<br /> aEED �F TRU�T
<br /> Laan No: 'I�7�8956� {��n��rlule�} �a�e �
<br /> TRUSTOR'S REPRESENTATl�NS AND WARRANTIES. Trustor warrants that: �a� fihis Deed of Trusfi is executed at
<br /> Sorrawer's request and no�at the request �f Lend�r; ��7 Trustor has the full power� right, and autharity �o enter inta
<br /> �this aeed of Trust and to hypathecate the Property; �c} the praUisians at this D��d �f Trust do not conflict with, ar
<br /> result in a de�Faulf und�r any agreement ar❑�her instrument �inding up�n Trus�or and do not result in a �ivlati�n of any
<br /> IaWr regulation, courfi decre� or order applicab[e �o Trustor; �d} Trustor has establish�d adequate rneans ofi obtaining
<br /> frorn B�rrow�r ❑n a cantinuing basis information a�ou�t Borrower's financ�al candition; and 4e� Lender has made no
<br /> representation tv Trustor ab�ut gorrower(�ncluding wifihaut limitati�n the cr�d�tworthin�ss of Borrower}.
<br /> TRUST�R'S�J�IAIVERS. Trustor waives al� rights or def�ns�s arising hy reason of any "one acti�n" or"anti�def�ciency"
<br /> law, or any a�her laW whi�h may pre�ent Lender fr�rn bringing any action agains� Trustor, including a claim far
<br /> deficfenc�t� th� exten� Lend�r is ❑th�rwise entitled�o a claim for deficiency, before �r after Lender's cammencement
<br /> or completian of any fvre�lasure actian,either 3ud�cially�r�y exercise of a pow�r of sale.
<br /> PAYMENT AN❑ PERF�RIVIANCE. Except as otherwise proWid�d �n this Deed vf Trust, Barrower sh�ll pay to L�nder all
<br /> {ndebt�dness secured by this D���i of Trust as i�! b��ames due, and gorrower and Trustar shall perform a![ their
<br /> r�sp�ctive obli�ati�ns und�r the[Vv�e,this Deed of Trust, and the Related D4cuments.
<br /> PDSSE551�N A1VD MAIIVTENAIV�E �F THE PR�PERTY. Borrower and Trustor agree that Borrower's and Trustar's
<br /> passession and use vf�he Proper�y sha�l be g�verned by the f�liow�ng pro�isions:
<br /> Pvss�ssivn and Us�. Unfiil �he �ccurrence of an E�ent �f Defaul�t, Trustor may f'I f remain in passess�on and
<br /> c�ntr41 of the Proper��� ��] use, aperate ar manage�he Proper�y; and {3f collect th� Rents fram�he Praperty.
<br /> Duty t❑ Main�ain. Trus�or shall maintain the Property in g�od �ondition and prom�tly perform all repairs,
<br /> replacem�nts, and maint�nance ne�essary to preserve its vaiue.
<br /> C�mpliance With En�ironmental Laws. T�ustor repres�nts and warrants�o Lender�hat: ��) During the period vf
<br /> Trustar's awnership of the Property, th�r�has been na use, gen�ration, manufacfure, starage, treatment, dispa�al,
<br /> release vr threatened r�lease o� any Hazard�us Substance by any pe�san on, under, ab�ut ar from the Pr�perty;
<br /> �2� Trustor has no knawledge o�f. or reason to belie�e �hat there has been, except as previously disclosed to and
<br /> a�knowledged by Lender in v►rriting, {a} any breach or �iolatEan of any En�ironmental Lav►rs, �b} any use,
<br /> c�eneration, manu�a�ture, s�orage, treatment, d�spasal, reEease t�r threal:ened release of any Hazardous Substance
<br /> on, und�r, ab�ut or �rom the Prap�rty by any priar vwn�rs vr accupants of the Praperty, or ��} any actua� or
<br /> fhr�atened fitigatian or clairns of any kind by any pers�n relating �o su�h matters; and �3y Except as preWiously
<br /> disclased t❑ and acknowledged by Lend�r in writing, (a� neither Trustor nar any tenant, contractor, agent or❑ther
<br /> authvrized user tif th� Prop�rty shall use, �enerate� manu�a�ture, sfore, treat, dispose af or release any Ha�ardaus
<br /> Subst�nce on, under, about or fram�the Prop�rty; and �b� any such activity shall be��ndu�ted in compliance with
<br /> all appficab�e federalr 5����'� and local laws, regu[ations and ordinances, includin� withaut lirnitatian alE
<br /> En�iranmenta� Laws. T�ustor autharizes Lender and its ag�n�Cs ta en�er upvn the Proper�y �ta make such
<br /> insp�ctions and tests, a� Trust�r's expense, as Lender rnay deern apprapriate tv de�ermine �amp[iance af the
<br /> Proper�y with this section o�the CJeed vf Trust. ►�Iny inspec�ions vr tests made by Lend�r shall b� �or Lender's
<br /> purpases only and sha�l not be construed to create any responsibility❑r liability on�he parfi❑� Lender��Trustvr ar
<br /> ta any ather person. The represenfia�i�ns and warranties cvntain�d herein ar� based on Trus�or's due diligence in
<br /> inves�igating the Prap�rty far Hazardous Subs�anc�s. Trustor hereby ��� releases and wai�es any futur� �laims
<br /> against Lender�or indemnity ar cantribution in the e�ent Tru�t�r bacomes liable for �leanup ar o�her costs unde�
<br /> any such laws; and {�� agrees to indemnify, def�nd, and hold harmless Lend�r against any and all claims, lvsses,
<br /> liabi�ities, damages, penalti�s� and expenses which Lender may d�r�ctly�r indirectly sustain vr su�fer resu[#ing fram
<br /> a breach af �his s�ction of the Deed o�Trust or as a cansequenGe af any use, generativn, rnanufacture, s�orage,
<br /> disposal, release or threatened releas�o�curring prior t�Trustor's av�rnership or inter�st in the Property, whether�r
<br /> not the sam� was ❑r shvu[d ha�e been known ta Trus�or. The pravisions of this section of�he De�d of Trust,
<br /> including the o�ligatian�ko indemnify and defend,sha�l survi�e�he payment of the Ind�htedn�ss and the satisfactian
<br /> and recvnv�yance ❑f�he li�n�f this ❑eed of Trust anc�sha�l not be affe�ted by Lender's acquisition of any interest
<br /> in�he Property,whether by fare��osure or otherwise.
<br /> Nuisance. Waste. Trustor sha�l n�t �ause, c�nduct nr perm�t any nuisance n�r commit, p�rrnit, or suffer any
<br /> s�ripping vf �r waste an or to the Property or any partion af the Prvperty. 1Nith�u� lirniting the generaii�y of the
<br /> foregoing, Trustar wi[I not r�mo��, or gran�t❑ any❑ther party the right to remo��, any tirnber, mine�a�s {including
<br /> oil and gas},coal,clay.s�aria, soif, �ravel or rock products wi�hout Lender"s prior wri�ten cons�nt.
<br /> Remorral v�f lmpravements. Tr�ustvr shall not demo�ish or r�move any Impr�vements�rom the Real Property withvu�
<br /> Lender's priar written�ons�nt. As a condition to the remo�al of any�mprovemen�s, Lende�may require Trustor to
<br /> make arrangernents satisfactory to Lender to replace su�h lmpra�emen�s with Improvem�nts o� at least equal
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender's Right�u Enter. Lender and Lender's a�ents and representativ�s may enter upan the Rea� Property a� all
<br /> r�asonable times ta a�tend �o Lender's interests and ta inspect �he Real Prvperty far purposes of Trustvr's
<br /> compliance with the terms and cvnditions❑f this Deed af Trust.
<br /> Complian�e with Governmentai Requirernenfis. Trustor shall promptly �omp�y with all laws, ordinances, and
<br /> re�ulativns, nvw or her�after in ef�ect, of all go�ernmental authorities appiicab�� ta the use ar occupancy of �he
<br />