any interes�in the No�e.
<br /> IVv��. The word "Note" means the promissvey note dated 5eptember 29, 2Q15, ln thQ orig�na[ principal
<br /> amount af $3�,���.�� �rom Bvrrower to Lender, together with afl renevvals of, extensions of, modifications
<br /> o�, refinancings vf, consolidations�f, and substitutions for�he pramissory note or agreement.
<br /> Persona! Property, The wards "Persanal Prvperty" rnean all equipment, fix�ures, and other articles af persona�
<br /> property now or hereaf�er owned by Trustor, and now ar hereafter atta�hed ar affixed t❑ the Real Prop�rty;
<br /> tagether Wl�h ��� accessions, parts, al"1� additions ��� 8�� repla��m�nts D�, and a�l su�stitutions for, any U� 5LlC�1
<br /> property; and together with all proceeds {inG�uding withaut limi�ation alE insurance pra��etls and refunds af
<br /> premiums7 from any sale or other dispasi�ion of the Proper�y.
<br /> PrQperty. The word "Property" rneans callect��ely th� Reaf Praperty and the Pers�nal Properfiy.
<br /> Rea1 Praper�y. The vvords "Fieal Property" mean the rea[ praperty, interests and rights, as fur�ther d�scribed in this
<br /> Deed o�Trust. .
<br /> R�lated Docurnents, Th� words "Re�ated D�cuments" mean all promissory n�tes, credit agreements, loan
<br /> agreements, en�i�onmentai agreements, guaranties, security agreernents� mortgages, deeds of �rust, securi�y
<br /> deeds, �ollateral mor�gages, and alt ather instruments, agre�ments and do�um�nts, whether naw ar hereafter
<br /> existing, executed in c�nne�tion vuith the Indebtedness,
<br /> Rents. The ward "Ren�s" means all pres�nt and tuture r�nts, re�enues, income, issues� royalties, profi�s, and
<br /> ather bene�fits deri��d fr�m the Praperty.
<br />